Satellite characteristics
Launch Date - End 3 November 1994 - 30 December 2000
Status Decommissioned
Orbit type sun-synchronous near-circular orbit
Altitude 650
Orbit inclination 98
Equatorial crossing time 10:15:00
Orbit period 97
Satellite family: RESURS 01
Resurs-01 is a Russian/CIS (Commonwealth of Independent States) satellite series. The program was initiated by the USSR defense ministry in 1977 with the objective of observing and monitoring natural Earth resources (similar in function and objectives to the Landsat series of the USA).Sensor characteristics
Sensor name | MSU-E (High-Resolution Multispectral Scanner) |
Sensor short description | |
Sensor type | Imaging radiometer (Vis/IR) |
Resolution class | Medium (30 - 300 m) |
Swath width (at nadir) | 45 km |
Revisit frequency | 6 days |
Max look angle | 32 ° |
Sensor name | MSU-SK (Multispectral Scanner - Conical Scanning) |
Sensor short description | |
Sensor type | Imaging radiometer (Vis/IR) |
Resolution class | Medium (30 - 300 m) |
Swath width (at nadir) | 600 km |
Revisit frequency | 5 days |
Max look angle | 39 ° |