RIMS - Reliable Image Management Systems in support of urban and disaster management

Context and objectives

The High Altitude Long Endurance Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (HALE UAV) is a valuable missing link to the traditional platforms used in Remote Sensing (RS) with respect to (a) disaster monitoring, in response to the user requirement of near-real-time product delivery and (b) photogrammetic application in response to the user requirement of the regional availability of decimeter resolution imagery. Due to design limitations, the ground segment shall completely rely on computer vision techniques to register the imagery geometrically.

The aim of this project is to introduce a novel methodology for Image Information Management within the registration process of the processing and archiving facilities. Image registration is the process of matching overlaying images and/or vector information of the same scene taken at different times, from different viewpoints, and/or by different sensors. Several techniques exist and are described in the literature that allow automated registration. The main bottleneck with automated registration techniques however is quality assurance.


1) Design and assembly of image information management (IIM) tool

2) Integration of the tool(s) in the Pegasus processing chain

3) Scenario testing: performance under different boundary conditions

4) Scientific publication and promotion

Project outcome

The main outcome of the RIMS project is a methodology for Image Information Management within the process of image registration. This will allow the optimal automatic choice of registration algorithm based on the available image information content and the estimation of the expected local positional quality.


D1.1: Blue print of IIM integration within PAF

D1.2: Operational scenarios for stress and validation tests

D2.1: Report on state-of-the-art in image registration

D2.2: Methodology for IIM in image registration

D3.1: C++ library for image registration

D3.2: C++ library for IIM in image registration

D3.3: MEDUSA image simulator

D3.4: PAF test bed

D4.1: Report on performance IIM registration for selected operational scenarios

D5.1: Project web site

D5.2: Participation in intl. conferences (IEEE IGARSS, ESA, ISPRS)