GEOSAT-2 (former Deimos-2) is an Earth-imaging satellite, built for GEOSAT of Spain, which launched 19 June 2014 and remains operational.

It is the second satellite of the GEOSAT Earth Observation system, following GEOSAT-1. The expected mission lifetime is at least seven years.

A high resolution satellite, it became the first European fully-private satellite capable of providing sub-metric multispectral imagery.

Satellite characteristics

Launch Date - End 19 June 2014 -

État Operational

Orbit type Sun-synchronous near-circular orbit

Altitude 630

Orbit inclination 98

Equatorial crossing time 10:30:00

Satellite family: DEIMOS

The system of DEIMOS Imaging is based on a satellite with a multispectral optical instrument with a spatial resolution of 22 m and a wide swath of more than 600 km. The satellite records Earth images on board for a later downlink via the ground station under construction in the Technological Park of Boecillo (Valladolid, Spain).

Sensor characteristics

Sensor name HiRAIS (High Resolution Advanced Imaging System)
Sensor short description
Sensor type Imaging radiometer (Vis/IR)
Resolution class Submetric
Swath width (at nadir) 12 km
Revisit frequency 4 jours