
KNAEPS           Els
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VITO - Remote Sensing - Teledetectie en aardobservatieprocessen

STEREO presentation(s) & publication(s):

TIMBERS - 3D Turbidity assessment through integration of multibeam echo-sounding and optical remote sensing (2019)

PROBA4COAST - Coastal Turbidity Derived From The PROBA-V Global Vegetation Satellite (2018)

DRONESED: Monitoring Water Quality in Coastal Systems with Drones (2016)

PROBA4COAST: Coastal turbidity monitoring with Proba-V (2016)

BELAIR - Litora: Coast and Biodiversity (2016)

The Game Changer for Biodiversity (2016)

SEASWIR: Remote sensing of extremely turbid waters: an evaluation of the SWIR spectral region (2014)

Deriving water quality from APEX imagery (MICAS) (2013)

MICAS - Deriving inland water quality from APEX imagery: Challenges and opportunities (2012)

SEASWIR - Remote sensing of turbid waters. A closer look at the SWIR (2012)

ANAGHLIA - Integrated processing and ground truthing of hyperspectral and LiDAR images in Archaeology (2012)

APEX for heathland and coastal vegetation monitoring applications: first results and ongoing activities (2012)

HABISTAT - From hyperspectral images to NATURA 2000 habitat patch and quality indicator maps:results (2011)

HYPERFOREST - Advanced LiDAR & airborne hyperspectral remote sensing to support forest management (2010)

MICAS - Monitoring Inland and Coastal waters with the APEX Sensor: A wavelet Approach (2010)

RAGALIRS - The Raganello catchment: airborne imaging spectroscopy and laser scanning as an aid for archaeological research and site reconstruction (2009)

MICAS - Monitoring Inland and Coastal waters with the APEX Sensor (2009)

RESORT - REmote sensing for Seasonal and Overseas Retrieval of TSM (2009)

RESORT - REmote sensing for Seasonal and Overseas Retrieval of Total suspended Matter (2008)

ORMES - Operational Remote sensing Mapping of Estuarine suspended Sediment concentrations - Abstract (2006)

KABAR - The Kabar project: Mapping of coral reefs using hyperspectral data: focus on bathymetric mapping; a case study: Fordata, Tanimbar, Indonesia - Poster presentation (2006)

ORMES - Operational remote sensing mapping of Estuarine suspended sediment concentrations - Poster presentation (2006)

Study of the pulau nukaha reef system (Indonesia) using hyperspectral casi data: focus on bathymetric mapping - Abstract (2006)

HYPERKART - Imaging spectroscopy and Integrated Coastal Zone Management, a promising marriage (2005)