
Project name Title Programs Status Project type
SPRINT SPaceborne Radar INterferometric Techniques for Humanitarian Demining Land Release STEREO 2 Past Shared cost
BUSHTICK Changing farming, bush encroachment, and tick-borne disease risk in southern Norway STEREO 2 Past Shared cost
BELAIR2013 Belgian BELAIR supersite and pilot campaign 2013 STEREO 2 Past Transversal support
BEL-GOYA Dynamics of river plumes from MERIS, MODIS and GOCI ocean colour data STEREO 2 Past Shared cost
EVA-3M Evapotranspiration: Monitoring at high resolution with MSG and Moderate resolution satellites STEREO 2 Past Shared cost
ReMEDy Remote Monitoring of tropical Ecosystem Dynamics STEREO 2 Past Shared cost
SIDSAT SIDSAT: Using the ‘magic’ of satellite images as support for education: Understanding climate change effects on Small Island Developing States (SIDS) STEREO 2 Past Application
ANAGHLIA Analysis and ground truthing of hyperspectral and LiDAR images in Archaeology STEREO 2 Past Exploration
FLOODMOIST Flood mapping and soil moisture retrieval for improved water management STEREO 2 Past Exploration
GRAZEO Grazing suitability indicators from Earth Observation to improve buffalo-cattle contact risk models STEREO 2 Past Exploration
SENSAR Improvement of remote sensing products for soil moisture using ground-penetrating radar STEREO 2 Past Exploration
BESST Inter-sensor Bias Estimation in Sea Surface Temperature STEREO 2 Past Exploration
ESSENSE Mapping regulating Ecosystem Services using remote SENSing imagEry STEREO 2 Past Exploration
RE-LEARN Re-using field reference data in space and time for vegetation mapping: the potential of semisupervised and active LEARNing techniques STEREO 2 Past Exploration
SEASWIR Remote sensing of turbid waters in the Short Wave Infrared (SWIR: 1-3μm) STEREO 2 Past Exploration
SATHELI Synergy of very high resolution satellite and helicopter data for the spatio‐temporal characterisation of small water body dynamics STEREO 2 Past Exploration
HEATHRECOVER Remote sensing support to assist ecological restoration management after heathland fires STEREO 2 Past Exploration
Vi-X Study and monitoring of Virunga volcanoes using Tandem-X STEREO 2 Past Shared cost
VALI-URB Urban sprawl and ecological corridors: Consolidation of VHRS remote sensing methods STEREO 2 Past Shared cost
TICKRISK Assessing ecological suitability for the spread of Rhipicephalus (Boophilus) microplus in West Africa STEREO 2 Past Exploration
UNESCO-WATCH Development of an operational remote sensing monitoring system for the UNESCO World Heritage tropical forest sites STEREO 2 Past Application
HISEA HISEA STEREO 2 Past Exploration
HYPERMIX Hyperspectral-hyperspatial data fusion and unmixing techniques to tackle the spectral-spatial resolution trade-off STEREO 2 Past Exploration
MORECA Monitoring of large scale small holder reforestation projects for carbon finance mechanisms STEREO 2 Past Application
VEGEMIX Multi-temporal Unmixing of Mixed Vegetation Systems: a Focus on Invasive Plant Species Monitoring STEREO 2 Past Exploration
GEOCOLOUR Preparation for Geostationary Ocean Colour STEREO 2 Past Exploration
PROCESS Processing workflows for thermal and fluorescence sensors STEREO 2 Past Exploration
ASIMUD Remote Sensing Data Assimilation in Modelling of Urban Dynamics STEREO 2 Past Exploration
SOC3D Three dimensional soil organic carbon monitoring using VNIR reflectance spectroscopic techniques STEREO 2 Past Exploration
HYPERFOREST Advanced airborne hyperspectral remote sensing to support forest management STEREO 2 Past Thematic network
APLADYN Anthropogenic and physical landscape dynamics in large fluvial systems STEREO 2 Past Thematic network
BIOHYPE Biomonitoring of urban habitat quality with airborne hyperspectral observations STEREO 2 Past Thematic network
