Open data: over 36,000 historical RADARSAT-1 satellite images of the Earth now available to the public

#RADAR, #Data & Tools

Published on 3 April 2019

The Canadian Space Agency and the Canada Centre for Mapping and Earth Observation are making RADARSAT-1 synthetic aperture radar images of Earth available to researchers, industry and the public at no cost. The 36,500 images are available through the Government of Canada's Earth Observation Data Management System.

The RADARSAT-1 dataset is valuable for testing and developing techniques to reveal patterns, trends and associations that researchers may have missed when RADARSAT-1 was in operation. Access to these images will allow Canadians to make comparisons over time, for example, of sea ice cover, forest growth or deforestation, seasonal changes and the effects of climate change, particularly in Canada's North.

This image release initiative is part of Canada's Open Government efforts to encourage novel Big Data Analytic and Data Mining activities by users.

Canada's new Space Strategy places priority on acquiring and using space-based data to support science excellence, innovation and economic growth.