Context and objectives
The derivation of top of the atmosphere energy fluxes from measured satellite broad band radiances requires the identification of local radiation fields, i.e. Earth surface and cloud types, and assumptions about the anisotropy of these fields, i.e. the development of angular dependency models (ADM's).
Project outcome
Expected scientific results
The present study shows that the scene identification results in ScaRaB broad band measurements obtained with the currently used ERBE-like scene identification algorithm can be enhanced by the collocation of low resolution broad band data (e.g. ScaRaB data) and high resolution narrow band data (e.g. Meteosat data).
A new method for the derivation of an extended set of enhanced ADM's, based on collocated ScaRaB broad band and Meteosat tri-spectral narrow band measurements, is presented and discussed. The new method shows that there is, in principle, no need for higher resolution measurements of the broad band radiation at the top of the atmosphere to extend and enhance the currently available ADM's (NASA, 1988) if the spatial response of the short wave and long wave sensors are known in the dynamic operation range of the radiometer and if there are sufficient angular samples available.
Project leader(s): | VUB - IRIS Multidimensional signal processing and communication | |
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