Belgian Earth Observation Day 2019

28 novembre 2019

28 novembre 2019

Avelgemstraat 31
9690 Kluisbergen

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On 28 November 2019, the STEREO team organised its annual Belgian Earth Observation Day (BEODay in short).

The Belgian Earth Observation Day is an annual event where the results of research in the domain of Earth observation, mainly carried out within the framework of the STEREO (Support to Exploitation and Research in Earth Observation) programme, are presented and where the Belgian remote sensing community has ample opportunity to meet and network.

Researchers as well as people working in private companies and administrations are welcome to attend.



Download programme
Conference Opening
First session: Final results of Thematic projects
HYDRAS+ - Multisource data assimilation into land surface models

Dominik Rains - UGent

MAUPP - Modeling and predicting African Urban Population Patterns

Catherine Linard - UNamur

SAT-EX - A data-driven perspective on global biosphere–climate interactions

Diego Miralles - UGent

URBANEARS - Urban Ecosystem Analysis supported by Remote Sensing

Ben Somers - KULeuven

Second session: Introduction to new exploration projects (1)
VERSUS - Studying and Monitoring Open-Vent Volcanoes from Space

Benoît Smets - RMCA

SARSAR - The potential of SAR and OPTICAL Sentinel images for the automatic monitoring of redevelopment sites

Sophie Petit - ISSEP

ALBERI - Assessing links between biogenic emissions and remote-sensed photosynthesis indicators

Maité Bauwens - BISA

AQUALOOKS - Information on aquatic particles from multi-look remote sensing

Héloise Lavigne - RBINS

C-SNOW - Mapping snow mass in the Northern Hemisphere mountain ranges with Sentinel-1

Hans Lievens, Isis Brangers, Hans-Peter Marshall and Gabrielle De Lannoy - KULeuven

EODAHR - Improved early warnings through Earth observation data assimilation and hydrological retrospective forecasts

Pierre Baguis - RMI

ET-SENSE - Potential of the Sentinel data stream to retrieve evaporation and soil moisture

Dominik Rains - UGent

Keynote speech
Near real time data & intelligence based on VHR imagery and external sources - Cancelled

Benoît Deper - Aerospacelab

Second session: Introduction to new exploration projects (2)
BELSAR-Science - Exploitation of the first bistatic SAR time series for agriculture and hydrology applications

Jean Bouchat - UCL

GENLIB - Developing a generic framework for library-based multi-site mapping of urban areas

Frank Canters - VUB

PALMWATCH - Detection of Red Palm Weevil in palm trees with Remote Sensing

Stephanie Delalieux - VITO

SLUMAP – Towards scalable and transferable slum mapping

Sabine Vanhuysse - ULB

TIMBERS - 3D Turbidity assessment through integration of multibeam echo-sounding and optical remote sensing

Els Knaeps and Robrecht Moelans - VITO

Coffee break
Third session: Final results of exploration projects
EO-REGIONS-Science - Research in support to building a digital platform for Earth observation services in Wallonia

Christian Barbier - CSL

SMARTPOP – New monitoring and forecasting tools for the Walloon territorial development

Eric Hallot - ISSEP

INPLANT - Plant optical traits to characterize herbaceous communities and understand invasion impacts

Ben Somers and Elisa Van Cleemput - KULeuven

MAMAFOREST: Monitoring system for mangrove forests using optical and radar data

Viviana Otero - ULB

MUZUBI – Advanced phase unwrapping using split-band interferometry

Denis Defrere - CSL

The STEREO III programme: News
Closure of the Workshop


Avelgemstraat 31 - 9690 Kluisbergen - Belgique