
Project name Title Programs Status Project type
AFRO-CARDS African Forest RecOvery and CArbon Dynamics monitoring through Remote Sensing STEREO 4 Current Thematic network
CROPWAVES Climate impacts on crop losses : Using satellite data to foster food security STEREO 4 Current Thematic network
EDITOR Environmental hazards associated with mining activities in the tropics STEREO 4 Current Thematic network
EO4PEAT EO For Understanding and Monitoring Changing Conditions in Tropical Peatlands STEREO 4 Current Thematic network
FLOWS FLOod crisis management With Earth observation Solutions STEREO 4 Current Thematic network
WAVETRAX Water and vegetation tower radar experiments for improved climate monitoring STEREO 4 Current Thematic network
BELSAR-publication Beyond BELSAR bistatic dataset exploitation STEREO 4 Past Transversal support
DEEPVEEG Deepfaking ecosystem response to climate extremes STEREO 4 Current Exploration
ONEKANA Earth ObservatioN-based modElling for maKing thermAl iNequality visible in African cities STEREO 4 Current Exploration
HERMES Hybrid Estimation and Remote sensing Monitoring of Evaporation and Soil moisture STEREO 4 Current Exploration
SNOWTRANE Impact of climate change on terrestrial and marine environments STEREO 4 Current Exploration
LACTOSE Slow-moving LAndslides in Changing TrOpical landscapes: dynamics and hillslope connectivity from SpacE STEREO 4 Current Exploration
RAdCor Study area: Belgian Inland Waters (with extension to global for external collaborators) STEREO 4 Current Exploration
SUABE Surface albedo for Belgian cities STEREO 4 Current Exploration
SWIPE SWIR and drones for early detection of oil spills in ports STEREO 4 Past Application
ECTIC Environmental change tracking using ICEYE constellation STEREO 3 Past Shared cost
BCGMSweb Dissemination of BCGMS outputs through a webplatform STEREO 3 Past Transversal support
ALBERI Assessing Links between Biogenic Emissions and Remotely-sensed photosynthesis Indicators STEREO 3 Past Exploration
GENLIB Developing a generic framework for library based multi-site mapping of urban areas STEREO 3 Past Exploration
C-SNOW Observing the Northern Hemisphere snow mass with Sentinel-1 STEREO 3 Past Exploration
TIMBERS 3D Turbidity assessment through Integration of MultiBeam Echo-sounding and optical Remote Sensing STEREO 3 Past Exploration
EODAHR Improved early warnings through Earth Observation Data Assimilation and Hydrological Retrospective forecasts STEREO 3 Past Exploration
AQUALOOKS Improving atmospheric correction and aquatic particle retrieval with bidirectional remote sensing data STEREO 3 Past Exploration
VERSUS Open-Vent Volcano Remote Sensing Monitoring Using Spaceborne Imagery STEREO 3 Past Exploration
SLUMAP Remote Sensing for Slum Mapping and Characterization in sub-Saharan African Cities STEREO 3 Past Exploration
PALMWATCH Red Palm Weevil infection detection with Remote Sensing STEREO 3 Past Exploration
ET-SENSE High-resolution terrestrial evaporation from Sentinels STEREO 3 Past Exploration
SARSAR Automatic redevelopment sites monitoring using SAR and OPTICAL images STEREO 3 Past Application
BELSAR-SCIENCE Soil and crop monitoring from simultaneous mono- and bistatic radar observations STEREO 3 Past Transversal support
INTELLI-FRUIT Intelligent Fruit Cultivation STEREO 3 Past Shared cost
MODUS A Multi-sensOr approach to characterize ground Displacements in Urban Sprawling contexts STEREO 3 Past Exploration
SNOPOST Bayesian snow estimation under a vegetation gradient using SnowEx remote sensing data STEREO 3 Past Exploration
GEOMIX Geometry in the mix: Geometric methods for non-linear spectral unmixing STEREO 3 Past Exploration
BELHARMONY Harmonization of multi-mission high resolution time series: application to BELAIR STEREO 3 Past Exploration
MULTI-SYNC Multi-Scale Synergy Products for advanced Coastal Water Quality Monitoring STEREO 3 Past Exploration
GARMON The Garden Monitor - mapping and characterizing gardens using remote sensing STEREO 3 Past Application
UAVSOIL UAV borne spectrometers for high resolution soil and crop monitoring STEREO 3 Past Exploration
RS4MODY Remote sensing data for investigating the morphodynamics of the Belgian multi-barred macro-tidal beach STEREO 3 Past Exploration
