- Main ecological and agricultural networks

Context and objectives

To examine the role high resolution remote sensing images can play in the design of regional ecological and agricultural networks.

Project outcome

Expected scientific results

The use of remote sensing data in spatial planning at regional scale is particularly potential for linking this planning to objective landscape structures.

The reference planning documents, such as developed by sectors of the administration are mixes of objective spatial arguments and judgements in terms of political priorities, socio-economic criteria and other criteria intangible through remote sensing. The basic criterion for success is the possibility to "translate" information from remote sensing to the conceptual language of the spatial planner. In the complexity of the rural landscape in Flanders, the reference to the spatial structure of land use is crucial in the refinement of the gross regional functional structure sketches. Therefore, satellite data will likely play a substantial role in objectively delineating such ill-defined categories as "developed land", "rural land", "woodland landscapes" and "ecological corridors".

Project leader(s): KULeuven - Division Forest, Nature and Landscape
Location: Region:
  • Demer valley
