Gepubliceerd op 23 oktober 2018
From 29 October through 2 November, the Group of Earth Observations (GEO) Week 2018 and GEO-plenary XV take place in Japan’s former capital city of Kyoto.
During this week, GEO’s 105 Member governments and 127 Participating Organizations will explore efforts and opportunities to use Earth observations for the benefit of humankind, focusing on GEO’s three priority areas:
- The Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction
- The Paris Climate Agreement
- The UN Sustainable Development Goals
To highlight this event, the PROBA-V team shows you a PROBA-V false-colour image of 15 May 2018, with Kyoto in the image center in grey, while the larger Osaka agglomeration can be seen southwest of Kyoto.
The Yodo River and its tributaries, originating from Kyoto’s surroundings, flow to the southwest and discharge into Osaka Bay, from which a small part is shown in the lower-left image corner. East of Kyoto Lake Biwa, Japan’s largest freshwater lake, is visible.