Soil Spectroscopy Webinar: success!

#Bodem, #STEREO, #Onderwijs

Gepubliceerd op 12 februari 2019

STEREO projects such as MOCA, SOC3D, PROSOIL and UAVSoil have  given Belgian scientists and their international partners the opportunity to develop techniques to quantify soil properties from UAV, airborne and satellite platforms. There is a growing interest from the soil science community for these techniques as they allow high resolution mapping covering large areas. The French Soil Science Society (AFES) invited Bas van Wesemael to give an overview of these techniques during a webinar on Friday 8 February. The webinar was attended by 70 scientists and agricultural extension officers, and was followed by a lively discussion. 


The webinar (in French) was recorded and is still available on the AFES website among a total of 40 webinars. 

Check out the full list of webinars