Satellite characteristics

Launch Date - End 28 September 1997 - 14 January 2010

État Decommissioned

Orbit type polar, sun- synchronous orbit

Altitude 817

Orbit inclination 98.69

Equatorial crossing time 10:30:00

Orbit period 101.23

Satellite family: IRS (Indian Remote Sensing Satellites)

IRS is the integrated LEO (Low Earth Orbit) element of India's NNRMS (National Natural Resources Management System) with the objective to provide a long-term spaceborne operational capability to India for the observation and management of the country's natural resources (applications in agriculture, hydrology, geology, drought and flood monitoring, marine studies, snow studies, and land use).

The intend of the program is to create an environment of new perspectives for the Indian research community as a whole, to stimulate the development of new technologies and applications, and to utilize the Earth resources in more meaningful ways.

Sensor characteristics

Sensor name LISS III (Linear Imaging Self-Scanning Sensor 3)
Sensor short description
Sensor type Imaging radiometer (Vis/IR)
Resolution class High (5 - 30 m)
Swath width (at nadir) 142 km
Revisit frequency 24 jours
Sensor name PAN (Panchromatic Camera) 1
Sensor short description
Sensor type Imaging radiometer (Vis/IR)
Resolution class High (5 - 30 m)
Swath width (at nadir) 70 km
Revisit frequency 5 jours
Max look angle 26 °
Sensor name WiFS (Wide Field Sensor)
Sensor short description
Sensor type Imaging radiometer (Vis/IR)
Resolution class Medium (30 - 300 m)
Swath width (at nadir) 740 km
Revisit frequency 5 jours