In situ radiometry for water and land surfaces has evolved significantly over the last 10 years, particularly driven by the needs of satellite validation. The H2020/HYPERNETS project consortium invites scientists and experts to share the latest results from their on-going research.
The objective of this meeting is to share results and ideas on the following topics:
- In situ measurement of water and/or land surface reflectance
- Calibration and Validation of optical imaging satellites, including cubesats
- In situ optical instrumentation (radiometers, cameras, sunphotometers, polarimeters, lidar, etc.)
- Automated measurement systems for remote locations
- Angular variability of water and/or land surface reflectance (BRDF/HDRF)
- In situ measurement data processing, quality control and uncertainty estimation
- Ground-based measurements of atmospheric optical properties
The workshop will consist of oral presentations, poster presentations and discussion sessions. The event is planned as an in-person meeting (estimated 100 participants) to encourage interactions and informal discussions. Work presented may be submitted for publication in a Special Issue of a peer-reviewed publication (submission deadline: 14 April 2023).
Scientific Organising Committee
- Kevin Ruddick (Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences, RBINS)
- Agnieszka Bialek (National Physical Laboratory, NPL)
- Vittorio Brando (Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche, CNR)
- Ana Dogliotti (Instituto de Astronomía y Física del Espacio, IAFE/CONICET/UBA)
- David Doxaran (Sorbonne University/Laboratoire d’Océanographie de Villefranche, SU/LOV)
- Clémence Goyens (Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences, RBINS)
- Joel Kuusk (Tartu University)
- Daniel Spengler (Helmholtz Centre Potsdam - German Research Centre for Geosciences, GFZ)
Registration will open in end-January 2023 and will be announced at