
Project name Title Programs Status Project type
ECTIC Environmental change tracking using ICEYE constellation STEREO 3 Past Shared cost
BCGMSweb Dissemination of BCGMS outputs through a webplatform STEREO 3 Past Transversal support
ALBERI Assessing Links between Biogenic Emissions and Remotely-sensed photosynthesis Indicators STEREO 3 Past Exploration
GENLIB Developing a generic framework for library based multi-site mapping of urban areas STEREO 3 Past Exploration
C-SNOW Observing the Northern Hemisphere snow mass with Sentinel-1 STEREO 3 Past Exploration
TIMBERS 3D Turbidity assessment through Integration of MultiBeam Echo-sounding and optical Remote Sensing STEREO 3 Past Exploration
EODAHR Improved early warnings through Earth Observation Data Assimilation and Hydrological Retrospective forecasts STEREO 3 Past Exploration
AQUALOOKS Improving atmospheric correction and aquatic particle retrieval with bidirectional remote sensing data STEREO 3 Past Exploration
VERSUS Open-Vent Volcano Remote Sensing Monitoring Using Spaceborne Imagery STEREO 3 Past Exploration
SLUMAP Remote Sensing for Slum Mapping and Characterization in sub-Saharan African Cities STEREO 3 Past Exploration
PALMWATCH Red Palm Weevil infection detection with Remote Sensing STEREO 3 Past Exploration
ET-SENSE High-resolution terrestrial evaporation from Sentinels STEREO 3 Past Exploration
SARSAR Automatic redevelopment sites monitoring using SAR and OPTICAL images STEREO 3 Past Application
BELSAR-SCIENCE Soil and crop monitoring from simultaneous mono- and bistatic radar observations STEREO 3 Past Transversal support
INTELLI-FRUIT Intelligent Fruit Cultivation STEREO 3 Past Shared cost
MODUS A Multi-sensOr approach to characterize ground Displacements in Urban Sprawling contexts STEREO 3 Past Exploration
SNOPOST Bayesian snow estimation under a vegetation gradient using SnowEx remote sensing data STEREO 3 Past Exploration
GEOMIX Geometry in the mix: Geometric methods for non-linear spectral unmixing STEREO 3 Past Exploration
BELHARMONY Harmonization of multi-mission high resolution time series: application to BELAIR STEREO 3 Past Exploration
MULTI-SYNC Multi-Scale Synergy Products for advanced Coastal Water Quality Monitoring STEREO 3 Past Exploration
GARMON The Garden Monitor - mapping and characterizing gardens using remote sensing STEREO 3 Past Application
UAVSOIL UAV borne spectrometers for high resolution soil and crop monitoring STEREO 3 Past Exploration
RS4MODY Remote sensing data for investigating the morphodynamics of the Belgian multi-barred macro-tidal beach STEREO 3 Past Exploration
LUMOS Remote sensing image processing algorithms for land use and land cover monitoring systems STEREO 3 Past Transversal support
3D-FOREST Novel in-situ 3D forest structure and biomass estimates to validate air/spaceborne products STEREO 3 Past Exploration
ECOPROPHET Improved Ecosystem Productivity Modeling by Innovative Algorithms and Remotely Sensed Phenology Indicators STEREO 3 Past Thematic network
REFORCHA Continuous satellite-based indicators for mapping subtropical forest degradation and its environmental impacts STEREO 3 Past Thematic network
HYPERMAQ Hyperspectral and multi-mission high resolution optical remote sensing of aquatic environments STEREO 3 Past Thematic network
MIMO Monitoring melt where Ice Meets Ocean STEREO 3 Past Thematic network
REACT Remote sensing for Epidemiology in African CiTies STEREO 3 Past Thematic network
RIREMO Riparian Remote Monitoring for river management in Wallonia STEREO 3 Past Application
BEETPHEN Sugar beet phenotyping in breeding trials using UAV STEREO 3 Past Application
U-TURN Understanding Turning Points in Dryland Ecosystem Functioning STEREO 3 Past Thematic network
SMARTPOP Spatially plan the population growth in Wallonia and, in particular, in Liege for shaping the Smart Cities STEREO 3 Past Shared cost
EO_Regions_Science! BAsic Research In Support to EO_Regions STEREO 3 Past Shared cost
IFAD-WRMF Remote sensing for index insurance - Findings and lessons learned for smallholder agriculture STEREO 3 Past Shared cost
HYPI Assessment of Isoprene emission by HYperSpectral data STEREO 3 Past Exploration
RAPAS Close range aerial sensing of soils for improved remote sensing products STEREO 3 Past Exploration
PONDER Exploiting very high resolution satellite imagery for coastal and inland water monitoring STEREO 3 Past Exploration
MAMAFOREST Managing Mangrove Forests with Optical and Radar Environmental SaTellites STEREO 3 Past Exploration
MUZUBI MUlti Zone phase Unwrapping using advanced Split Band Interferometry STEREO 3 Past Exploration
HYPERTEMP Multitemporal monitoring of fruit orchard vitality with multisensor BELAIR data STEREO 3 Past Exploration
INPLANT Plant Optical Types to Predict Ecosystem Impacts of Plant Invasions STEREO 3 Past Exploration
PROBA4COAST Proba-V for total suspended matter and turbidity retrieval in coastal areas STEREO 3 Past Exploration
PROSOIL Protocols for predicting soil properties from the new generation of satellites STEREO 3 Past Exploration
STR3S Vegetation stress from satellite observations of fluorescence STEREO 3 Past Exploration
BELAIR2015 STEREO 3 Past Transversal support
HYPERCITY Hyperspectral biomonitoring: air quality and the city STEREO 3 Past Thematic network
RESIST Remote Sensing and In Situ detection and Tracking of geohazards STEREO 3 Past Thematic network
BELCAM BELgian Collaborative Agriculture Monitoring at parcel level for sustainable cropping systems STEREO 3 Past Thematic network
HIWET High-resolution modelling and monitoring of water and energy transfers in wetland ecosystems STEREO 3 Past Thematic network
HYDRAS Improving drought monitoring through assimilating multi-source remote sensing observations in hydrologic models STEREO 3 Past Thematic network
MAUPP Modelling and forecasting African Urban Population Patterns for vulnerability and health assessments STEREO 3 Past Thematic network
SAT-EX Past climate extremes and their impact on the terrestrial carbon cycle STEREO 3 Past Thematic network
BUMBA Belgian Urban NO2 Monitoring Based on APEX hyperspectral data STEREO 3 Past Application
URBANEARS Urban Ecosystem Analysis supported by Remote sensing STEREO 3 Past Thematic network
DIARS Detection of Invasive plant species and Assessment of their impact on ecosystem properties through Remote Sensing STEREO 3 Past Shared cost
DRONESED Drone-based Sediment Mapping for Dredging operations STEREO 3 Past Application
IPOT Industrial potato monitoring for the Belgian potato sector STEREO 3 Past Application