ADAM Stefanie (Belgium) |
KULeuven - Hydraulics Laboratory - Afdeling Hydraulica |
ADDINK Elisabeth (Netherlands) |
University of Utrecht - Faculty of Geosciences - Department of Physical Geography |
AHANHANZO Justin (France) |
IOC (United Nations - Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission) |
AL-ROICHDI Amer (United Kingdom) |
University of Manchester - School of Geography |
ALBINO Fabien (Belgium) |
MRAC/KMMA - Natural hazards and cartography |
ALONSO Luis (Spain) |
University of Valencia |
ALVERA-AZCÁRATE Aida (Belgium) |
ULg - GeoHydrodynamics & Environment Research |
AMAND Olivier (Belgium) |
SESVanderHave |
AMANS Veronique (Italy) |
ANTROP Marc (Belgium) |
UGent - Department of Geography |
ARBOLEDA Alirio (Belgium) |
IRM/KMI - Royal Meteorological Institute of Belgium |
ASNER Gregory (United States) |
Carnegie Institution of Science |
ASTORECA Rosa (Belgium) |
ULB - Chimie quantique et Photophysique |
ATZBERGER Clement (Austria) |
University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences |
BABIN Marcel (France) |
Université Pierre et Marie Curie Paris VI |
BAEZ-VILLANUEVA Oscar M. (Belgium) |
UGent - Faculty of Bioscience engineering |
BAGUIS Pierre (Belgium) |
IRM/KMI - Royal Meteorological Institute of Belgium |
BAILLION Yves (Belgium) |
Thales Alenia Space |
BALTHAZAR Vincent (Belgium) |
UCL - Earth and Life Institute |
BALTHUS Christel (Belgium) |
SPW - Cellule SIG DGARNE |
BALZAROLO Manuela (Belgium) |
UA - Plants and Ecosystems (PLECO) |
BARBIER Christian (Belgium) |
CSL - Centre Spatial de Liège |
BARET Frédéric (France) |
Institut National de la Recherche Agronomique (INRA) |
BARILLE Laurent (France) |
Université de Nantes - Laboratory of Planetology and Geodynamics |
BARRIOS Jose-Miguel (Belgium) |
IRM/KMI - Royal Meteorological Institute of Belgium |
BARTHOLOME Etienne (Italy) |
European Commission - Joint Research Centre (JRC) |
BARTHOLOMEUS Harm (Netherlands) |
University of Wageningen - Universiteit Wageningen |
BARUTH Bettina (Italy) |
European Commission - Joint Research Centre (JRC) |
BASSANI Cristiana (Italy) |
Institute of Methodologies for Environmental Analysis |
BASTIN Jean-François (Belgium) |
ULg - Gembloux Agro-Bio Tech - Biodiversity and Landscape unit |
BATELAAN Okke (Belgium) |
VUB - Department of Hydrology and Hydraulic Engineering (HYDR) |
BATES Paul (United Kingdom) |
University of Bristol |
BAUTERS Marijn (Belgium) |
UGent - CAVElab - Computational & Applied Vegetation Ecology |
BAUWENS Willy (Belgium) |
VUB - Department of Hydrology and Hydraulic Engineering (HYDR) |
BAUWENS Maite (Belgium) |
BIRA - IASB - Royal Belgian Institute for Space Aeronomy |
BAYERS Eric (Belgium) |
IGN/NGI (Institut Géographique National/Nationaal Geografisch Instituut) |
BEAUMONT Benjamin (Belgium) |
ISSeP (Institut Scientifique de Service Public) |
BECHTOLD Michel (Belgium) |
KULeuven (Katholieke Universiteit Leuven) |
BECKERS Jean-Marie (Belgium) |
ULg - GeoHydrodynamics & Environment Research |
BECLARD Julien (Belgium) |
BELSPO - Space Research and Applications Division |
BECU Stephanie (Belgium) |
Institute of Tropical Medicine Antwerp |
BELWARD Alan (Italy) |
European Commission - Joint Research Centre (JRC) |
BEN ABDALLAH Feriel (Belgium) |
CRA-W (Centre wallon de Recherches agronomiques) |
BEN-DOR Eyal (Israel) |
University of Tel Aviv - Remote Sensing and GIS laboratory |
BERGER Sophie (Belgium) |
ULB - Laboratoire de Glaciologie |
BERGER M Michael (Netherlands) |
BÉRIAUX Emilie (Belgium) |
UCL - Environmental Sciences |
BERNARDINO Paulo (Belgium) |
KULeuven - Division Forest, Nature and Landscape |
BERTELS Luc (Belgium) |
VITO - Remote Sensing - Teledetectie en aardobservatieprocessen |
BIESEMANS Jan (Belgium) |
VITO - Remote Sensing - Teledetectie en aardobservatieprocessen |
BILLEN Roland (Belgium) |
ULg - Département des Sciences géographiques |
BINARD Marc (Belgium) |
ULg - Unité de Géomatique |
BLOWER Jon (United Kingdom) |
Institute for Environmental Analytics |
BOGAERT Jan (Belgium) |
ULB - Unit of Landscape Ecology and Plant Production Systems |
BOGAERT Patrick (Belgium) |
UCL - Earth and Life Institute |
BOGAERT Peter (Belgium) |
UGent - Cartography and Geographic Information Systems Research Group |
BOGAERTS Steven (Belgium) |
BELSPO - Space Research and Applications Division |
BOISSIN Benoit (France) |
Centre National d’Etudes Spatiales |
BOJINSKI Stephan (Switzerland) |
University of Zurich - Remote Sensing Laboratories |
BOLLEN Mark (Belgium) |
IMDC (International Marine and Dredging Consultants) |
BOMANS Bart (Belgium) |
VITO - Remote Sensing - Teledetectie en aardobservatieprocessen |
BONTEMPS Sophie (Belgium) |
UCL - Environmental Sciences |
BORGES Alberto (Belgium) |
ULg - Chemical Oceanography Unit |
BORGHGRAEF Alexander (Belgium) |
ERM - KMS - RMA - Signal and Image Centre |
BORGHYS Dirk (Belgium) |
ERM - KMS - RMA - Signal and Image Centre |
BORSTLAP Geert (Belgium) |
VITO - Remote Sensing - Teledetectie en aardobservatieprocessen |
BOUCHAT Jean (Belgium) |
UCL - Earth and Life Institute |
BRANDO Vittorio (Australia) |
CSIRO - Land and Water |
Brangers Isis (Belgium) |
KULeuven - Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences (EES) |
BREMS Els (Belgium) |
GIM (Geographic Information Management) |
BRIVIO Pietro Alessandro (Italy) |
Institute for Electromagnetic Sensing of the Environment |
BROUYERE Serge (Belgium) |
ULg - Hydrogéologie et Géologie de l'Environnement |
BRUCKER Ludovic (United States) |
NASA - Goddard Space Flight Center |
BRUYNSEELS Hugues (Belgium) |
IGN/NGI (Institut Géographique National/Nationaal Geografisch Instituut) |
BRYANT Rob (United Kingdom) |
University of Sheffield - Ice and Climate Research at Sheffield |
BUFFET Dominique (Belgium) |
CRA - Biométrie, Gestion des données et Agrométéorologie |
BYDEKERKE Lieven (Belgium) |
VITO - Remote Sensing - Teledetectie en aardobservatieprocessen |
CAENEN Geert (Belgium) |
IncGeo (Incubator Geoinformation) - Incubatiepunt voor Geoinformatie |
CALDERS Kim (Belgium) |
UGent - CAVElab - Computational & Applied Vegetation Ecology |
CALPE Javier (Spain) |
University of Valencia - Department of Electronic Engineering |
CAMACHO-DE COCA Fernando (Spain) |
University of Valencia - Department of Thermodynamics |
CAMELBEECK Thierry (Belgium) |
ORB/KSB - Royal Observatory of Belgium |
CAMERO UNZUETA Andrés (Germany) |
DLR (German Aerospace Center) |
CAMPLING Paul (Belgium) |
KULeuven - Spatial Applications Division Leuven |
CAMPS-VALLS Gustau (Spain) |
University of Valencia - Image Processing Laboratory (IPL) |
CANDIANI Gabriele (Italy) |
Institute for Electromagnetic Sensing of the Environment |
CANTERS Frank (Belgium) |
VUB - Cartography and GIS |
CARLEER Alexandre (Belgium) |
