The main goal of the Belgian Earth Observation Day is to make professionals and researchers concerned by remote sensing aware of the projects realized in Belgium in the framework of the STEREO (Support to Exploitation and Research in Earth Observation ) programme and to offer the possibility for networking.
1. STEREO II comes to an end
The STEREO II programme, launched in 2006, aimed at putting Belgium on the map as a centre of expertise in a number of remote sensing areas and to establish the use of remote sensing as a common technique in the greatest possible number of research and application fields. The last batch of projects ended in June 2014, signalling the closure of the programme. During the last months of the STEREO II programme, a programme evaluation was carried out by an external consultant to see whether the initial objectives were met and to suggest ways to improve the STEREO III programme. Both the results of the final STEREO II projects and the outcome of the programme evaluation will be presented during this event.
2. The relaunch of STEREO III
For continuity’s sake, a first call for proposals was launched last year along the lines of STEREO II. Since then, the programme was adapted taking into consideration the recommendations of STEREO’s evaluators. During the event, you will find out all about the types of projects that now can be financed, the calendar of calls for the next few years and much more.
3. Getting to know STEREO's stakeholders
The scientific outcome of STEREO II was quite impressive, but now the time has come to try to turn some of those results in application. This will be a major objective of STEREO III. It is therefore crucial that academia, administrations and industry get to know one another. A first special session will be dedicated to Belgian regional administrations and how they use remote sensing. In a second one, companies looking for partnerships with academia or looking to hire scientists can briefly present themselves. Individual meetings can be arranged during the day.
Download programme08:30 |
09:15 |
Conference opening
09:20 |
The use of Earth Observation data in the Belgian regional administrations
09:20 | |
09:20 | |
09:20 | |
10:15 |
Bridging remote sensing companies and academia - part I
Companies looking for partnerships with academia or looking to hire scientists can briefly present themselves.
10:45 |
Coffee break
11:10 |
First session: Final results of thematic network projects
11:10 | |
11:10 | |
11:10 | |
11:10 | |
11:10 | |
12:15 |
13:40 |
Continuation of first session
13:40 | |
13:40 | |
13:40 | |
13:40 | |
13:40 | |
14:40 |
Results of the evaluation of the STEREO II programme
14:55 |
Second session: Final results of the thematic network projects
14:55 | |
14:55 | |
15:35 |
Coffee break
15:55 |
Continuation of second session
15:55 | |
15:55 | |
15:55 | |
17:00 |
Revamped STEREO III programme and the future calls for proposals
17:30 |
Closure of the Workshop
Nazaretdreef 99 - 2500 Lier - België
The workshop will take place at the Hof van Beatrijs, located in Lier.
A shuttle service will be installed between the station of Lier and the venue.
If you are delayed during your morning travel, please contact Chantal Oudaert at +32 (0)475 75 66 32.
Hof van Beatrijs
Nazaretdreef 99
2500 Lier - Belgium
T: +32 (0)3 489 34 05
F: +32 (0)3 489 34 36