LUMOS Remote sensing image processing algorithms for land use and land cover monitoring systems STEREO 3 Past Transversal support
3D-FOREST Novel in-situ 3D forest structure and biomass estimates to validate air/spaceborne products STEREO 3 Past Exploration
ECOPROPHET Improved Ecosystem Productivity Modeling by Innovative Algorithms and Remotely Sensed Phenology Indicators STEREO 3 Past Thematic network
REFORCHA Continuous satellite-based indicators for mapping subtropical forest degradation and its environmental impacts STEREO 3 Past Thematic network
HYPERMAQ Hyperspectral and multi-mission high resolution optical remote sensing of aquatic environments STEREO 3 Past Thematic network
MIMO Monitoring melt where Ice Meets Ocean STEREO 3 Past Thematic network
REACT Remote sensing for Epidemiology in African CiTies STEREO 3 Past Thematic network
RIREMO Riparian Remote Monitoring for river management in Wallonia STEREO 3 Past Application
BEETPHEN Sugar beet phenotyping in breeding trials using UAV STEREO 3 Past Application
U-TURN Understanding Turning Points in Dryland Ecosystem Functioning STEREO 3 Past Thematic network
SMARTPOP Spatially plan the population growth in Wallonia and, in particular, in Liege for shaping the Smart Cities STEREO 3 Past Shared cost
EO_Regions_Science! BAsic Research In Support to EO_Regions STEREO 3 Past Shared cost
IFAD-WRMF Remote sensing for index insurance - Findings and lessons learned for smallholder agriculture STEREO 3 Past Shared cost
HYPI Assessment of Isoprene emission by HYperSpectral data STEREO 3 Past Exploration
RAPAS Close range aerial sensing of soils for improved remote sensing products STEREO 3 Past Exploration
PONDER Exploiting very high resolution satellite imagery for coastal and inland water monitoring STEREO 3 Past Exploration
MAMAFOREST Managing Mangrove Forests with Optical and Radar Environmental SaTellites STEREO 3 Past Exploration
MUZUBI MUlti Zone phase Unwrapping using advanced Split Band Interferometry STEREO 3 Past Exploration
HYPERTEMP Multitemporal monitoring of fruit orchard vitality with multisensor BELAIR data STEREO 3 Past Exploration
INPLANT Plant Optical Types to Predict Ecosystem Impacts of Plant Invasions STEREO 3 Past Exploration
PROBA4COAST Proba-V for total suspended matter and turbidity retrieval in coastal areas STEREO 3 Past Exploration
PROSOIL Protocols for predicting soil properties from the new generation of satellites STEREO 3 Past Exploration
STR3S Vegetation stress from satellite observations of fluorescence STEREO 3 Past Exploration
BELAIR2015 STEREO 3 Past Transversal support
HYPERCITY Hyperspectral biomonitoring: air quality and the city STEREO 3 Past Thematic network
RESIST Remote Sensing and In Situ detection and Tracking of geohazards STEREO 3 Past Thematic network
BELCAM BELgian Collaborative Agriculture Monitoring at parcel level for sustainable cropping systems STEREO 3 Past Thematic network
HIWET High-resolution modelling and monitoring of water and energy transfers in wetland ecosystems STEREO 3 Past Thematic network
HYDRAS Improving drought monitoring through assimilating multi-source remote sensing observations in hydrologic models STEREO 3 Past Thematic network
MAUPP Modelling and forecasting African Urban Population Patterns for vulnerability and health assessments STEREO 3 Past Thematic network
SAT-EX Past climate extremes and their impact on the terrestrial carbon cycle STEREO 3 Past Thematic network
BUMBA Belgian Urban NO2 Monitoring Based on APEX hyperspectral data STEREO 3 Past Application
URBANEARS Urban Ecosystem Analysis supported by Remote sensing STEREO 3 Past Thematic network
DIARS Detection of Invasive plant species and Assessment of their impact on ecosystem properties through Remote Sensing STEREO 3 Past Shared cost
DRONESED Drone-based Sediment Mapping for Dredging operations STEREO 3 Past Application
IPOT Industrial potato monitoring for the Belgian potato sector STEREO 3 Past Application
SPRINT SPaceborne Radar INterferometric Techniques for Humanitarian Demining Land Release STEREO 2 Past Shared cost
BUSHTICK Changing farming, bush encroachment, and tick-borne disease risk in southern Norway STEREO 2 Past Shared cost
BELAIR2013 Belgian BELAIR supersite and pilot campaign 2013 STEREO 2 Past Transversal support
