Earth Explorer 12 – Mission Information Day

Starting 9 July 2024


Organisation: European Space Agency (ESA)

ESA's Earth Explorers are built to advance Earth science by providing answers to key scientific questions on the Earth system, and to demonstrate novel technologies and novel-remote sensing techniques to realise scientific excellence. The science delivered by the Earth Explorers will also help to address key societal issues that humankind will face in the coming decades such as the availability of food, water, energy and resources, as well as health and climate change. 

As part of ESA’s commitment to develop and build satellite missions that push the boundaries of satellite technology and Earth science, four new mission ideas – CryoRad, ECO, Hydroterra+ and Keystone – have been selected to enter pre-feasibility study and compete to be the twelfth Earth Explorer mission (EE12).

Industrial entities with a potential interest in EE12 candidate missions are invited to join a one-day Mission Information Day. The aim of the meeting is: 

To increase awareness of EE12 Mission Candidates prior to initiation of Phase 0 system study activities.