Very High-resolution Radar & Optical Data Assessment (VH-RODA) 2023 Workshop

The Very High-resolution Radar & Optical Data Assessment (VH-RODA) 2023 Workshop will be held in ESA-ESRIN, Frascati (Italy), from 27 - 30 November 2023.

The 4th Edition of the VH-RODA Workshop will provide an open forum (for the new space, commercial and institutional space sectors) for presenting and discussing about the current status and future developments related to Earth Observation (EO) data quality, calibration and validation of space-borne very high-resolution SAR and Optical constellations, sensors and data products, with a dedicated focus on commercial EO data providers and related Cal/Val activities, synergies between optical and SAR communities, presentation of standards and best practices for data quality.

Workshop Topics

  • Calibration Techniques (requirements, definitions, database, methodologies)
  • Calibration Sites (cross-cal/val, intercalibration, field campaigns)
  • Fiducial Reference Measurements
  • Analysis Ready Data, Digital Elevation Models
  • Quality Control, Best Practices, Product Validation
  • Processing and Algorithms (including Artificial Intelligence for Cal/Val)
  • Cal/Val and Data quality for Constellations and Big Data
  • Calibration of Future Missions (Innovative instrument concepts)

Schedule and Deadlines

Details Deadline
Abstract submission openings July 2023
New Abstract submission deadline 20 October
Acceptance notification 30 October
Registration deadline 13 November
VH-RODA Workshop 27 - 30 November 2023


Will be published after abstract acceptance.

Guidelines for Authors

Oral Presentation

  • Presenters shall respect the allocated time (see the Agenda) per presentation.
  • Please name your presentation Presenter_Name.type (e.g., Name_Surname.ppt).
  • Bring it on a USB stick the day of your presentation (make a folder if not a single file).
  • At the beginning of the day, when your presentation is scheduled, please provide your presentation.
  • Presenters are kindly requested to be present in the meeting room at least 10 minutes prior to the start of the session and to make their presence known to the chair of the session.
  • Presenters are welcome to use the PPT template for oral presentations, available here.

Poster Presentation

  • Presenters at the poster sessions shall bring their own printed posters. Posters should be mounted as soon as possible and will be shown for the all Workshop.
  • Presenters are welcome to use the template for poster presentations: the Power Point is available here, or the image for the background here.
  • The poster size is A1, Portrait orientation.
  • Formal poster sessions are held during Apericena, but coffee breaks could also be opportunities to present the posters.