From 13 May 2025 to 13 May 2025
Royal Library of Belgium
Kunstberg 28 Mont des Arts
1000 Brussels
On 13 May 2025, the STEREO team is organizing its annual Belgian Earth Observation Day (BEODay). And this will be a special edition, because we are celebrating the 40th anniversary of dedicated Earth observation programmes in Belgium!
Join us for a gathering of researchers and stakeholders to reflect on four decades of pioneering research, share testimonies and experiences from scientists who helped shape the field, and explore the future of Earth Observation in Belgium and beyond.
Meet us in Brussels for a day of inspiring talks, networking, reminiscing and catching up— all paired with a celebratory drink and a leisurely lunch in an enjoyable setting.
Registration deadline: 1st May 2025
Preliminary programme
08:30 Welcome and coffee
09:30 Opening and Plenary session including:
1. a keynote talk by renowned scientist giving his/her vision on where remote sensing is going to;
2. a joint talk by 4 TELSAT/STEREO key scientists giving their take on:
• how the world of remote sensing and the research environment have changed;
• the impact of TELSAT/STEREO on their career and their research organisation;
• why a national programme in EO is important for the BE community;
• the major challenges for (EO) research in the (near) future.
12:30 Aperitif and lunch
15:00 End of the BEODAY
Kunstberg 28 Mont des Arts - 1000 Brussels - Belgium
We invite participants to travel with public transport. The venue can be easily reached by foot from the Brussels Central train station (5 minutes).