BEL-GOYA Dynamics of river plumes from MERIS, MODIS and GOCI ocean colour data STEREO 2 Past Shared cost
EVA-3M Evapotranspiration: Monitoring at high resolution with MSG and Moderate resolution satellites STEREO 2 Past Shared cost
ReMEDy Remote Monitoring of tropical Ecosystem Dynamics STEREO 2 Past Shared cost
SIDSAT SIDSAT: Using the ‘magic’ of satellite images as support for education: Understanding climate change effects on Small Island Developing States (SIDS) STEREO 2 Past Application
GroWaDRISK Drought-related vulnerability and risk assessment of groundwater resources in Belgium SSD Past
GeoRisCa Geo-Risk in Central Africa: integrating multi-hazards and vulnerability to support risk management SSD Past
ANAGHLIA Analysis and ground truthing of hyperspectral and LiDAR images in Archaeology STEREO 2 Past Exploration
FLOODMOIST Flood mapping and soil moisture retrieval for improved water management STEREO 2 Past Exploration
GRAZEO Grazing suitability indicators from Earth Observation to improve buffalo-cattle contact risk models STEREO 2 Past Exploration
SENSAR Improvement of remote sensing products for soil moisture using ground-penetrating radar STEREO 2 Past Exploration
BESST Inter-sensor Bias Estimation in Sea Surface Temperature STEREO 2 Past Exploration
ESSENSE Mapping regulating Ecosystem Services using remote SENSing imagEry STEREO 2 Past Exploration
RE-LEARN Re-using field reference data in space and time for vegetation mapping: the potential of semisupervised and active LEARNing techniques STEREO 2 Past Exploration
SEASWIR Remote sensing of turbid waters in the Short Wave Infrared (SWIR: 1-3μm) STEREO 2 Past Exploration
SATHELI Synergy of very high resolution satellite and helicopter data for the spatio‐temporal characterisation of small water body dynamics STEREO 2 Past Exploration
HEATHRECOVER Remote sensing support to assist ecological restoration management after heathland fires STEREO 2 Past Exploration
Vi-X Study and monitoring of Virunga volcanoes using Tandem-X STEREO 2 Past Shared cost
VALI-URB Urban sprawl and ecological corridors: Consolidation of VHRS remote sensing methods STEREO 2 Past Shared cost
PROBA-VET Application of high spatial resolution vegetation information for large scale evapotranspiration monitoring PROBA-V Past
PROBASIM-LUC Effectiveness for Land Use Change Detection based on PROBA V Simulated Data PROBA-V Past
TICKRISK Assessing ecological suitability for the spread of Rhipicephalus (Boophilus) microplus in West Africa STEREO 2 Past Exploration
FIRE PROBA Burned area mapping and post-fire monitoring of Mediterranean ecosystems using Proba-V imagery PROBA-V Past
UNESCO-WATCH Development of an operational remote sensing monitoring system for the UNESCO World Heritage tropical forest sites STEREO 2 Past Application
FM@PROBA-V Forest Cover change monitoring with PROBA-V: Potentials and limitations on European Terrain PROBA-V Past
HISEA HISEA STEREO 2 Past Exploration
HYPERMIX Hyperspectral-hyperspatial data fusion and unmixing techniques to tackle the spectral-spatial resolution trade-off STEREO 2 Past Exploration
MORECA Monitoring of large scale small holder reforestation projects for carbon finance mechanisms STEREO 2 Past Application
VEGEMIX Multi-temporal Unmixing of Mixed Vegetation Systems: a Focus on Invasive Plant Species Monitoring STEREO 2 Past Exploration
GEOCOLOUR Preparation for Geostationary Ocean Colour STEREO 2 Past Exploration
PEACHZ PROBA-V Evaluation of Accuracy Characteristics in Heterogeneous Zones PROBA-V Past
PROCESS Processing workflows for thermal and fluorescence sensors STEREO 2 Past Exploration
ASIMUD Remote Sensing Data Assimilation in Modelling of Urban Dynamics STEREO 2 Past Exploration
SOC3D Three dimensional soil organic carbon monitoring using VNIR reflectance spectroscopic techniques STEREO 2 Past Exploration
COBIMFO Congo Biodiversity Initiative SSD Past
Be-REDD-I Development of Belgian REDD Informations Systems SSD Past
CONGORIVES Mapping the Congo River BILATERAL Past
HYPERFOREST Advanced airborne hyperspectral remote sensing to support forest management STEREO 2 Past Thematic network
APLADYN Anthropogenic and physical landscape dynamics in large fluvial systems STEREO 2 Past Thematic network
