Satellite characteristics
Launch Date - End 16 April 2006 - 6 May 2020
Status Decommissioned
Orbit type circular
Altitude 800
Orbit inclination 72
Orbit period 100
Satellite family: FORMOSAT
FORMOSAT-1 is a low-earth-orbit scientific experimental satellite. FORMOSAT-2’s very specific orbit means it can acquire any scene in its coverage area every day - geosynchronous orbit - under the same lighting conditions - sun-synchronous orbit - and from the same angle. The satellite can also be tasked to cover a specific area and period of interest.
The "FORMOSAT-3 Program" is an international collaboration project between Taiwan and the US with joint efforts of Taiwan's National Space Organization (NSPO) and University Corporation for Atmospheric Research (UCAR) of the US, the goal of the project is to develop advanced technology for the real-time monitoring of the global climate.
Sensor characteristics
Sensor name | TIP (Tiny Ionosphere Photometer) |
Sensor short description | |
Sensor type | Atmospheric instrument |
Resolution class | NA |