WOLFF Eléonore


WOLFF           Eléonore
+ 32 2 650 50 76

ULB - IGEAT - ANAGEO (Analyse Géospatiale)

STEREO presentation(s) & publication(s):

REACT: Remote sensing for Epidemiology in Africa CiTies (2018)

MAUPP: Mapping and modelling urban patterns in sub-Saharan Africa through remote sensing and data fusion (2016)

GRAZEO: Grazing Suitability Indicators from Earth Observation to Improve Buffalo-Cattle Contact Risk Models (2014)

VALI-URB: Multi-scale methodology to map urban structures: classification of Pléiades images combined with existing geographic data (2014)

POPSATER-Improvements of population estimate using remote sensing techniques for urban and rural areas (2013)

MORECA- Small scale reforestation in eastern DRC: the role of remote sensing in the REDD+ mechanisms (2013)

MORECA: MOnitoring of large scale small holder REforestation projects for CArbon finance mechanisms (2011)

POPSATER - New improvements in population estimate (2010)

CHADE - Change detection for update of vector database through multi-level region- based classification of VHR data (2010)

EPI STIS - Integrating remote sensing data in an agent-based model applied to spatial epidemiology (2009)

POPSATER - Potential use of remote sensing for population estimate (2009)

CHADE - Détection de changements pour la mise à jour de bases de données vectorielles par classification (2008)

EPI STIS - Remote Sensing tools to study the EPIdemiology and Space/TIme DynamicS of diseases (2008)

SPIDER - Objectifs du projet SPIDER + Résultats de l’enquête auprès des utilisateurs (2005)

Détection des changements en milieu urbain (2005)

SPIDER - Veranderingsdetectie in stedelijke gebieden (2005)

SPIDER - Doelstellingen van het SPIDER-project + Resultaten van de gebruikersenquête (2005)

SUGRES - Services for Urban Green Monitoring using Remote Sensing (2005)

SUGRES - Services for Urban Green Monitoring using Remote Sensing - Abstract (2005)

URBAN - Spatial information extraction for urban areas based on hyperspectral data (2003)

SPIDER - Improving spatial information extraction for local and regional decision makers using VHR remotely sensed data (2003)