Publié le 29 février 2024
The Government of South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands (SGSSI ) has recently announced major plans to strengthen marine conservation in the Southern Ocean, with the announcement of significant development of 'No Take Zones'. Covering an additional 166,000 km2, these areas will protect 449,000 km2 of highly biodiverse marine habitats from any fishing activities, resulting in 36% of the SGSSI marine area being closed to fishing. These measures, combined with existing ones, such as seasonal closures and a ban on bottom trawling, underline the regional government's commitment to sustainable management.

This image of the South Sandwich island was acquired by one of the Copernicus Sentinel-2 satellites on 7 February 2023.
Click here to view at full resolution.
The data provided by the Sentinel satellites and Copernicus Services allows to extract key information on the state of implementation of EU policies, including those related to the protection of critical biodiversity sites.