ULB - IGEAT - ANAGEO (Analyse Géospatiale) |
CARRERE Véronique (France) |
Université du Littoral Côte d Opale |
CASA Raffaele (Italy) |
University of Tuscia - Department of Crop Production |
CASTAGNA Alexandre (Belgium) |
UGent - Protistology & Aquatic Ecology Research Group |
CASTALDI Fabio (Belgium) |
UCL - Earth and Life Institute |
CATTOOR Nele (Belgium) |
CATTRIJSSE André (Belgium) |
Vlaams Instituut voor de Zee |
CAVALLI Rosa Maria (Italy) |
Institute for Atmospheric Pollution |
CERDAN Olivier (France) |
Bureau de recherches géologiques et minières |
CEULEMANS Reinhart (Belgium) |
UA - Plants and Ecosystems (PLECO) |
CHABRILLAT Sabine (Germany) |
Deutsches GeoForschungsZentrum (GFZ) |
CHAN Jonathan C.W. (Belgium) |
VUB - Department of Electronics and Informatics (ETRO) |
CHANTRAINE Thierry (Belgium) |
CSL - Centre Spatial de Liège |
CHANUSSOT Jocelyn (France) |
GIPSA-Lab (Laboratoire de recherche Grenoble Images Parole Signal Automatique) |
CHANZY André (France) |
Institut National de la Recherche Agronomique (INRA) |
CHARLIER Johannes (Belgium) |
UGent - Department of Virology, Parasitology, Immunology |
CHEN Margaret (Belgium) |
VUB - Department of Hydrology and Hydraulic Engineering (HYDR) |
CHO Moses (South Africa) |
Council for Scientific and Industrial Research |
CHOU Lei (Belgium) |
ULB - Biogeochemistry and Earth System Modelling |
CIFUENTES Renato (Belgium) |
KULeuven (Katholieke Universiteit Leuven) |
CLARIJS Dennis (Belgium) |
VITO - Remote Sensing - Teledetectie en aardobservatieprocessen |
CLEVERS Jan G.P.W. (Netherlands) |
University of Wageningen - Laboratory of Geo-Information Science and Remote Sensing |
CLOSSON Damien (Belgium) |
ERM - KMS - RMA - Signal and Image Centre |
COCKS Terry (Australia) |
HyVista |
COETZER Koos (South Africa) |
University of Pretoria |
COLOMBO Roberto (Italy) |
University of Milano-Bicocca - Department of Atmosphere and Territory Sciences |
CONTE Annamaria (Italy) |
Istituto Zooprofilattico Sperimentale dell’Abruzzo e del Molise ‘G. Caporale’ |
COOLS June (Belgium) |
VITO - Remote Sensing - Teledetectie en aardobservatieprocessen |
COOLS Romain (Belgium) |
COOREMAN Kris (Belgium) |
Vlaamse overheid - Instituut voor Landbouw-, Visserij- en voedingsonderzoek |
COOSEMANS Danielle (Belgium) |
BELSPO - Space Research and Applications Division |
COOSEMANS Marc (Belgium) |
Institute of Tropical Medicine Antwerp |
COPPIN Pol (Belgium) |
KULeuven - Geomatics and Forest Engineering |
COQUAY Pierre (Belgium) |
BELSPO - Space Research and Applications Division |
CORNELIS Jan (Belgium) |
VUB - IRIS Multidimensional signal processing and communication |
CORNET Yves (Belgium) |
ULg - Unité de Géomatique |
COX David (Belgium) |
BELSPO - Space Research and Applications Division |
CRABBÉ Ann (Belgium) |
KULeuven - Division Forest, Nature and Landscape |
CRESSMAN Keith (Italy) |
FAO (Food and Agriculture Organization) |
CRISTOFANI Edison (Belgium) |
ERM - KMS - RMA - Signal and Image Centre |
CSORNAY Boldizsár (Hungary) |
Hungarian National Museum - National Heritage Protection Centre |
CULVENOR Darius (Australia) |
CSIRO (Australian Commonwealth Scientific and Research Organization) |
CURNEL Yannick (Belgium) |
CRA - Biométrie, Gestion des données et Agrométéorologie |
CURRAN Paul (United Kingdom) |
University of Southampton - Geography and Environment |
CURTISS Brian (United States) |
Analytical Spectral Devices, Inc. |
D'HAEYER Johan (Belgium) |
UGent - Image Processing and Interpretation Research Group (IPI) |
D'OREYE Nicolas (Luxembourg) |
Musée national d Histoire naturelle du Luxembourg |
DAHDOUH-GUEBAS Farid (Belgium) |
ULB - Systems Ecology and Resource Management Research Unit |
DAMS Jef (Belgium) |
VUB - Department of Hydrology and Hydraulic Engineering (HYDR) |
DASH Jadu (United Kingdom) |
University of Southampton - Geography and Environment |
DASSARGUES Alain (Belgium) |
ULg - Hydrogéologie et Géologie de l'Environnement |
DASSEVILLE Renaat (Belgium) |
UGent - Department of Biology |
DATCU Mihai (Germany) |
DLR (German Aerospace Center) |
DAUWE Tom (Belgium) |
VITO (Vlaamse Instelling voor Technologisch Onderzoek) |
DAVIDSON Malcolm (Netherlands) |
DE BACKER Hugo (Belgium) |
IRM/KMI - Section Ozone and UV |
DE BADTS Erik (Belgium) |
Aurea Imaging Ltd. |
DE BAETS Bernard (Belgium) |
UGent - Research Unit Knowledge-based Systems |
DE BATIST Marc (Belgium) |
UGent - Department of Geology and Soil Sciences |
DE BLUST Geert (Belgium) |
Instituut voor Natuur- en Bosonderzoek (INBO) |
DE BOECK Frank (Belgium) |
Eurosense |
DE BOISSEZON Hélène (France) |
Centre National d’Etudes Spatiales |
DE BRUYN Luc (Belgium) |
Instituut voor Natuur- en Bosonderzoek (INBO) |
DE CLERCQ Eva (Belgium) |
AVIA-GIS (Agriculture and Veterinary Information and Analysis) |
DE DAPPER Morgan (Belgium) |
UGent - Department of Geography |
DE DEKEN Reginald (Belgium) |
Institute of Tropical Medicine Antwerp |
DE JEU Richard (Netherlands) |
Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam - Department of Earth Sciences |
DE JONG Steven (Netherlands) |
University of Utrecht - Faculty of Geosciences - Department of Physical Geography |
DE KEERSMAECKER Wanda (Belgium) |
KULeuven - Division Forest, Nature and Landscape |
DE KEUKELAERE Liesbeth (Belgium) |
VITO - Remote Sensing - Teledetectie en aardobservatieprocessen |
DE LAET Véronique (Belgium) |
KULeuven - Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences (EES) |
DE LANNOY Gabrielle (Belgium) |
KULeuven - Division of Soil and Water Management |
DE LONGUEVILLE Florence (Belgium) |
Université de Namur - Département de Géographie |
DE MAEYER Philippe (Belgium) |
UGent - Cartography and Geographic Information Systems Research Group |
DE MAZIERE Martine (Belgium) |
BIRA - IASB - Royal Belgian Institute for Space Aeronomy |
DE RIJCKE Maarten (Belgium) |
Vlaams Instituut voor de Zee |
DE ROOS Shannon (Belgium) |
KULeuven - Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences (EES) |
DE SMEDT Florimond (Belgium) |
VUB - Department of Hydrology and Hydraulic Engineering (HYDR) |
DE STRYCKER Lieven (Belgium) |
KULeuven - DRAMCO (Development and Research of Aerial solutions for eMbedded Connected Objects) |
DE TROCH François (Belgium) |
UGent - Hydro-Climate Extremes Lab (H-CEL) |
DE VLIEGHER Beata (Belgium) |
UGent - Department of Geography |
DE VOCHT Alain (Belgium) |
UHasselt - Laboratory of Environmental Biology |
DE WEVER Aaike (Belgium) |
IRSNB/KBIN - Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences |
DE WIT Allard J. (Netherlands) |
Universiteit Wageningen - Wageningen Environmental Research (Alterra) |
DE WULF Robert (Belgium) |
UGent - Remote Sensing / Spatial Analysis lab (REMOSA) |
DEBOUCHE Charles (Belgium) |
