The European Space Agency is co-organising together with the University of Leeds, the 12th International Workshop on “Advances in the Science and Applications of SAR Interferometry and Sentinel-1 InSAR” – FRINGE 2023. The workshop will take place at the University of Leeds, UK, from 11 to 15 September 2023.
Fringe 2023 is a free workshop open to scientists, students, as well as representatives from national, European and international space agencies and value adding industries.
Language and fees
No participation fee is charged, the only costs apply to the sponsor packages for the FRINGE exhibition.
The official language of the workshop is English.
Fringe 2023 is organised around:
- Papers and posters selected by the Scientific Committee;
- Invited papers on ESA-funded studies and Sentinel-1 and other future ESA SAR mission status reports;
- Round-table discussions with seed questions prepared by the session chairpersons and ESA.
Scientific Objectives
- To bring together the global InSAR research and development communities and facilitate international exchange between researchers and research groups;
- To present the Sentinel-1 mission status, algorithms and products;
- To review and assess the progress according to the recommendations voiced at FRINGE 2021;
- To consult the scientific communities to prepare ESA for starting supporting science activities for Sentinel-1, BIOMASS, ROSE-L and Harmony in the InSAR domain.
Conference Themes
Technical areas:
- Atmosphere, Ionosphere & InSAR Meteorology
- Advances in InSAR theory & methodological innovations
- Bistatic Interferometry
- Analysis of intensity and coherence time-series
- Polarimetric Interferometry & Tomography
- Future Missions
- New Space InSAR
- SAR/InSAR processing environments
Thematic areas:
- Earthquakes & tectonics / seismic hazards
- Ice & Snow
- InSAR for the built environent / infrastructure monitoring
- Volcanoes / volcanic hazards
- Subsidence monitoring
- Landslides, sinkholes & related hazards
- Land-Cover and Vegetation Mapping
- DEMs
Abstract Submissions
The abstract submission phase closes at the end of February 2023.
Note: Abstract length should be at least 350 words and maximum 2000 words (one A4 page, single space normally contains 400-500 words).
Please include as much information as possible about the main author/co-authors (name, last name, affiliation, contact email information is required).