Conference on “Optical radiometry and satellite validation”



The H2020/HYPERNETS project will host a Science Conference on “Optical radiometry and satellite validation”on 21-23 March 2023 in Brussels, Belgium.

In situ radiometry for water and land surfaces has evolved significantly over the last 10 years, particularly driven by the needs of satellite validation. The H2020/HYPERNETS project consortium invites scientists and experts to share the latest results from their on-going research.

The objective of this meeting is to share results and ideas on the following topics:

  • In situ measurement of water and/or land surface reflectance
  • Calibration and Validation of optical imaging satellites, including cubesats
  • In situ optical instrumentation (radiometers, cameras, sunphotometers, polarimeters, lidar, etc.)
  • Automated measurement systems for remote locations
  • Angular variability of water and/or land surface reflectance (BRDF/HDRF)
  • In situ measurement data processing, quality control and uncertainty estimation
  • Ground-based measurements of atmospheric optical properties

The workshop will consist of oral presentations, poster presentations and discussion sessions. The event is planned as an in-person meeting (estimated 100 participants) to encourage interactions and informal discussions. Work presented may be submitted for publication in a Special Issue of a peer-reviewed publication (submission deadline: 14 April 2023).

Scientific Organising Committee

  • Kevin Ruddick (Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences, RBINS)
  • Agnieszka Bialek (National Physical Laboratory, NPL)
  • Vittorio Brando (Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche, CNR)
  • Ana Dogliotti (Instituto de Astronomía y Física del Espacio, IAFE/CONICET/UBA)
  • David Doxaran (Sorbonne University/Laboratoire d’Océanographie de Villefranche, SU/LOV)
  • Clémence Goyens (Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences, RBINS)
  • Joel Kuusk (Tartu University)
  • Daniel Spengler (Helmholtz Centre Potsdam - German Research Centre for Geosciences, GFZ)

Registration will open in end-January 2023 and will be announced at