ULg - Gembloux Agro-Bio Tech - Echanges Eau-Sol-Plante |
DECADT Brigitte (Belgium) |
BELSPO - Directorate Federal, Interfederal and International Coordination |
DECLEIR Hugo (Belgium) |
VUB - Cartography and GIS |
DECROP Boudewijn (Belgium) |
IMDC (International Marine and Dredging Consultants) |
DEFISE Jean-Marc (Belgium) |
CSL - Centre Spatial de Liège |
DEFOURNY Pierre (Belgium) |
UCL - Environmental Sciences |
DEFRANCE Sébastien (Belgium) |
Bruxelles Environnement - Leefmilieu Brussel |
DEFRERE Denis (Belgium) |
CSL - Centre Spatial de Liège |
DEGERICKX Jeroen (Belgium) |
KULeuven - Division Forest, Nature and Landscape |
DEGRAER Steven (Belgium) |
UGent - Marine Biology Research Group |
DEKKER Arnold G. (Australia) |
CSIRO - Land and Water |
DELALIEUX Stephanie (Belgium) |
VITO - Remote Sensing - Teledetectie en aardobservatieprocessen |
DELEERSNIJDER Eric (Belgium) |
UCL - Institute of Mechanics, Materials and Civil Engineering |
DELGADO BLASCO Jose Manuel (Italy) |
DELINCE Jacques (Italy) |
FAO (Food and Agriculture Organization) |
DELL'ACQUA Fabio (Italy) |
University of Pavia - Laboratory for Telecommunications & Remote Sensing |
DELLOYE Cindy (Belgium) |
UCL - Earth and Life Institute |
DELRUE Josefien (Belgium) |
VITO - Remote Sensing - Teledetectie en aardobservatieprocessen |
DEMARCHI Luca (Belgium) |
VUB - Department of Geography |
DENIS Antoine (Belgium) |
ULg - Eau Environnement Développement (ULg-EED) |
DERAUW Dominique (Belgium) |
CSL - Centre Spatial de Liège |
DERMINE Pascal (Belgium) |
BELSPO - Space Research and Applications Division |
DERONDE Bart (Belgium) |
VITO - Remote Sensing - Teledetectie en aardobservatieprocessen |
DESCY Jean-Pierre (Belgium) |
Université de Namur - Unité de recherche en biologie environnementale et évolutive (URBE) |
DESTEUCQ Olivier (Belgium) |
Service public de Wallonie (SPW) |
DEUTSCH Felix (Belgium) |
VITO (Vlaamse Instelling voor Technologisch Onderzoek) |
DEVRIENDT Dennis (Belgium) |
UGent - Department of 3D Data Acquisition |
DEVRIENDT Flore (Belgium) |
UGent - Department of Forest and water management |
DEWITTE Olivier (Belgium) |
MRAC/KMMA - Natural hazards and cartography |
DEWITTE Steven (Belgium) |
IRM/KMI - Section Remote Sensing from Space |
DIERSSEN Heidi (Belgium) |
Vlaams Instituut voor de Zee |
DILLE Antoine (Belgium) |
MRAC/KMMA - Royal Museum for Central Africa |
DJENIDI Salim (Belgium) |
ULg - GeoHydrodynamics & Environment Research |
DOGLIOTTI Ana Inés (Argentina) |
University of Buenos Aires - Institute for research in Astronomy and Astrophysics |
DONG Qinghan (Belgium) |
VITO - Remote Sensing - Teledetectie en aardobservatieprocessen |
DONNAY Jean-Paul (Belgium) |
ULg - Unité de Géomatique |
DONNAY Eric (Belgium) |
Federal public service Health, Food chain safety and Environment |
DORIGO Wouter (Austria) |
Vienna University of Technology - GEO Department |
DOSSELAERE Nicolas (Belgium) |
Nazka Mapps |
DOUTERLOIGNE Koen (Belgium) |
UGent - Department of Telecommunications and Information Processing (TELIN) |
DOXARAN David (France) |
Laboratoire d Océanographie de Villefranche |
DUCHEYNE Els (Belgium) |
AVIA-GIS (Agriculture and Veterinary Information and Analysis) |
DUCLOS-GENDREU Eric (France) |
Airbus Defence and Space |
DUFOURMONT Hans (Denmark) |
EEA (European Environment Agency) |
DUPREL Carlo (Luxembourg) |
Luxembourg National Research Fund |
DURIEUX Jacques (Congo, The Democratic Republic of the) |
DURUPT Mélanie (France) |
Institut Géographique National de France |
DUVEILLER Gregory (Italy) |
European Commission - Joint Research Centre (JRC) |
D’HULST Gregory (Belgium) |
Aerodata International Surveys |
EERENS Herman (Belgium) |
VITO - Remote Sensing - Teledetectie en aardobservatieprocessen |
ELEVELD Marieke (Netherlands) |
Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam - Institute for Environmental Studies |
ELHADANI Driss (Morocco) |
Centre Royal de Télédétection Spatiale |
ENGELEN Guy (Belgium) |
VITO - Integrated Environmental Studies - Integrale milieustudies |
ERPICUM Michel (Belgium) |
ULg - Laboratoire de Climatologie |
ESKENAZI Edmond (Belgium) |
ULg - Laboratoire d Hydrographie et de Géomorphologie Fluviatile |
ESTRADA-PENA Agustin (Spain) |
University of Zaragoza |
EVERAERTS Jurgen (Belgium) |
VITO - Remote Sensing - Teledetectie en aardobservatieprocessen |
FABRY Pierre (Netherlands) |
FASBENDER Dominique (Belgium) |
UCL - Environmental Sciences |
MRAC/KMMA - Geodynamics and mineral resources |
FERRIER Graham (United Kingdom) |
University of Hull -School of Environmental Sciences |
FIERENS Frans (Belgium) |
IRCEL - CELINE (Belgian Interregional Environment Agency) |
FISCHER Christian (Germany) |
Technical University of Clausthal - Institute of Geotechnical Engineering and Mine Surveying |
FLEMING Claire (United Kingdom) |
BGS (British Geological Survey) |
FLORICIOIU Dana (Germany) |
DLR (German Aerospace Center) |
FOGUENNE Marielle (Belgium) |
Federal Public Service Economy, S.M.Es, Self-employmed and Energy |
FONTEYN Dominique (Belgium) |
BIRA - IASB - Royal Belgian Institute for Space Aeronomy |
FORSTER Rodney (United Kingdom) |
CEFAS (Centre for Environment, Fisheries & Aquaculture Science) |
FRANSAER Dirk (Belgium) |
VITO (Vlaamse Instelling voor Technologisch Onderzoek) |
GABRIELS Donald (Belgium) |
UGent - Department of Soil Management |
GALARDINI Daniele (Belgium) |
ESA - Redu station |
GARDIN Soetkin (Belgium) |
UGent - Department of Forest and water management |
GARRIGUES Sébastien (France) |
Institut National de la Recherche Agronomique (INRA) |
GASCON Ferran (France) |
European Space Agency (ESA) |
GASTELLU-ETCHEGORRY Jean-Philippe (France) |
Centre d'Etudes Spatiales de la BIOsphère |
GAUTAMA Sidharta (Belgium) |
UGent - Image Processing and Interpretation Research Group (IPI) |
GEENEN Sara (Belgium) |
UA- Development Studies |
GENTINE Pierre (United States) |
Columbia University - Department of Earth and Environmental Engineering |
GEORGANOS Stefanos (Belgium) |
ULB - IGEAT - ANAGEO (Analyse Géospatiale) |
GERARD Jean-Claude (Belgium) |
ULg - Laboratory for Planetary and Atmospheric Physics |
GHILAIN Nicolas (Belgium) |
IRM/KMI - Royal Meteorological Institute of Belgium |
GIARDINO Claudia (Italy) |
Institute for Electromagnetic Sensing of the Environment |
GILBERT Marius (Belgium) |
ULB - Lutte biologique et Ecologie spatiale (LUBIES) |
GILLIAMS Sven (Belgium) |
VITO - Remote Sensing - Teledetectie en aardobservatieprocessen |
GIOT-WIRGOT Pierre (Belgium) |
UCL (Université catholique de Louvain) |
GIUSTARINI Laura (Luxembourg) |
Luxembourg Institute of Science and Technology |
GOETZ Alexander F.H. (United States) |
University of Colorado - Cooperative Institute for Research in Environmental Sciences |
