Images, videos, podcasts

Discover the world of remote sensing through our selection of images, videos, podcasts and games


Altius - The O3 retrieval game
A video game to understand the principles of O3 profiles inversion



STEREO III Photo album

RDC : à la découverte du volcan Nyiragongo, "aux portes de l'enfer - MUZUBI project

BEETPHEN project, toward drone-based phenotyping in sugar beet breeding trials

Vlaamse onderzoeker vertrekt samen met NASA op sneeuwexpeditie - SNOPOST & CSNOW projects

Copernicus4Regions user stories- Interview Wallonia - SARSAR project

Het hitte-eilandeffect. Hoe voorkomen we snikhete nachten? - URBANEARS project

3D fly-through of Litchfield Savanna TERN supersite - 3D FOREST project

Field Campaign in Biebrza National Park, Poland - HIWET project

Drones to monitor water quality - DRONESED project


Watch iT Grow, een nieuw online platform voor aardappelmonitoring - iPOT project


Watch these two videos below to discover in a few minutes what the STEREO programme is and get an overview of some applications covered by the research funded by the STEREO programme.



Source: ESA

Among the news items published on this site, you'll find below commented satellite images, webstories explaining the why and how of STEREO projects, press articles and interviews of our researchers, and videos of our partners. Browse through them below by choosing the type of news or by selecting a tag.

PROBA-V 2020 Image Calendar

PROBA-V 2020 Image Calendar


Published on 20 December 2019

UN-FAO World Food Day

UN-FAO World Food Day

#PROBA-V, #Drought, #Agriculture, #STEREO

Published on 16 October 2019

PROBA-V 2019 Image Calendar

PROBA-V 2019 Image Calendar


Published on 17 December 2018

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