KULeuven - Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences (EES)

KULeuven - Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences (EES)




Celestijnenlaan 200 E
3001 Heverlee
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Organisation type:

  • University / Research institute

The main mission of the Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences is to carry out state-of-the-art scientific research with respect to the functioning of geo- and ecosystems at different spatial and temporal scales, including the interaction between humans and the environment and the sustainable management of natural resources. The department aims at providing attractive academic training at an international level in the fields of Bio-engineering, Geology, Geography and Tourism. The department aims at making an important contribution to the scientific understanding of societal issues such as environmental pollution, food production, climate change, nature and landscape management, soil and water management, exploitation of underground resources, rural and urban development, international development collaboration and tourism.