Publié le 14 avril 2021
During the field campaign for the STEREO project TIMBERS on the 13th of April, scientists from VLIZ and VITO measured and visualized turbidity in a selection of stations in the Eastern part of the Belgian North Sea.
The researchers measured turbidity of the surface layer with a wide range of techniques:
- Spectral measurements were performed with help of an ASD spectrometer;
- At the same location turbidity (in NTU) was measured with a portable turbidimeter and Niskin water samples were collected, from which Suspended Particulate Matter concentrations (in mg/L) will be derived.
- Furthermore, drone images captured the large-scale dimensions of the turbidity plumes from above.

ASD measurement

Drones were also used to monitor turbidity

Niskin water samples

Water sample for turbidity (in NTU) measurement