Space for Early Warnings in Africa - Cloud Engineer

Deadline 11 March 2025


Organisation: EUMETSAT

Space for Early Warning in Africa - SEWA is a project funded by the European Commission’s Directorate-General International Partnerships (DG INTPA) to “enhance the capacity to produce and deliver space-based services and applications, data and information, for early warning systems related to hazardous weather or climate events”.

EUMETSAT’s activities under this project ease access to and visualisation of satellite meteorological data by African users involved in providing Early Warning information. EUMETSAT supports the establishment of regional capacities to generate satellite-based products for immediate forecasting (nowcasting) and further applications. There is also a significant training element to this project. The project also support four African regional centres that directly access data from the EUMETSAT and partner satellites to support forecasting. 

The EUMETSAT activities will be implemented in close cooperation with key partners, notably the African Union Commission and the European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF).  

The main responsibility of this post is to provide technical support for the implementation of the cloud technologies that the African partners will use. This post is in the Digital Solutions and SAF Division – who is responsible for all EUMETSAT cloud services and digital solutions.

This post is limited until December 2028, with no possibility for extension.