PhD position in Remote Sensing and Geographic Information Systems

The Geomatics Unit of the Université de Liège is seeking a qualified and highly motivated teaching and researchassistant to join its research team. 

The people at the Geomatics unit aim to collect, model, analyse and manage spatial data to provide new insights into the functioning of natural and urban ecosystems. In particular, they develop advanced methods of Earth Observation (based on multispectral, hyperspectral, and microwave spaceborne sensors) and geographic information systems to extract critical spatial information that can be used, for example, in Earth System models. The main applications are in hydrology, ecosystem monitoring, urban digital twins, and 3D geoprocessing.

Job description

The successful applicant will join the Geomatics Unit as a teaching and research assistant. As part of the teaching activities, the assistant will be responsible for the practical work associated with courses in remote sensing, Earth observation (EO), spatial analysis, geographic information systems (GIS), and spatial data infrastructure (SDI). 

The candidate will also carry out a PhD thesis in the field of remote sensing and/or GIS. The candidate will be hired for a period of 2 years starting on January 2023, which may be renewed
2 times for a period of 2 years (i.e., a total of 6 years). Research and teaching activities will each represent 50% of the activities.