Satellite characteristics
Launch Date - End 870300000 - 1291849200
Status Decommissioned
Orbit type Sun-synchronous polar circular orbit
Altitude 705
Orbit inclination 98.2
Equatorial crossing time 12:00:00
Orbit period 98.2
Satellite family: OrbView
The objective of this commercial satellite series is to acquire affordable high-quality imagery of the Earth for a variety of customers that include local governments, telecommunication companies, architects, civil engineers, real estate managers, farmers and environmental monitoring agencies.
Sensor characteristics
Sensor name |
SeaWiFS (Sea-Viewing Wide Field-of-View Sensor) |
Sensor short description |
Sensor type |
Imaging radiometer (Vis/IR) |
Resolution class |
Very Low (> 1 km) |
Swath width (at nadir) |
km |
Revisit frequency |
dagen |