BIOHYPE Biomonitoring of urban habitat quality with airborne hyperspectral observations STEREO 2 Past Thematic network
VEGECLIM Integrating SPOT-VEGETATION 10-yr Time Series and Land-Surface Modelling to Forecast the Terrestrial Carbon Dynamics in a Changing Climate STEREO 2 Past Thematic network
JELLYFOR Jellyfish forecasting service based on Earth Observation STEREO 2 Past Application
FOMO Remote sensing of the forest transition and its ecosystem impacts in mountain environments STEREO 2 Past Thematic network
ENDELEO/OPS Support to remote sensing based services in Kenya to assess the impact of conservation policy measures and drought on East African ecosystems STEREO 2 Past Application
WWW2 World Wide Watch by Earth Observation Services - Phase II STEREO 2 Past Application
ADASCIS Earth Observation to support Agricultural Damages Assessment System in Crop Insurance Schemes STEREO 2 Past Application
EPIDEMOIST Improving epidemiological modelling using satellite derived soil moisture proxies STEREO 2 Past Application
INSHORE Integration of optical and acoustic remote sensing data over the backshore-foreshore-nearshore continuum, a case study in Oostende STEREO 2 Past Application
MICAS Monitoring Inland and Coastal waters with the APEX Sensor STEREO 2 Past Exploration
MULTITICK Multiscale and multisensor modeling of the spatial distribution of tick-borne diseases STEREO 2 Past Exploration
POPSATER Population estimation by remote sensing STEREO 2 Past Application
MUSAR Study on Multistatic opportunistic SAR STEREO 2 Past Exploration
WAVARS Web-based assessment of operator performance and variability in remote sensing image analysis STEREO 2 Past Exploration
CALAKMUL Development and use of a 4D Geographic Information System to support the conservation of the Calakmul site (Mexico) WHP Past
WWW World Wide Watch by Earth Observation Services STEREO 2 Past Application
FRAC-WECO Flux-based Risk Assessment of the Impact of Contaminants on Water resources and Ecosystems SSD Past
HABISTAT A classification framework for habitat status reporting with remote sensing methods STEREO 2 Past Exploration
ENDELEO Development of a remote sensing derived tool to assess the impact of conservation policy measures and drought on East African ecosystems STEREO 2 Past Application
ECOSEG Development of a spatio-temporal segmentation algorithm for satellite time series to monitor forest condition STEREO 2 Past Exploration
DYNMAP Dynamic predictive mapping using multi-sensor data fusion - demonstration for malaria vector habitat STEREO 2 Past Exploration
GLOBAM Global Agricultural Monitoring systems by integration of earth observation and modelling techniques STEREO 2 Past Thematic network
HYDRASENS Integrating radar remote sensing, hydrologic and hydraulic modeling for surface water management STEREO 2 Past Thematic network
MAMUD Measuring and modeling urban dynamics: impact on quality of life and hydrology STEREO 2 Past Thematic network
MOCA MOnitoring soil organic CArbon in croplands using Imaging Spectroscopy STEREO 2 Past Exploration
BELCOLOUR-2 Optical remote sensing of marine, coastal and inland waters STEREO 2 Past Thematic network
RE-COLOUR Reconstruction of colour schemes STEREO 2 Past Exploration
RIMS Reliable Image Management Systems in support of urban and disaster management STEREO 2 Past Exploration
ALGASED Remote sensing for characterization of intertidal sediments and microphytobenthic algae STEREO 2 Past Exploration
RESORT REmote sensing for Seasonal and Overseas Retrieval of Total suspended Matter STEREO 2 Past Application
EPI STIS Remote Sensing tools to study the EPIdemiology and Space/TIme DynamicS of diseases STEREO 2 Past Thematic network
GORISK The combined use of Ground-Based and Remote Sensing techniques as a tool for volcanic risk and health impact assessment for the Goma region (North Kivu, Democratic Republic of Congo) STEREO 2 Past Application
VAL3D Promotion of research in the area of 3D extraction and the use of satellite data along with other spatially-referenced data ORFEO Past
SYNOPRA Synergy of very high resolution optical and radar data in forest mapping and inventory ORFEO Past
CHADE Détection de changements pour la mise à jour de bases de données vectorielles par classification ORFEO Past
