The EO Challenge: Safeguarding Radio Frequency Spectrum for a Sustainable Future (Joint ESPI-EARSC Event)


On 15 January 2025 ESPI and EARSC will organise an event titled “The Earth observation challenge: Safeguarding radio frequency spectrum for a sustainable future”, promoting a discussion about the radio spectrum, its importance for Earth observation, and its future.

The in-person event will take place at the L42 Business Center, at Rue de la Loi 42, 1040, Brussels, Belgium, between 14:30-18:00 CEST.

The radio spectrum is a finite and increasingly congested resource utilised by actors across a variety of spheres — from mobile communications to remote sensing. With a plethora of actors vying for this precious resource, however, uninterrupted access of some services to their dedicated spectrum bands is increasingly challenged. Of particular concern is a potential opening of the frequencies currently allocated exclusively for remote sensing to other actors. The potential interference from sharing the frequencies could put uninterrupted EO data sharing at risk if spectrum coordination is not pursued through a level-playing field.