RawMatCop Academy course: "Advanced Applications of Remote Sensing in Raw Materials 2024"

Learn how to effectively use satellite imagery to tackle complex challenges in the raw materials industry. Gain the expertise to excel in this exciting and rapidly evolving domain!

Earth Observation provides innovation potential in the raw materials sector. RawMatCop Alliance offers an advanced course with hands-on learning to demonstrate the ability of Copernicus to provide efficient solutions while complying with environmental regulations. Advanced approaches highlighting scalability, accuracy assessment, and time-series of imagery are offered in the course.

The 3 days in-person course is particularly beneficial for professionals with a preliminary background in the raw materials value chain and in Earth Observation.

The course has been developed by the RawMatCop Alliance partners, with financial support from the EIT RawMaterials.

RawMatCop Alliance aims to transform the advanced scientific knowledge integrated with the industrial expertise to support the whole mining life-cycle needs and requirements. This course offers a unique blend of expert lectures from both industrial and research communities, as well as hands-on case studies. Participants will develop skills in efficiently managing large datasets, with a particular emphasis on Copernicus data, and will gain expertise in fusing various datasets to achieve cost-effective and environmentally compliant outcomes.

The course will take place in-person at the University of Liège, Belgium. Participants will have a unique opportunity to immerse themselves in a comprehensive and advanced learning schedule focused on promoting a safe and sustainable supply of mineral resources. In addition, attendees will have the chance to meet other participants in-person, network, and foster new ideas and potential collaborations

The course is restricted to a maximum of 50 participants.

Course Topics

This 3-day in-person course, endorsed by the European Federation of Geologists, equips raw materials professionals in the advanced utilization of Earth Observation (EO) skills for application in the mining environmental sectors as well as in their research activities. The diverse applications of EO data in the raw materials’ sector, in combination with timeless data supply and complete land coverage, provide the end-users with new possibilities. The expert use of EO data is beneficial for EU industrial goals under the Critical Raw Materials Act, enhancing exploration efforts in the raw material sector.


  • Efficient handling of time-series and large datasets

  • Scalable analysis of satellite data for raw materials
  • Best practices of data integration
  • Leveraging Copernicus data and open tools


  • Mineral exploration - opportunities & challenges

  • Acid mine drainage - temporal analysis
  • Open pit mining - monitoring activities & material
  • Ground deformation - mapping using InSAR temporal series

Participants will moreover get to meet other professionals and experts who are transforming the sector.

The course integrates expert lectures from both industry and research communities, offering hands-on experience through case studies to illustrate Copernicus applications.

  • Mineral exploration and mapping of deposits
  • Group projects working on hyperspectral-multispectral images within Case studies
  • Monitoring of mining activities including waste management
    • Environmental impact monitoring Water detection