Publié le 22 janvier 2020
Last May, the team of the global component of the Copernicus Land Monitoring Service released their first 100 m global land cover maps for the year 2015, based on PROBA-V observations and computed on the MEP platform.
To map land change processes, such as desertification, de- or re-forestation, urbanization and infrastructure development impacts, you will need to compare land cover maps across different years.
To this end, the same team is now releasing a first set of annual land cover maps over Africa as a demonstration and stepping stone towards global change maps that are expected by the summer of 2020.
The image above shows the classification of the famous Okavango Delta (right), nicely complementing a Google Earth™ background image (left).
Visit the PROBA-V web page to discover an animation of the Okavango Delta land cover classification of 2015-2017 and find out more about the annual land cover maps in Marcel Buchhorn's blog post Towards mapping annual land cover changes.