Publié le 3 juin 2022
Terrascope provides a wide variety of Earth observation data, including various data sets from the Sentinel satellites. They already offer data from Sentinel-1, Sentinel-2 and Sentinel-5P, and they intend to add Sentinel-3 to their data catalogue later on. This Sentinel data offering is however limited in time and region. In this article we will give you an overview of which data is available over Belgium or other countries and how long the data remains available via the Terrascope platform.
This new rolling archive policy for Sentinel data may affect the access to older data. These data products remain available via other data access channels e.g. the Copernicus Open Access Hub. The retention policy of Sentinel data is as follows:
- Data collected over Belgium:
the full data archive (2015-present) (SLC and GRD) and derived products (GRD sigma0, coherence) will remain available. - Data collected over areas outside of Belgium (usually provided for specific users, but available for all):
a two-year rolling archive of all data (GRD and GRD sigma0 and sometimes SLC) will remain available, so data older than 2 years will be removed. To access data older than 2 years, please access other data channels e.g. the Copernicus Open Access Hub.
- Data collected over Belgium:
the full archive (2015-present) of data (Level2A TOC reflectance) and derived products (vegetation indicators, water quality indicators) will remain available. This concerns tiles 31UET, 31UFT, 31UDS, 31UES, 31UFS, 31UGS, 31UER, 31UFR, 31UGR, 31UFQ - Data collected over other areas:
Vegetation indicators FAPAR, NDVI ,and FCOVER: the full archive (2020-present) will remain available
Level2A TOC and all other vegetation indicators: a two-year rolling archive will remain available

- When these data are published on Terrascope, the full archive (2018-present) will remain available.
- The full global archive of daily, monthly, and yearly averages of NO2 and CO will remain available. This will also apply for similar upcoming products.
For projects deployed on the Terrascope platform, a different policy may apply, and as a consequence some older data both inside and outside Europe may still be present on Terrascope.
Data from ESA WorldCover, Copernicus DEM, PROBA-V and SPOT-VEGETATION are not affected by this policy.