GOFFART Dimitri (Belgium) |
CRA-W (Centre wallon de Recherches agronomiques) |
GOFFART Jean-Pierre (Belgium) |
CRA-W (Centre wallon de Recherches agronomiques) |
GOFFIN Emile (Belgium) |
Federal Public Service Economy, S.M.Es, Self-employmed and Energy |
GOFFREDO Maria (Italy) |
Istituto Zooprofilattico Sperimentale dell’Abruzzo e del Molise ‘G. Caporale’ |
GONTIER Eric (Belgium) |
VITO - Remote Sensing - Teledetectie en aardobservatieprocessen |
GOOSSENS Rudi (Belgium) |
UGent - Department of 3D Data Acquisition |
GOVERS Gerard (Belgium) |
KULeuven - Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences (EES) |
GRANDJEAN Agnès (Belgium) |
BELSPO - Space Research and Applications Division |
GREEN Robert O. (United States) |
NASA - Jet Propulsion Laboratory |
GRIZONNET Manuel (France) |
Centre National d’Etudes Spatiales |
GUANTER Luis (Spain) |
University of Valencia - Department of Thermodynamics |
GUISSART Albert (Belgium) |
UCL - Institute of Information and Communication Technologies, Electronics and Applied Mathematics |
GULINCK Hubert (Belgium) |
KULeuven - Division Forest, Nature and Landscape |
HAEST Birgen (Belgium) |
VITO (Vlaamse Instelling voor Technologisch Onderzoek) |
HALLOT Eric (Belgium) |
ISSeP (Institut Scientifique de Service Public) |
HAMDI Rafiq (Belgium) |
IRM/KMI - Royal Meteorological Institute of Belgium |
HANERT Emmanuel (Belgium) |
UCL - Environmental Sciences |
HANSEN Herbert (Belgium) |
KeyObs |
HANSON Emilie (Belgium) |
ULB - IGEAT - ANAGEO (Analyse Géospatiale) |
HANSSEN Ramon (Netherlands) |
TU Delft - Department of Geoscience & Remote Sensing |
HANTSON Wouter (Belgium) |
AVIA-GIS (Agriculture and Veterinary Information and Analysis) |
HEEGE Thomas (Germany) |
DLR (German Aerospace Center) |
HELD Alexander (Australia) |
CSIRO - Marine and Atmosphere |
HELM Veit (Germany) |
Alfred Wegener Institute |
HELSSEN Nicolas (Belgium) |
BELSPO - Space Research and Applications Division |
HENDRICKX Marijn (Belgium) |
DEME Head office |
HENDRICKX Guy (Belgium) |
AVIA-GIS (Agriculture and Veterinary Information and Analysis) |
HENQUIN Bruno (Belgium) |
I-Mage Consult |
HENRY Jean-Paul (Belgium) |
Creaction |
HEREMANS Roel (Belgium) |
ERM - KMS - RMA - Signal and Image Centre |
HERMANS Aline (Belgium) |
CSL - Centre Spatial de Liège |
HERMANS Inge (Belgium) |
UHasselt - Department of Biology and Geology |
HERMY Martin (Belgium) |
KULeuven - Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences (EES) |
HERNANDEZ Mario (France) |
UNESCO (United Nations - Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization) |
HEROLD Martin (Netherlands) |
University of Wageningen - Universiteit Wageningen |
HEYLEN Caroline (Belgium) |
GIM (Geographic Information Management) |
HEYNS Walter (Belgium) |
Trasys |
HILL Ross (United Kingdom) |
Bournemouth University |
HOFFMANN Lucien (Luxembourg) |
Luxembourg Institute of Science and Technology |
HOLECZ Francesco (Switzerland) |
Sarmap |
HOLTLAND Jan (Netherlands) |
Staatsbosbeheer |
HOLZWARTH Stefanie (Germany) |
DLR (German Aerospace Center) |
HONNAY Olivier (Belgium) |
KULeuven (Katholieke Universiteit Leuven) |
HOOK Simon J. (United States) |
NASA - Jet Propulsion Laboratory |
HORION Stéphanie (Denmark) |
University of Copenhagen - Department of Geosciences and Natural Resource Management |
HOSTERT Patrick (Germany) |
Humboldt-Universitât - Geomatics Department |
HOUSER Paul (United States) |
NASA - Goddard Space Flight Center |
HUBERT-MOY Laurence (France) |
Université de Rennes - LETG-Rennes-COSTEL |
HUENI Andreas (Switzerland) |
University of Zurich - Remote Sensing Laboratories |
IBRAHIM Elsy (Belgium) |
KULeuven - Hydraulics Laboratory - Afdeling Hydraulica |
IDRISSA Mahamadou (Belgium) |
ERM - KMS - RMA - Signal and Image Centre |
IMENEZ MUNOZ Juan Carlos (Spain) |
University of Valencia - Department of Thermodynamics |
INGLADA Jordi (France) |
Centre National d’Etudes Spatiales |
IPPOLITI Carla (Italy) |
Istituto Zooprofilattico Sperimentale dell’Abruzzo e del Molise ‘G. Caporale’ |
ISTASSE Alain (Belgium) |
SPW - Département des Aides |
JACOBS Jan-Pieter (Belgium) |
UA - Vision Lab - Visielab |
JADOT André (Belgium) |
Walphot |
JALET Philippe (Belgium) |
Directorate-General for Development Cooperation (DGDC) |
JALIN René (France) |
Office National d Etudes et Recherches Aérospatiales |
JANSSENS Rindert (Belgium) |
UGent - Department of Geology and Soil Sciences |
JANSSENS Ivan (Belgium) |
UA - Plants and Ecosystems (PLECO) |
JASSELETTE Jean-Claude (Belgium) |
SPW - Département de la Géomatique |
JEANJEAN Hervé (France) |
Centre National d’Etudes Spatiales |
JONCKHEERE Inge (Italy) |
JORDAN David (Germany) |
Institut für Geowissenschaften |
JORDANS Rob (Netherlands) |
Rijkswaterstaat Nederland |
JOSSERAND Henri (Italy) |
FAO (Food and Agriculture Organization) |
KARSSENBERG Derek (Netherlands) |
University of Utrecht - Faculty of Geosciences - Department of Physical Geography |
KASZTA Zaneta (Belgium) |
ULB - IGEAT - ANAGEO (Analyse Géospatiale) |
KEMPENEERS Pieter (Italy) |
European Commission - Joint Research Centre (JRC) |
KERVYN François (Belgium) |
MRAC/KMMA - Natural hazards and cartography |
KIES Antoine (Luxembourg) |
Université du Luxembourg - Physics and Materials Science Research Unit |
KIRKOVE Murielle (Belgium) |
CSL - Centre Spatial de Liège |
KIRSCHBAUM Dalia (United States) |
NASA (National Aeronautics and Space Administration) |
KISIELOWSKI Lynn (Kenya) |
United Nations Environment Programme |
KNAEPS Els (Belgium) |
VITO - Remote Sensing - Teledetectie en aardobservatieprocessen |
KNAUER Kim (Luxembourg) |
Luxembourg Institute of Science and Technology |
KNEUBEUHLER Mathias (Switzerland) |
University of Zurich - Remote Sensing Laboratories |
KNOTTERS Andries (Netherlands) |
Rijkswaterstaat Nederland |
KOEDAM Nico (Belgium) |
VUB - Ecology and Biodiversity |
KOOISTRA Lammert (Netherlands) |
University of Wageningen - Laboratory of Geo-Information Science and Remote Sensing |
KOPPA Akash (Belgium) |
UGent - Hydro-Climate Extremes Lab (H-CEL) |
KÖTZ Benjamin (Switzerland) |
University of Zurich - Remote Sensing Laboratories |
UGent - CAVElab - Computational & Applied Vegetation Ecology |
KRUK Rink (Belgium) |
IGN/NGI (Institut Géographique National/Nationaal Geografisch Instituut) |
KUBICA Virginie (Belgium) |
ERM - KMS - RMA - Signal and Image Centre |
KUFFER Monika () |
University of Twente - ITC - Faculty of Geo-Information Science and Earth Observation |
KUIJKEN Eckhart (Belgium) |
Instituut voor Natuur- en Bosonderzoek (INBO) |
LACROIX Vinciane (Belgium) |
ERM - KMS - RMA - Signal and Image Centre |
LACROIX Geneviève (Belgium) |
IRSNB/KBIN - Directorate Natural Environment - Ecosystems data processing and modelling |
