Published on 23 March 2020
As part of the ongoing commitment to realise new satellite missions that advance our understanding of Earth, contribute to climate research, benefit society and demonstrate innovative space technologies, ESA soon expects to release a Call for Ideas for Earth Explorer 11, pending approval from Member States at the Programme Board for Earth Observation. The hope is to issue the Call before the end of May, with a deadline to submit full proposals by the end of October 2020.
This new Call follows the ‘Space 19+’ Council meeting at Ministerial Level held in November last year, where ESA’s Member States included a commitment to further strengthen ESA’s position as a world-leader in Earth observation.
Earth Explorer missions form part of the science and research element of ESA’s Future Earth Observation, or FutureEO, Programme.
Harnessing Europe’s technological excellence, these missions use innovative measurement techniques to deliver new insight into different aspects of the Earth system and the interactions that bind the system as a whole, along with a better appreciation of human impact on the natural environment. The science questions addressed also form the basis for development of new applications of Earth observation.