Women in Copernicus: a project meant to reinvent women's place in space

#Copernicus, #STEREO

Published on 26 January 2021

The Women in Copernicus project, supported by BELSPO, conducted a survey between July and October 2020 on the place of women in space and in the Copernicus programme. The responses provide a first glimpse of a topic that would deserve more attention in the future.

These women, mostly from academia (43%) and the private sector (25%), want to be visible: they are proud of their jobs and want to talk about them. The results confirm the existence of gender bias in the Copernicus sector, but solutions are proposed to make Copernicus more inclusive.

The Women in Copernicus project was funded by CoRdiNet and a team of European women volunteered for the project. The first phase ends with the dissemination of the results. The reflection on the continuation of the project is open to all.

If you wish to take part in the project, share your thoughts and ideas on how to build a more inclusive Copenicus programme, join the LinkedIn group of the project or join the Google WiC group. You can also follow the project on Twitter to keep up to date with the latest news.

More information

Discover the results of the surveyécouvrez les résultats de l'enquête

Copernicus Observer: Women in Copernicus: understanding the status quo and promoting a more inclusive Copernicus ecosystem