Satellite Imagery Monitoring Conflict & Arms Embargo

#Image in the news

Publié le 5 novembre 2020

Since February 2011, there has been an arms embargo imposed by the United Nations Security Council on Libya concerning the supply of arms and military equipment to and from Libya. This embargo is repeatedly violated by countries funnelling not only goods but also military fighters to both the LNA and GNA in an ongoing conflict that continues to wreak havoc within the country.  These blatant violations dampens efforts to reach a peaceful ceasefire. To combat this serious issue, Libya and other conflict zones are being regularly monitored with satellites to provide a detailed picture of what is happening on the ground in near real-time.

Conflict monitoring in Libya. Captured with WorldView-2 © European Space Imaging


How Satellites Help

Optical imagery from Very High Resolution satellites provides an accurate reflection of what is happening on the ground in near real-time. The power of the imagery lies in the detail and the satellites’ ability to image large areas in a single pass without having to adhere to airspace restrictions. This is particularly important in conflict zones, and otherwise inaccessible areas, whereby entering the airspace proposes a risk to life. From high up in their orbit, the satellites can remotely monitor the situation on the ground, identify risk zones, verify damage extent from conflict and identify suspicious vehicle movements consistent with illegal activity.

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