WEkEO for Universities



Organisation: WEkEO

Mercator Ocean International, the European Environment Agency, EUMETSAT & ECMWF are happy to invite you to an introduction to the WEkEO platform; The ultimate one-stop-shop for all Copernicus & Sentinel data and services, alongside cloud computing resources and tools.


“WEkEO for Universities” is the first of a series of workshops to be held in 2023. You will learn about WEkEO’s tools and services and receive guidance and expertise on how to make the most out of them, in an academic setting.

Objectives of the Workshop

The workshop will introduce academics, teachers, students to the WEkEO’s data catalogue and the related data visualization and processing instruments.

The workshop will be divided into three sessions

  • First day (14/02/23, 10:00 AM): Product & User Testimonies
  • Second day (15/02/23, 10:00 AM): Practical Session
  • Third day (08/03/23, 10:00 AM): Debriefing Session

The Workshop will be recorded and made available on the WEkEO YouTube Channel, together with other video material.

Leading Experts in Earth Observation applications and WEkEO User Support specialists will be at the disposal of the participants to facilitate the exchanges and answer questions.