How space data are transforming the global food system


Gepubliceerd op 3 maart 2022

European Earth observation activities are accelerating a data-driven transformation in the agriculture sector that is helping farmers adapt to the dual challenges of climate change and population increase.

High-resolution data generated by numerous ESA missions are enabling scientists to build detailed pictures of the planet’s environment, including vegetation cover, soil properties, seasonal conditions and long-term changes.

This is facilitating the development of sustainable technologies and strategies that boost crop yields, helping farmers to meet growing global food demands while guarding against any potentially adverse environmental impacts.

Pléiades Neo extends the constellation

Pléiades Neo extends the constellation

Illuminating The Environment

ESA’s Earth Explorer missions – which form part of the agency’s Living Planet Programme – are focused on investigating interactions between Earth’s systems and elucidating the impact human activities have on these processes.

As well as improving understanding of climate change, this is generating information that is being used to support agriculture.

Read the rest of the article on ESA's Earth Online website