
Project name Title Programs Status Project type
Upscaling of field-measured biophysical variables to remote sensing time series using geostatistics TELSAT 3 Past
Development of a soil moisture SAR inversion model TELSAT 3 Past
Application of RS and GIS to assess malaria incidence (Vietnam) TELSAT 3 Past
Contribution of remote sensing to the organisation of medical assistance TELSAT 3 Past
Contribution of satellite images to the detection and characterisation of frontsystems in the North Sea TELSAT 3 Past
Development of a basis information layer for the monitoring and cartography of a rural area in Flanders TELSAT 3 Past
A study on the spatial distribution of classification accuracy TELSAT 3 Past
Development of an electromagnetic inversion model for forests TELSAT 3 Past
Modelling of land degradation via artificial neural networks TELSAT 3 Past
Use of satellite images and GIS for project- and impactstudies of the NGO OXFAM TELSAT 3 Past
A database and network service for tropical vegetation in Central Africa TELSAT 3 Past
Determination and updating of conurbation boundaries TELSAT 3 Past
The use of SPOT imagery to monitor the plant Chromolena and to evaluate biodiversity in African forests with SPOT TELSAT 3 Past
Information extraction for the Tele Atlas "Street Network Database" using KOSMOS satellite images TELSAT 3 Past
Installation of a WWW server on Belnet for the vulgarisation of the use of SPOT images TELSAT 3 Past
TREES-program: "Tropical forest experiment for seasonality modelling of the tropical forest" TELSAT 3 Past
Study of the dispersion of fresh water (from the Scheldt and the Rhine/Meuse) by the interpretation of images from NOAA AVHRR, ERS-1/2 ATSR and ERS-1/2 SAR TELSAT 3 Past
Determination of spatial characteristics of soil moisture in rural areas by means of ERS1/2 and JERS SAR data and hydrologic modelling TELSAT 3 Past
Potential use of ERS-SAR.PRI data to discriminate natural and degraded woody vegetation types in Central Africa TELSAT 3 Past
Research on the capabilities of ERS-SAR for monitoring of land use changes in the Neotropics TELSAT 3 Past
Interferometry radar: MNT and geodesy. Three complementary approaches for the neotectonic study an the evaluation of seismic risks TELSAT 3 Past
Multitemporal SAR data for crop monitoring – signal modelling and analysis of biophysical variables dynamic TELSAT 3 Past
Study of altimetric and scatterometric responses to non-fully developed seas TELSAT 3 Past
Study of the microwave signature of bare soils with regard to soil moisture TELSAT 3 Past
"Environmental accounting" of mangrove ecosystems TELSAT 3 Past
Classification of clouds by visible and IR Meteosat images TELSAT 3 Past
Soil salinity and waterlogging in agricultural lands TELSAT 3 Past
Use of satellite imagery for the monitoring of elements and structure of the landscape for regional planning TELSAT 3 Past
ERS 1 monitoring of forest resources TELSAT 3 Past
ERS1 SAR application potential to flood monitoring in the Walloon region TELSAT 3 Past
Natural risk evaluation by using RS : ERS data lineaments research in the Pastaza Basin Ecuador TELSAT 3 Past
Observation of the Equatorial forest with ERS-1 SAR TELSAT 3 Past
RS in an integrated system for agriculture management and control TELSAT 3 Past
Study of river plume fronts by Synthetic Aperture Radar (SARr) imagery with application to the Rhine – Meuse plume TELSAT 3 Past
Integrated information system for the hydrological management in the Walloon region: digital cartography, use of satellite imagery and modelling TELSAT 3 Past
Project UN Map : speedy cartography of areas under Belgian responsibility TELSAT 3 Past
Analysis of the interaction between radar retrodiffusion and the state-of-the-ground surface TELSAT 3 Past
Contribution of data from radar and IR sensors for the survey of oceanic coastal phenomena TELSAT 3 Past
Data processing in the field of coastal zone studies TELSAT 3 Past
Design and development of a module “spatial RS and urban management” (oriented towards developing countries) in an Arcview-GIS environment. TELSAT 3 Past
Detection of sea bottom topography on the Belgian continental platform TELSAT 3 Past
Development of a baseline information system as a supporting tool for forest management planning using RS en GIS techniques. Case study: Kayan Mentarang Reserve (Kalimantan) TELSAT 3 Past
ERS 1 demonstration and evaluation of radar interferometry TELSAT 3 Past
ERS1 & SPOT contribution to morphologic and bathymetric study of the North Sea and the Scheldt estuary TELSAT 3 Past
Fundamental GIS research: error modelling in GIS TELSAT 3 Past
Geocoding SPOT XS image coverage of Belgium: evaluation and optimisation of rectification procedures TELSAT 3 Past
Land degradation in the dry tropics TELSAT 3 Past
Landscape ecological mapping based on Landsat and SPOT imagery TELSAT 3 Past
Main ecological and agricultural networks TELSAT 3 Past
Modelling of satellite information for regional management planning TELSAT 3 Past
Multispectral satellite observations and mechanistic vegetation models connected to the global carbon cycle TELSAT 3 Past
Operational assessment of actual evapotranspiration from METEOSAT data TELSAT 3 Past
SAR image rectification using an interferometric DEM TELSAT 3 Past
Sediment transport and dynamics of the coastline (Vietnam) TELSAT 3 Past
Spatial analysis and modelling of deforestation processes in Southern Cameroon TELSAT 3 Past
Study of cloud-dependent bi-directional reflection functions and directional emission functions by collocation of Meteosat and ScaRaB pixels TELSAT 3 Past
TREES-program: 'Relation between the architecture of tropical forest and its spectral signature at different spatial resolutions' TELSAT 3 Past
Tropical forest monitoring and management TELSAT 3 Past
Updating of road maps TELSAT 3 Past
Use of optical and SAR satellite imagery for archaeological research TELSAT 3 Past
Validation and improvement of the quality of the operational wave prediction model mu-wave by the use of ERS-1 satellite data TELSAT 3 Past