EMSOR Automatic extraction of man-made structures from VHRS optical and radar data for change detection ORFEO Past
URMO3D Combination of satellite raster data and vector data for 3D urban modelling ORFEO Past
ASSIMIV Detection and description of geographical objects by matrix and vector information assimilation ORFEO Past
GEMITOR Multimodal Georeferencing of 3D VHR Optical and X-band SAR Imagery ORFEO Past
CARBIS Detecting soil carbon and its spatial variability by Imaging Spectroscopy STEREO 1 Past
HYECO Hydro-ecological modelling supported by spectral directional imaging STEREO 1 Past
MINPACT Information service from hyperspectral techniques for Environmental Impact Assessment of Mining and Industrial Activities STEREO 1 Past
TIRIS Measuring chemical pollutant gases in the port of Antwerp using imaging spectroscopy STEREO 1 Past
HYPERPEACH Modeling biochemical processes in orchards at leaf- and canopy-level using hyperspectral data STEREO 1 Past
HISMAC Object-based segmentation and biophysical characterization of saltmarsh vegetation using hyperspectral AHS imagery STEREO 1 Past
SAGALASSOS Airborne Imaging Spectroscopy and Laser Scanning; the Antique Town of Sagalassos and surroudings STEREO 1 Past
RAGALIRS The Raganello catchment: airborne imaging spectroscopy and laser scanning as an aid for archaeological research and site reconstruction STEREO 2 Past Shared cost
KABAR Monitoring of coral reef in view of sustainable island development. Case study using hyperspectral remote sensing: Fordate, Tanimbar, Indonesia STEREO 1 Past
ORMES Operational Remote sensing Mapping of Estuarine suspended Sediment concentrations STEREO 1 Past
CLIMFISH Climate change impact on the sustainable use of Lake Tanganyika fisheries STEREO 1 Past
WALMET Hyperspectral characterisation of lead dispersal from abandoned metalliferous mining in Wales, UK STEREO 1 Past
ECOMALT Application of machine learning techniques for ecotope classification based on hyperspectral images STEREO 1 Past
BRADEX Bottom Reflectance and Adjacency Experiment for Belgian coastal and inland waters STEREO 1 Past
HYNIM Hyperspectral derived nitrogen indicators for maize crop STEREO 1 Past
HYSAR Man-made object classification using fused polarimetric SAR and hyperspectral imagery data STEREO 1 Past
TIDESED Time-dependent changes in the optical properties of sediments detected with remote sensing STEREO 1 Past
POLINSAR Polarimetric SAR Interferometry STEREO 1 Past
EROCROP Analysis of the crop productivity - soil erosion relationship using hyperspectral data STEREO 1 Past
HYPERTEACH Development of didactical material on Imaging spectroscopy STEREO 1 Past
GLOBALWATCH Automated processing of optical time series for land surface mapping and change detection STEREO 1 Past
MAMASU Detecting man-made structures in urban areas using multi-spectral and geometric classification methods STEREO 1 Past
FORECAST Forest Cartography using very high resolution SaTellite data STEREO 1 Past
RANGELAND Remote sensing in evaluating the environmental impact of rangeland management STEREO 1 Past
HYPERWAVE Validation of classification techniques developed in Hypercrunch project under various conditions STEREO 1 Past
HYPERKART Vegetatiekartering d.m.v. hyperspectrale vliegtuigopnamen, toegepast op dynamische duingebieden, slikken en schorren STEREO 1 Past
BLUETONGUE Remote sensing and risk assessment of vector transmitted diseases: bluetongue STEREO 1 Past
GISproblem The GIS problem detector STEREO 1 Past
SUGRES Services for Urban Green Monitoring using Remote Sensing STEREO 1 Past
BIOPRESS Linking Pan-European Land Cover Change to Pressures on Biodiversity STEREO 1 Past
SAGRIWATEL Monitoring the status of the Walloon agriculture with remote sensing STEREO 1 Past
FLOODMAP The development of an operational system to support Flanders flood prevention policy STEREO 1 Past
ETATS Updating rate assessment system of topo-geographical data using space remote sensing STEREO 1 Past
SYGIAP -I Information System and Mapping of the five World Heritage Sites in the Democratic Republic of the Congo WHP Past
GEOSUCCESS Geosuccess Service Centre VGT Past
MOISGRAD Hyperspectrale teledetectie van vochtgradiënten: de invloed van infiltratie- en kwelgebieden STEREO 1 Past
VITAL Teledetection of vitality in perennial plants STEREO 1 Past