VEGECLIM Integrating SPOT-VEGETATION 10-yr Time Series and Land-Surface Modelling to Forecast the Terrestrial Carbon Dynamics in a Changing Climate STEREO 2 Past Thematic network
JELLYFOR Jellyfish forecasting service based on Earth Observation STEREO 2 Past Application
FOMO Remote sensing of the forest transition and its ecosystem impacts in mountain environments STEREO 2 Past Thematic network
ENDELEO/OPS Support to remote sensing based services in Kenya to assess the impact of conservation policy measures and drought on East African ecosystems STEREO 2 Past Application
WWW2 World Wide Watch by Earth Observation Services - Phase II STEREO 2 Past Application
ADASCIS Earth Observation to support Agricultural Damages Assessment System in Crop Insurance Schemes STEREO 2 Past Application
EPIDEMOIST Improving epidemiological modelling using satellite derived soil moisture proxies STEREO 2 Past Application
INSHORE Integration of optical and acoustic remote sensing data over the backshore-foreshore-nearshore continuum, a case study in Oostende STEREO 2 Past Application
MICAS Monitoring Inland and Coastal waters with the APEX Sensor STEREO 2 Past Exploration
MULTITICK Multiscale and multisensor modeling of the spatial distribution of tick-borne diseases STEREO 2 Past Exploration
POPSATER Population estimation by remote sensing STEREO 2 Past Application
MUSAR Study on Multistatic opportunistic SAR STEREO 2 Past Exploration
WAVARS Web-based assessment of operator performance and variability in remote sensing image analysis STEREO 2 Past Exploration
WWW World Wide Watch by Earth Observation Services STEREO 2 Past Application
HABISTAT A classification framework for habitat status reporting with remote sensing methods STEREO 2 Past Exploration
ENDELEO Development of a remote sensing derived tool to assess the impact of conservation policy measures and drought on East African ecosystems STEREO 2 Past Application
ECOSEG Development of a spatio-temporal segmentation algorithm for satellite time series to monitor forest condition STEREO 2 Past Exploration
DYNMAP Dynamic predictive mapping using multi-sensor data fusion - demonstration for malaria vector habitat STEREO 2 Past Exploration
GLOBAM Global Agricultural Monitoring systems by integration of earth observation and modelling techniques STEREO 2 Past Thematic network
HYDRASENS Integrating radar remote sensing, hydrologic and hydraulic modeling for surface water management STEREO 2 Past Thematic network
MAMUD Measuring and modeling urban dynamics: impact on quality of life and hydrology STEREO 2 Past Thematic network
MOCA MOnitoring soil organic CArbon in croplands using Imaging Spectroscopy STEREO 2 Past Exploration
BELCOLOUR-2 Optical remote sensing of marine, coastal and inland waters STEREO 2 Past Thematic network
RE-COLOUR Reconstruction of colour schemes STEREO 2 Past Exploration
RIMS Reliable Image Management Systems in support of urban and disaster management STEREO 2 Past Exploration
ALGASED Remote sensing for characterization of intertidal sediments and microphytobenthic algae STEREO 2 Past Exploration
RESORT REmote sensing for Seasonal and Overseas Retrieval of Total suspended Matter STEREO 2 Past Application
EPI STIS Remote Sensing tools to study the EPIdemiology and Space/TIme DynamicS of diseases STEREO 2 Past Thematic network
GORISK The combined use of Ground-Based and Remote Sensing techniques as a tool for volcanic risk and health impact assessment for the Goma region (North Kivu, Democratic Republic of Congo) STEREO 2 Past Application
RAGALIRS The Raganello catchment: airborne imaging spectroscopy and laser scanning as an aid for archaeological research and site reconstruction STEREO 2 Past Shared cost