LAMARCHE Céline (Belgium) |
UCL - Environmental Sciences |
LAMBERT Pascal (Belgium) |
Service public de Wallonie (SPW) |
LAMBIN Eric (Belgium) |
UCL - Earth and Life Institute, Climate |
LAMBOT Sébastien (Belgium) |
UCL - Environmental Sciences |
LAMBOTTE Michel (Belgium) |
I-Mage Consult |
LAMBRECHTS Christian (Kenya) |
United Nations Environment Programme |
LANCELOT Christiane (Belgium) |
ULB - Ecology of Aquatic Systems |
LANDUYT Lisa (Belgium) |
VITO - Remote Sensing - Teledetectie en aardobservatieprocessen |
LAUNEAU Patrick (France) |
Université de Nantes - Laboratory of Planetology and Geodynamics |
LAVALLE Carlo (Italy) |
European Commission - Joint Research Centre (JRC) |
LAVIGNE Héloïse (Belgium) |
IRSNB/KBIN - Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences |
LEDENT Jean-François (Belgium) |
UCL - Faculty of bioscience engineering |
LEE Zhongping (United States) |
University of Massachusetts Boston |
LEJEUNE Philippe (Belgium) |
ULg (Université de Liège) |
LEMEUR Raoul (Belgium) |
UGent - Laboratory of Plant Ecology |
LENNERT Moritz (Belgium) |
ULB - IGEAT - ANAGEO (Analyse Géospatiale) |
Lenoir Laurence (Belgium) |
BELSPO - Space Research and Applications Division |
LEO Olivier (Italy) |
European Commission - Joint Research Centre (JRC) |
LEON-TAVARES Jonathan (Belgium) |
VITO (Vlaamse Instelling voor Technologisch Onderzoek) |
LETEINTURIER Béatrice (Belgium) |
CRA - Biométrie, Gestion des données et Agrométéorologie |
LEWYCKYJ Nicolas (Belgium) |
VITO - Remote Sensing - Teledetectie en aardobservatieprocessen |
LHERMITTE Stefaan (Belgium) |
KULeuven - Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences (EES) |
LIEVENS Hans (Belgium) |
UGent - Hydro-Climate Extremes Lab (H-CEL) |
LINARD Catherine (Belgium) |
ULB - Lutte biologique et Ecologie spatiale (LUBIES) |
LOKMAN BIN HUSAIN Mohd (Malaysia) |
Universiti Malaysia Terengganu (UMT) |
LUCAS Richard (Australia) |
University of New South Wales - School of Biological, Earth and Environmental Sciences |
LUCAU DANILA Cozmin (Belgium) |
UCL - Environmental Sciences |
LUKAYA François (Congo, The Democratic Republic of the) |
Observatoire volcanique de Goma |
LUPO SARTOR Frédérick (Belgium) |
Spacebel |
LUYTEN Patrick (Belgium) |
IRSNB/KBIN - Directorate Natural Environment - Ecosystems data processing and modelling |
MAC BEAN Natasha (France) |
Laboratoire des Sciences du Climat et de l Environnement (LSCE) |
MADDER Maxime (Belgium) |
Institute of Tropical Medicine Antwerp |
MAES Wouter (Belgium) |
UGent - Hydro-Climate Extremes Lab (H-CEL) |
MAHECHA Miguel (Germany) |
Universität Leipzig - Environmental Data Science and Remote Sensing group |
MAHINDA KASEREKA Celestin (Congo, The Democratic Republic of the) |
Observatoire volcanique de Goma |
MAIGNAN Fabienne (France) |
Laboratoire des Sciences du Climat et de l Environnement (LSCE) |
MALENOVSKY Zbynek (Netherlands) |
University of Wageningen - Laboratory of Geo-Information Science and Remote Sensing |
MALTHUS Tim (United Kingdom) |
University of Edinburgh - School of GeoSciences |
MANAKOS Ioannis (Greece) |
Mediterranean Agronomic Institute of Chania |
MANNAERTS Chris (Netherlands) |
University of Twente - ITC - Department of Water Resources |
MARDULYN Patrick (Belgium) |
ULB - Evolutionary Biology & Ecology |
MARLIER Cathérine (Belgium) |
CRA-W (Centre wallon de Recherches agronomiques) |
MARSH Stuart (United Kingdom) |
BGS (British Geological Survey) |
MARSHALL Hans-Peter (United States) |
Boise State University |
MARTIN Richard (Belgium) |
Fédération Wallonie Bruxelles - Direction de la Recherche scientifique |
MASSART Michel (Italy) |
European Commission - Joint Research Centre (JRC) |
MATGEN Patrick (Luxembourg) |
Luxembourg Institute of Science and Technology |
MATHIEU Renaud (South Africa) |
Council for Scientific and Industrial Research |
MATHIEU Pierre-Philippe (France) |
European Space Agency (ESA) |
MAYENCE Jean-François (Belgium) |
Belgian Science Policy Office (BELSPO) |
MC MORROW Julia (United Kingdom) |
University of Manchester - School of Geography |
McCUBBIN Ian (United States) |
NASA - Jet Propulsion Laboratory |
McFADDEN Joseph (United States) |
UC Santa Barbara - Department of Geography |
MEIRE Patrick (Belgium) |
UA - Department of Biology |
MEREAU Isabelle (Belgium) |
BELSPO - Space Research and Applications Division |
MERTENS Koen (Belgium) |
Vlaamse overheid - Instituut voor Landbouw-, Visserij- en voedingsonderzoek |
MEULEMAN Koen (Belgium) |
VITO - Remote Sensing - Teledetectie en aardobservatieprocessen |
MEULENBERGHS Françoise (Belgium) |
IRM/KMI - Royal Meteorological Institute of Belgium |
MEUNIER Félicien (Belgium) |
UGent - CAVElab - Computational & Applied Vegetation Ecology |
MEYFROIDT Patrick (Belgium) |
UCL - Earth and Life Institute, Climate |
MICHEL Baudouin (Congo, The Democratic Republic of the) |
ERAIFT - The Regional Post-Graduate Training School on Integrated Management of Tropical Forests and Lands |
MICHELLIER Caroline (Belgium) |
MRAC/KMMA - Natural hazards and cartography |
MICHEZ Adrien (Belgium) |
ULg - Gembloux Agro-Bio Tech - Gestion des Ressources forestières |
MIJNENDONCKX Johan (Belgium) |
VITO - Remote Sensing - Teledetectie en aardobservatieprocessen |
MILES Lera (Kenya) |
United Nations Environment Programme |
MILISAVLJEVIC Nada (Belgium) |
ERM - KMS - RMA - Signal and Image Centre |
MINET Julien (Belgium) |
UCL - Earth and Life Institute |
MIRALLES Diego (Belgium) |
UGent - Hydro-Climate Extremes Lab (H-CEL) |
MITANGALA Prudence (Belgium) |
ULB Coopération |
MOELANS Robrecht (Belgium) |
VITO - Remote Sensing - Teledetectie en aardobservatieprocessen |
MONBALIU Jaak (Belgium) |
KULeuven - Hydraulics Laboratory - Afdeling Hydraulica |
MONTANARI Mara (Luxembourg) |
Luxembourg Institute of Science and Technology |
MONTENY Frank (Belgium) |
BELSPO - Research Programmes Department |
MONTREUIL Anne-Lise (Belgium) |
VUB - Department of Hydrology and Hydraulic Engineering (HYDR) |
MONTZKA Carsten (Germany) |
Forschungszentrum Jülich GmbH |
MORALES Fermín (Spain) |
Estación Experimental de Aula Dei |
MOREAU Inès (Belgium) |
UCL - Environmental Sciences |
MORENO Jose (Spain) |
University of Valencia - Department of Thermodynamics |
MUCHER Sander (Netherlands) |
Universiteit Wageningen - Wageningen Environmental Research (Alterra) |
MUELLER Andreas (Germany) |
DLR (German Aerospace Center) |
MULLER Jean-François (Belgium) |
BIRA - IASB - Royal Belgian Institute for Space Aeronomy |
MULS Alain (Belgium) |
ERM - KMS - RMA - Signal and Image Centre |
MUYS Bart (Belgium) |
KULeuven - Division Forest, Nature and Landscape |
NACKAERTS Kris (United States) |
Hexagon Geospatial |
NECHAD Bouchra (Belgium) |
IRSNB/KBIN - Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences |
