Putting the future in FutureEO


Published on 27 May 2022

With scientific excellence at the very heart of ESA’s FutureEO programme, participants at this week’s Living Planet Symposium have been making it clear that new research missions to advance Earth science must continue to be realised in the future.

Speaking at the symposium, Christine Gommenginger from the National Oceanography Centre in the UK, said, “We have a rapidly changing Earth observation landscape with Copernicus, many meteorological satellites, New Space, commercial satellite operators and providers, and digital twins.

“The fear is that this could mean the end of the Earth Explorer era. However, last year’s FutureEO Independent Science Review gave very strong recommendations that ESA maintains high levels of scientific excellence and technological innovation that must include large, ambitious and challenging Earth Explorer missions to secure its position of international leadership in Earth observation.

“We need to enable ambitious and challenging Earth Explorer missions for the future.”

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