
Project name Title Programs Status Project type
CARBIS Detecting soil carbon and its spatial variability by Imaging Spectroscopy STEREO 1 Past
HYECO Hydro-ecological modelling supported by spectral directional imaging STEREO 1 Past
MINPACT Information service from hyperspectral techniques for Environmental Impact Assessment of Mining and Industrial Activities STEREO 1 Past
TIRIS Measuring chemical pollutant gases in the port of Antwerp using imaging spectroscopy STEREO 1 Past
HYPERPEACH Modeling biochemical processes in orchards at leaf- and canopy-level using hyperspectral data STEREO 1 Past
HISMAC Object-based segmentation and biophysical characterization of saltmarsh vegetation using hyperspectral AHS imagery STEREO 1 Past
SAGALASSOS Airborne Imaging Spectroscopy and Laser Scanning; the Antique Town of Sagalassos and surroudings STEREO 1 Past
KABAR Monitoring of coral reef in view of sustainable island development. Case study using hyperspectral remote sensing: Fordate, Tanimbar, Indonesia STEREO 1 Past
ORMES Operational Remote sensing Mapping of Estuarine suspended Sediment concentrations STEREO 1 Past
CLIMFISH Climate change impact on the sustainable use of Lake Tanganyika fisheries STEREO 1 Past
WALMET Hyperspectral characterisation of lead dispersal from abandoned metalliferous mining in Wales, UK STEREO 1 Past
ECOMALT Application of machine learning techniques for ecotope classification based on hyperspectral images STEREO 1 Past
BRADEX Bottom Reflectance and Adjacency Experiment for Belgian coastal and inland waters STEREO 1 Past
HYNIM Hyperspectral derived nitrogen indicators for maize crop STEREO 1 Past
HYSAR Man-made object classification using fused polarimetric SAR and hyperspectral imagery data STEREO 1 Past
TIDESED Time-dependent changes in the optical properties of sediments detected with remote sensing STEREO 1 Past
POLINSAR Polarimetric SAR Interferometry STEREO 1 Past
EROCROP Analysis of the crop productivity - soil erosion relationship using hyperspectral data STEREO 1 Past
HYPERTEACH Development of didactical material on Imaging spectroscopy STEREO 1 Past
GLOBALWATCH Automated processing of optical time series for land surface mapping and change detection STEREO 1 Past
MAMASU Detecting man-made structures in urban areas using multi-spectral and geometric classification methods STEREO 1 Past
FORECAST Forest Cartography using very high resolution SaTellite data STEREO 1 Past
RANGELAND Remote sensing in evaluating the environmental impact of rangeland management STEREO 1 Past
HYPERWAVE Validation of classification techniques developed in Hypercrunch project under various conditions STEREO 1 Past
HYPERKART Vegetatiekartering d.m.v. hyperspectrale vliegtuigopnamen, toegepast op dynamische duingebieden, slikken en schorren STEREO 1 Past
BLUETONGUE Remote sensing and risk assessment of vector transmitted diseases: bluetongue STEREO 1 Past
GISproblem The GIS problem detector STEREO 1 Past
SUGRES Services for Urban Green Monitoring using Remote Sensing STEREO 1 Past
BIOPRESS Linking Pan-European Land Cover Change to Pressures on Biodiversity STEREO 1 Past
SAGRIWATEL Monitoring the status of the Walloon agriculture with remote sensing STEREO 1 Past
FLOODMAP The development of an operational system to support Flanders flood prevention policy STEREO 1 Past
ETATS Updating rate assessment system of topo-geographical data using space remote sensing STEREO 1 Past
MOISGRAD Hyperspectrale teledetectie van vochtgradiënten: de invloed van infiltratie- en kwelgebieden STEREO 1 Past
VITAL Teledetection of vitality in perennial plants STEREO 1 Past
SCHELDT Airborne Hyperspectral Potential for Coastal Biogeochemistry of the Scheldt Estuary and Plume STEREO 1 Past
CONTAM Detection of contaminants in solid matrices and plants using hyperspectral CASI2-SWIR images STEREO 1 Past
OM Estimation of the superficial organic matter content of soils STEREO 1 Past
URBAN Spatial information extraction for urban regions based on hyperspectral data STEREO 1 Past
GRASS Use of hyperspectral measurements to characterise the vegetation of permanent prairies STEREO 1 Past
ASARTECH Advanced methods for SAR remote-detection processing STEREO 1 Past
HYPERCRUNCH Data analysis in hyperspectral remote sensing STEREO 1 Past
SPIDER Improving spatial information extraction for local and regional decision makers using very-high-resolution remotely sensed data STEREO 1 Past
BELCOLOUR Optical remote detection of coastal waters STEREO 1 Past
STEREOCROP Modelling crop growth based on hydrology and assimilation of remotely sensed data STEREO 1 Past