NEUKERMANS Griet (Belgium) |
IRSNB/KBIN - Directorate Natural Environment - Ecosystems data processing and modelling |
NEYS Robbe (Belgium) |
VUB - Cartography and GIS |
NEYT Xavier (Belgium) |
ERM - KMS - RMA - Signal and Image Centre |
NOMIKOU Kyriaki (Greece) |
Institute of Infectious and Parasitic Diseases |
NOTTEBAERE Martijn (Belgium) |
ERM - KMS - RMA - Signal and Image Centre |
NYSSEN Jan (Belgium) |
UGent - Department of Geography |
O'KELLY Charlotte (Ireland) |
Techworks Marine Ltd |
OBSOMER Valérie (Belgium) |
UCL - Environmental Sciences |
ODERMATT Daniel (Switzerland) |
University of Zurich - Remote Sensing Laboratories |
OGER Robert (Belgium) |
CRA - Biométrie, Gestion des données et Agrométéorologie |
ONG Cindy (Australia) |
CSIRO - Mineral Resources |
ONGENA Thérèse (Belgium) |
UGent - Cartography and Geographic Information Systems Research Group |
OOMS Bart (Belgium) |
VITO - Remote Sensing - Teledetectie en aardobservatieprocessen |
OP 'T EYNDT Tom (Belgium) |
Virtual Surveyor |
ORAIN Françoise (France) |
Meteo France |
ORBAN Anne (Belgium) |
CSL - Centre Spatial de Liège |
ORBAN-FERAUGE Françoise (Belgium) |
Université de Namur - Département de Géographie |
OTERO FADUL Viviana (Belgium) |
ULB - Systems Ecology and Resource Management Research Unit |
OZER André (Belgium) |
ULg - Laboratoire de Géomorphologie et Télédétection |
OZER José (Belgium) |
IRSNB/KBIN - Directorate Natural Environment - Ecosystems data processing and modelling |
PAELINCKX Desiré (Belgium) |
Instituut voor Natuur- en Bosonderzoek (INBO) |
PAGANINI Marc (Italy) |
PALMAERTS Benjamin (Belgium) |
ISSeP (Institut Scientifique de Service Public) |
PALMAERTS Benjamin (Belgium) |
ISSeP (Institut Scientifique de Service Public) |
PAPAGIANNOPOULOU Christina (Belgium) |
UGent - Research Unit Knowledge-based Systems |
PARENTE Mario (United States) |
University of Massachusetts Boston |
PARK Youngje (South Korea) |
Korea Institute of Ocean Science and Technology (KIOST) |
PARMENTIER Noël (International) |
EARSC (European Association of Remote Sensing Companies) |
PATTYN Frank (Belgium) |
ULB - Laboratoire de Glaciologie |
PAUL Roger (Belgium) |
ULg - Gembloux Agro-Bio Tech - Biologie végétale |
PAULISSEN Etienne (Belgium) |
KULeuven - Physical and Regional Geography Research Group |
PEKEL Jean-François (Italy) |
European Commission - Joint Research Centre (JRC) |
PEÑUELAS Josep (Spain) |
Center for Ecological Research and Forestry Applications |
PERNEEL Christiaan (Belgium) |
ERM - KMS - RMA - Signal and Image Centre |
PETERS Jean-Jacques (Belgium) |
VUB - Department of Hydrology and Hydraulic Engineering (HYDR) |
PETIT Sophie (Belgium) |
ISSeP (Institut Scientifique de Service Public) |
PEYLIN Philippe (France) |
Laboratoire des Sciences du Climat et de l Environnement (LSCE) |
PFISTER Laurent (Luxembourg) |
Luxembourg Institute of Science and Technology |
PHILIPS Wilfried (Belgium) |
UGent - Image Processing and Interpretation Research Group (IPI) |
PI FIGUEROA Araceli (Spain) |
Starlab |
PIAO Shilong (China) |
Peking university |
PICCARD Isabelle (Belgium) |
VITO - Remote Sensing - Teledetectie en aardobservatieprocessen |
PICHOT Georges (Belgium) |
IRSNB/KBIN - Directorate Natural Environment - Ecosystems data processing and modelling |
PIENS Matthias (Belgium) |
BELSPO - Space Research and Applications Division |
PIRARD Théo (Belgium) |
Wallonie Espace |
PIRARD Eric (Belgium) |
ULg - Génie Minéral, Matériaux et Environnement |
PIREAUX Sophie (Belgium) |
BELSPO - Space Research and Applications Division |
PIZURICA Aleksandra (Belgium) |
UGent - Image Processing and Interpretation Research Group (IPI) |
PLANCHON Viviane (Belgium) |
CRA-W (Centre wallon de Recherches agronomiques) |
PLAZA GUINGLA Douglas Antonio (Belgium) |
UGent - Department of Forest and water management |
PLAZA MIGUEL Javier (Spain) |
University of Extremadura - Polytechnical School |
PLISNIER Pierre-Denis (Belgium) |
MRAC/KMMA - Surface environments and collection management |
POELMANS Lien (Belgium) |
VITO (Vlaamse Instelling voor Technologisch Onderzoek) |
PORIGNON Denis (Belgium) |
ULB Coopération |
POTIN Pierre (France) |
European Space Agency (ESA) |
PRIEM Frederik (Belgium) |
VUB - Cartography and GIS |
PUISSANT Anne (France) |
Université de Strasbourg - Faculté de Géographie et d’Aménagement |
QUINE Timothy A (United Kingdom) |
University of Exeter - Department of Geography |
RADOUX Julien (Belgium) |
UCL - Environmental Sciences |
RAINS Dominik (Belgium) |
UGent - Hydro-Climate Extremes Lab (H-CEL) |
RAMIREZ Leonardo (Belgium) |
UCL - Earth and Life Institute, Climate |
RAMON Didier (France) |
RASCHER Uwe (Germany) |
Forschungszentrum Jülich GmbH |
RASSON Jean-Paul (Belgium) |
Université de Namur - Département de Mathématique |
RAST Mike (Netherlands) |
RASUMNY Christophe (Belgium) |
SPW - DG opérationnelle Aménagement du territoire, Logement, Patrimoine et Energie |
RAYMAEKERS Dries (Belgium) |
VITO - Remote Sensing - Teledetectie en aardobservatieprocessen |
REGNIER Pierre A.G. (Belgium) |
ULB - Biogeochemistry and Earth System Modelling |
RENDERS Annie (Belgium) |
Vlaamse overheid - Agenstschap Innoveren en Ondernemen |
REUSEN Ils (Belgium) |
VITO - Remote Sensing - Teledetectie en aardobservatieprocessen |
RIGOT Thibaud (Belgium) |
ULB - Lutte biologique et Ecologie spatiale (LUBIES) |
RIPLEY Herb (Canada) |
Hyperspectral Imaging Limited |
ROBERTS Dar (United States) |
UC Santa Barbara - Department of Geography |
ROEKENS Edward (Belgium) |
Vlaamse overheid - Vlaamse Milieumaatschappij |
RONDEUX Jacques (Belgium) |
ULg - Gembloux Agro-Bio Tech - Gestion des Ressources forestières |
RONELLENFITSCH Franz (Luxembourg) |
Luxembourg Institute of Science and Technology |
ROTTIERS Pieter (Belgium) |
BELSPO - Space Research and Applications Division |
ROUJEAN Jean-Louis (France) |
Centre National de Recherches Météorologiques |
ROUSSEAU Véronique (Belgium) |
ULB - Ecology of Aquatic Systems |
ROWLANDS Aled (United Kingdom) |
University of Wales Aberystwyth - Institute of Geography & Earth Sciences |
RUBIO Yanina (Argentina) |
Comahue National University (CNU) |
RUDDICK Kevin (Belgium) |
IRSNB/KBIN - Directorate Natural Environment - Ecosystems data processing and modelling |
RYAN Barbara (Switzerland) |
GEO (Group on Earth Observations) |
SAATCHI Sassan (United States) |
NASA - Jet Propulsion Laboratory |
SABBE Koen (Belgium) |
UGent - Protistology & Aquatic Ecology Research Group |
SADLY Muhamed (Indonesia) |
BPPT - Agency for the Assessment and Application of Technology |
SAHLI Hichem (Belgium) |
VUB - IRIS Multidimensional signal processing and communication |
SALAMA Suhyb (Belgium) |
KULeuven - Spatial Applications Division Leuven |
