- Microwaves and soil moisture

Context and objectives

This research is oriented in three directions :
1. Study of soil moisture under grasslands in the Famenian Region of Belgium;
2. First attempt to flood detection in the Famenian Region;
3. Characterisation of wet zones in Burkina Faso.

Project outcome

Expected scientific results

- The experimental study of soil moisture showed that the microwave signature is related not only to the water content of the first centimetres of the soil but also to biomass, soil and/or canopy roughness and, eventually, dew.
- Radar was proven to be useful for flooded areas detection if combined with other geographical information.

Project leader(s): ULg - Gembloux Agro-Bio Tech - Echanges Eau-Sol-Plante
Location: Region:
  • Burkina Faso,Famenne
