Download programme08:45 |
09:15 |
Conference Opening
09:20 | |
09:40 |
First session: Final results of small research projects - call 2006
09:40 | |
10:00 |
Monitoring of volcanic activity in the Virunga Province (N-Kivu DRC): experience of the GORISK project and illustration with the Nyamulagira January 2010 eruption
Kervyn F., d'Oreye N., Smets B., van Overbeke A., Wauthier C., Tedesco D., Kles A., Mitangala P., Badriyo I., Karume K., Kavotha D., Bagalwa M., Yalire M., Lukaya F., Osodundu E. |
10:20 | |
10:40 |
Coffee break
11:00 |
Second session: Presentations of new thematic projects - call 2008
11:00 | |
11:15 | |
11:30 | |
11:45 | |
12:00 | |
12:25 |
Presentation of posters
12:55 |
Lunch and poster session
14:25 |
Toward the continuity of SPOT Vegetation: the ESA PROBA-V Mission
Mallab K., Zender J., Stefano S., Duca R. |
14:40 | |
14:55 |
Third session: Presentations of ongoing projects - call 2007
14:55 | |
15:10 | |
15:25 | |
15:40 |
Coffee break and poster session
16:10 |
Monitoring Inland Waters with the Apex Sensor
Knaeps E., Raymaekers D., Stercks S., Odermatt D. |
16:25 | |
16:40 | |
17:00 |
Closure of the workshop
Rue Hauster 9 - 4050 Chaudfontaine - België