SAMOY David (Belgium) |
I-Mage Consult |
SAMSON Roeland (Belgium) |
UA - Department Bioscience Engineering |
SANDERS Joris (Belgium) |
Vlaamse overheid - Informatie Vlaanderen |
SANTER Richard (France) |
Université du Littoral Côte d Opale |
SAS Marc (Belgium) |
IMDC (International Marine and Dredging Consultants) |
SCHAEPMAN Michael (Switzerland) |
University of Zurich - Remote Sensing Laboratories |
SCHAEPMAN-STRUB Gabriela (Netherlands) |
University of Wageningen - Laboratory of Geo-Information Science and Remote Sensing |
SCHAMINEE Joop (Netherlands) |
Universiteit Wageningen - Wageningen Environmental Research (Alterra) |
SCHEUNDERS Paul (Belgium) |
UA - Vision Lab - Visielab |
SCHLAEPFER Daniel (Switzerland) |
University of Zurich - Remote Sensing Laboratories |
SCHLERF Martin (Luxembourg) |
Luxembourg Institute of Science and Technology |
SCHMIDT Anne (Netherlands) |
Universiteit Wageningen - Wageningen Environmental Research (Alterra) |
SCHOUPPE Michel (Belgium) |
European Commission - Research and Innovation Directorate-General |
SCHREURS Vital (Belgium) |
GIM (Geographic Information Management) |
SCHYNS Jean-Christophe (Belgium) |
BELSPO - Space Research and Applications Division |
SEUNTJENS Piet (Belgium) |
VITO (Vlaamse Instelling voor Technologisch Onderzoek) |
SHIMONI Michal (Belgium) |
ERM - KMS - RMA - Signal and Image Centre |
SIMOENS Pieter (Belgium) |
UGent - Internet and data Lab (IDLab) |
SIMON Paul (Belgium) |
BIRA - IASB - Royal Belgian Institute for Space Aeronomy |
SIRJACOBS Damien (Belgium) |
ULg - GeoHydrodynamics & Environment Research |
SITUMA Charles (Kenya) |
Ministry of environment and mineral resources - Department of Resource Surveys and Remote Sensing |
SKA Olivier (Belgium) |
UCL - Earth and Life Institute |
SKIDMORE Andrew (Netherlands) |
University of Twente - ITC - Department of Natural Resources |
SMETS Benoît (Belgium) |
MRAC/KMMA - Department Earth Sciences |
SMETS Bruno (Belgium) |
VITO - Remote Sensing - Teledetectie en aardobservatieprocessen |
SMOLDERS Erik (Belgium) |
KULeuven - Division of Soil and Water Management |
SOBIESKI Piotr (Belgium) |
UCL - Institute of Information and Communication Technologies, Electronics and Applied Mathematics |
SOBRINO José Antonio (Spain) |
University of Valencia - Department of Thermodynamics |
SOMERS Ben (Belgium) |
KULeuven - Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences (EES) |
SOTIAUX Alix (Belgium) |
ULB - IGEAT - ANAGEO (Analyse Géospatiale) |
SOTIN Christophe (France) |
Université de Nantes - Laboratory of Planetology and Geodynamics |
SPANHOVE Toon (Belgium) |
Instituut voor Natuur- en Bosonderzoek (INBO) |
SPENGLER Daniel (Germany) |
Deutsches GeoForschungsZentrum (GFZ) |
STAES Jan (Belgium) |
UA - Department of Biology |
STASSART Michel (Belgium) |
Wallonie Espace |
STATHAKIS Dimitris (Greece) |
University of Thessaly, School of Engineering |
STAVRAKOU Trissevgeni (Belgium) |
BIRA - IASB - Royal Belgian Institute for Space Aeronomy |
STEELE-DUNNE Susan (Netherlands) |
TU Delft - Department of Geoscience & Remote Sensing |
STEENMANS Chris (Denmark) |
EEA (European Environment Agency) |
STELANDRE Martine (Belgium) |
BELSPO - Space Research and Applications Division |
STEPHENNE Nathalie (Belgium) |
SPW - Département de la Géomatique |
STEPPE Kathy (Belgium) |
UGent - Laboratory of Plant Ecology |
STERCKX Sindy (Belgium) |
VITO - Remote Sensing - Teledetectie en aardobservatieprocessen |
STEVENS Antoine (Belgium) |
UCL - Earth and Life Institute, Climate |
STIBRANYI Mate (Hungary) |
Hungarian National Museum - National Heritage Protection Centre |
STROSSE Veerle (Belgium) |
Vlaamse overheid - Departement Omgeving |
STRUB Gabriela (Switzerland) |
University of Zurich - Remote Sensing Laboratories |
SU Bob (Netherlands) |
Universiteit Wageningen - Wageningen Environmental Research (Alterra) |
SÜSS Helmut (Germany) |
DLR (German Aerospace Center) |
SWARTENBROEKX Olivier (Belgium) |
IGN/NGI (Institut Géographique National/Nationaal Geografisch Instituut) |
SWAYZE Gregg A. (United States) |
USGS (U.S. Geological Survey) |
SWINNEN Else (Belgium) |
VITO - Remote Sensing - Teledetectie en aardobservatieprocessen |
TACK Jurgen (Belgium) |
Instituut voor Natuur- en Bosonderzoek (INBO) |
TACK Frederik (Belgium) |
BIRA - IASB - Royal Belgian Institute for Space Aeronomy |
TACK Willy (Netherlands) |
NATO AEW&C Programme Management Agency |
TATEM Andrew (United Kingdom) |
University of Southampton - Geography and Environment |
TAUPIN Sophie (Belgium) |
KeyObs |
TEDESCO Dario (Italy) |
University of Naples Federico II |
TERMONIA Piet (Belgium) |
UGent - Faculty of Science |
THEYS Nicolas (Belgium) |
BIRA - IASB - Royal Belgian Institute for Space Aeronomy |
Thiery Wim (Belgium) |
VUB - BClimate group |
TIGNY Vincent (Belgium) |
GIM (Geographic Information Management) |
TIREZ Kristof (Belgium) |
VITO - Remote Sensing - Teledetectie en aardobservatieprocessen |
TITS Laurent (Belgium) |
KULeuven - Department of Biosystems |
TOMAZIC Igor (Belgium) |
ULg - GeoHydrodynamics & Environment Research |
TORTELBOOM Evy (Belgium) |
Vlaamse overheid - Informatie Vlaanderen |
TOURE Souleymane (Belgium) |
ULg - Département des Sciences et Gestion de l'Environnement |
TRIEST Ludwig (Belgium) |
VUB - Ecology and Biodiversity |
Tronquo Emma (Belgium) |
UGent - Hydro-Climate Extremes Lab (H-CEL) |
TROUW Koen (Belgium) |
IMDC (International Marine and Dredging Consultants) |
TYCHON Bernard (Belgium) |
ULg - Département des Sciences et Gestion de l'Environnement |
UDELHOVEN Thomas (Germany) |
University of Trier - Department of Remote Sensing |
VALCKE Roland (Belgium) |
UHasselt - Moleculaire en Fysische Plantenfysiologie Onderzoeksgroep |
VAN AARDT Basjan (Belgium) |
KULeuven - Division Forest, Nature and Landscape |
VAN BENTHEM Marlene (Netherlands) |
Rijkswaterstaat Nederland |
VAN COILLIE Frieke (Belgium) |
UGent - Remote Sensing / Spatial Analysis lab (REMOSA) |
VAN DAELE Toon (Belgium) |
Instituut voor Natuur- en Bosonderzoek (INBO) |
VAN DAMME Martin (Belgium) |
ULB (Université Libre de Bruxelles) |
VAN DE KERCKHOVE Ruben (Belgium) |
VITO - Remote Sensing - Teledetectie en aardobservatieprocessen |
VAN DE VOORDE Tim (Belgium) |
VUB - Cartography and GIS |
VAN DE WETERING Harm (Netherlands) |
Netherlands Space Office |
VAN DER KWAST Hans (Netherlands) |
VAN DER LINDEN Sebastian (Germany) |
Humboldt-Universitât - Geomatics Department |
VAN DER MEER Freek (Netherlands) |
University of Twente - ITC - Department of Earth Systems Analysis |
VAN DER WAL Daphné (Netherlands) |
Netherlands Institute for Ecology - Nederlands Instituut voor Ecologie |
VAN DER WERFF Harald () |
University of Twente - ITC - Faculty of Geo-Information Science and Earth Observation |
VAN DER ZANDE Dimitry (Belgium) |
IRSNB/KBIN - Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences |
VAN DIEPEN Kees (Netherlands) |
Universiteit Wageningen - Wageningen Environmental Research (Alterra) |
VAN DIJK Paul (Netherlands) |
University of Twente - ITC - Department of Earth Systems Analysis |
VAN DOBBEN Han F. (Germany) |
Alfred Wegener Institute |
VAN DONINCK Jasper (Belgium) |
UGent - Hydro-Climate Extremes Lab (H-CEL) |
VAN GEIT Mone (Belgium) |
WWF-Belgique WWF-België |
VAN GELOVEN Peter (Belgium) |
BELSPO - Space Research and Applications Division |
VAN GOOL Luc (Belgium) |
KULeuven - Microelectronics and Sensors Research Group |
VAN GRIENSVEN Ann (Belgium) |
VUB - Department of Hydrology and Hydraulic Engineering (HYDR) |
VAN LEUSEN Martijn (Netherlands) |
Groningen Institute of Archaelogy |
VAN MEIRVENNE Marc (Belgium) |
UGent - Department of Soil Management |
VAN MOL Barbara (Belgium) |
IRSNB/KBIN - Directorate Natural Environment - Ecosystems data processing and modelling |
VAN OOST Kristof (Belgium) |
UCL - Earth and Life Institute, Climate |
VAN ORSHOVEN Jos (Belgium) |
KULeuven - Spatial Applications Division Leuven |
VAN OVERBEKE Anne-Catherine (Belgium) |
MRAC/KMMA - Department Earth Sciences |
VAN ROMPAEY Anton (Belgium) |
KULeuven - Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences (EES) |
VAN ROOZENDAEL Michel (Belgium) |
BIRA - IASB - Royal Belgian Institute for Space Aeronomy |
VAN RUITENBEEK Frank (Netherlands) |
University of Twente - ITC - Department of Earth Systems Analysis |
VAN SCHALCKWYK Louis (South Africa) |
University of Pretoria |
VAN SPEYBROECK Dirk (Belgium) |
VITO - Remote Sensing - Teledetectie en aardobservatieprocessen |
Vlaamse overheid - Informatie Vlaanderen |
VAN WESEMAEL Bas (Belgium) |
UCL - Earth and Life Institute, Climate |
University of Valencia - Image Processing Laboratory (IPL) |
VAN YPERSELE Jean-Pascal (Belgium) |
UCL - Earth and Life Institute, Climate |
VANACKER Veerle (Belgium) |
UCL - Earth and Life Institute, Climate |
VANCLOOSTER Marnik (Belgium) |
UCL - Environmental Sciences |
VANDEKERCKHOVE Liesbeth (Belgium) |
Vlaamse overheid - Departement Omgeving |
VANDEKERKHOVE Kris (Belgium) |
Instituut voor Natuur- en Bosonderzoek (INBO) |
VANDEN BERGHE Ingrid (Belgium) |
IGN/NGI (Institut Géographique National/Nationaal Geografisch Instituut) |
VANDEN BORRE Jeroen (Belgium) |
Instituut voor Natuur- en Bosonderzoek (INBO) |
VANDENABEELE Joost (Belgium) |
BELSPO - Space Research and Applications Division |
VANDEPERRE Joeri (Belgium) |
port of Antwerp-Bruges |
VANDERMAESEN Joke (Belgium) |
pcfruit |
VANDERSTRAETE Tony (Belgium) |
Vlaamse overheid - Informatie Vlaanderen |
VANGRONSVELD Jaco (Belgium) |
UHasselt - Laboratory of Environmental Biology |
VANHAEREN Roel (Belgium) |
Vlaamse overheid - Agentschap voor Natuur en Bos |
VANHELLEMONT Quinten (Belgium) |
IRSNB/KBIN - Directorate Natural Environment - Ecosystems data processing and modelling |
VANHUYSSE Sabine (Belgium) |
ULB - IGEAT - ANAGEO (Analyse Géospatiale) |
VANMAERCKE Matthias (Belgium) |
KULeuven - Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences (EES) |
VANNITSEM Stéphane (Belgium) |
IRM/KMI - Royal Meteorological Institute of Belgium |
VANWAMBEKE Sophie (Belgium) |
UCL - Earth and Life Institute, Climate |
VEKERDY Zoltan (Netherlands) |
University of Twente - ITC - Department of Water Resources |
VERAVERBEKE Sander (United States) |
NASA - Jet Propulsion Laboratory |
VERBAUWHEDE Michel (France) |
European Space Agency (ESA) |
VERBEECK Bart (Belgium) |
Vlaamse overheid - Informatie Vlaanderen |
VERBEECK Hans (Belgium) |
UGent - CAVElab - Computational & Applied Vegetation Ecology |
VERBEELEN Hendrik (Belgium) |
BELSPO - Space Research and Applications Division |
VERBEIREN Boud (Belgium) |
VUB - Department of Hydrology and Hydraulic Engineering (HYDR) |
VERBEKE Lieven (Belgium) |
UGent - Remote Sensing / Spatial Analysis lab (REMOSA) |
VERBEKE Tom (Belgium) |
BELSPO - Space Research and Applications Division |
VERBESSELT Jan (Netherlands) |
University of Wageningen - Laboratory of Geo-Information Science and Remote Sensing |
VERBIST Bruno (Belgium) |
KULeuven (Katholieke Universiteit Leuven) |
VERCRUYSSE Jozef (Belgium) |
UGent - Department of Virology, Parasitology, Immunology |
VERHEGGHEN Astrid (Belgium) |
UCL - Earth and Life Institute |
VERHOEF Wout (Netherlands) |
Netherlands Aerospace Centre - Nederlands Lucht- en Ruimtevaartcentrum |
VERHOEST Niko (Belgium) |
UGent - Hydro-Climate Extremes Lab (H-CEL) |
VERLY Jacques (Belgium) |
ULg - Laboratory for Signal and Image Exploitation (INTELSIG) |
VERMEULEN Helga (Belgium) |
UGent - Department of Geography |
VERMEULEN Philippe (Belgium) |
CRA-W (Centre wallon de Recherches agronomiques) |
VERNIEUWE Hilde (Belgium) |
UGent - Department of Forest and water management |
VEROUSTRAETE Frank (Belgium) |
VITO - Remote Sensing - Teledetectie en aardobservatieprocessen |
VERRELST Jochem (Spain) |
University of Valencia |
VERSCHUEREN Werner (Belgium) |
BELSPO - Space Research and Applications Division |
VERSTRAETEN Gert (Belgium) |
KULeuven - Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences (EES) |
VERSTRAETEN Willem W. (Netherlands) |
Technische Universiteit Eindhoven |
VILLA Ferdinandino (Spain) |
Basque Centre for Climate Change |
VILLERS Pierre (Belgium) |
SPW - Département des Programmes de recherche |
VINCKE Damien (Belgium) |
CRA-W (Centre wallon de Recherches agronomiques) |
VISSER Fleur (Netherlands) |
University of Amsterdam - Institute for Biodiversity en Ecosystem Dynamics |
VREYS Kristin (Belgium) |
VITO - Remote Sensing - Teledetectie en aardobservatieprocessen |
VYVERMAN Wim (Belgium) |
UGent - Protistology & Aquatic Ecology Research Group |
WAEGEMAN Willem (Belgium) |
UGent - Research Unit Knowledge-based Systems |
WALSTRA Jan (Belgium) |
IRSNB/KBIN - Directorate Earth and History of life - Geological Survey of Belgium |
WAUTHIER Christelle (Belgium) |
MRAC/KMMA - Royal Museum for Central Africa |
WESTRA Toon (Belgium) |
Instituut voor Natuur- en Bosonderzoek (INBO) |
WILLEKENS Ann (Belgium) |
IncGeo (Incubator Geoinformation) - Incubatiepunt voor Geoinformatie |
WILLEMS Harco (Belgium) |
KULeuven (Katholieke Universiteit Leuven) |
WILSON Andrew (United Kingdom) |
Centre for Ecology and Hydrology |
WOLFF Eléonore (Belgium) |
ULB - IGEAT - ANAGEO (Analyse Géospatiale) |
YESOU Hervé (France) |
Yolande de Schepper (Belgium) |
BELSPO - Space Research and Applications Division |
ZAGAJEWSKI Bogdan (Poland) |
University of Warsaw - Department of Geoinformatics, Cartography and Remote Sensing |
ZARCO-TEJADA Pablo J. (Spain) |
QuantaLab - Laboratory for Research Methods in Quantitative Remote Sensing |