SCHELDT Airborne Hyperspectral Potential for Coastal Biogeochemistry of the Scheldt Estuary and Plume STEREO 1 Past
CONTAM Detection of contaminants in solid matrices and plants using hyperspectral CASI2-SWIR images STEREO 1 Past
OM Estimation of the superficial organic matter content of soils STEREO 1 Past
URBAN Spatial information extraction for urban regions based on hyperspectral data STEREO 1 Past
GRASS Use of hyperspectral measurements to characterise the vegetation of permanent prairies STEREO 1 Past
ASARTECH Advanced methods for SAR remote-detection processing STEREO 1 Past
GLOVEG Centre of excellence in remote sensing of terrestrial ecosystems dynamics VGT Past
HYPERCRUNCH Data analysis in hyperspectral remote sensing STEREO 1 Past
SPIDER Improving spatial information extraction for local and regional decision makers using very-high-resolution remotely sensed data STEREO 1 Past
BELCOLOUR Optical remote detection of coastal waters STEREO 1 Past
STEREOCROP Modelling crop growth based on hydrology and assimilation of remotely sensed data STEREO 1 Past
SG observations and geodynamics BILATERAL Past
Belgian and Chinese crop growth monitoring systems: comparison, adaptation and improvement BILATERAL Past
Basic and thematic cartography on basis of high and very high resolution multi temporal satellite images for the Kivu area (Congo) TELSAT 4 Past
Information driven registration of very high resolution imagery for the update of road databases TELSAT 4 Past
Integration of Ikonos data with existing data sources to monitor local impacts of rapid human disturbances and natural hazards TELSAT 4 Past
Integration of very high resolution satellite imagery within the cartographic channels of the Walloon Region: change detection on numeric orthophoto maps TELSAT 4 Past
The use of very high resolution data for the monitoring of vegetation and water urban areas TELSAT 4 Past
Assessment of the contribution of the MIR spectral band of SPOT 4 for the mapping of landcover: application to the delineation of built areas TELSAT 4 Past
Monitoring natural disasters and ‘hot spots’ of land-cover change with SPOT VEGETATION data to assess regions at risk and vulnerability VPP Past
Development of an assisting system for the integration of SAR and InSAR images for the Belgian Ministry of Agriculture TELSAT 4 Past
Remote sensing of land-cover change: investigation and design of a dynamic monitoring system in northwest China BILATERAL Past
City Promotion : Brussels seen of the sky (site Internet "Bruxelles vue du ciel") TELSAT 4 Past
Ghent seen from space: an extension of the website of the city Ghent TELSAT 4 Past
Global scale biome classification and estimation of biome proportions using VEGETATION data TELSAT 4 Past
Inventorying (un)built areas based on very high resolution satellite imagery, A quality controlled, integrated methodology adapted to Flanders' land planning and management policy TELSAT 4 Past
Potentials of very high resolution remotely sensed imagery for the elaboration and the update of "Large Scale Digital Mapping" TELSAT 4 Past
Detecting zooplankton streaks in salt lakes using high resolution water surface colour processing TELSAT 4 Past
Stimulation of cluster formation with a view to developing the Belgian market in earth observation applications TELSAT 4 Past
Stimulation of the formation of a cluster as regards earth observation for environmental applications of SPOT-Vegetation data with a view to promoting development of the earth observation market in Belgium TELSAT 4 Past
City promotion, seen from space TELSAT 4 Past
Detection of pullulation centres of Ips typographus in the mined forests of Bosnia-Herzegovina TELSAT 4 Past
Optical remote sensing support for a coastal zone Environmental Impact study TELSAT 4 Past
Production of a land cover map of Central Africa derived from SPOT4 – VGT Data TELSAT 4 Past
Contribution of VHR imagery to the characterisation of population, and more in particular of the carrying capacity for large wild herbivores in the forests of the Walloon region TELSAT 4 Past
PARADIS Planning, assistance and research activities for demining, based on images from the satellite TELSAT 4 Past
Study of sediment plumes in large deltasystems by groundtruth and remote sensing data TELSAT 4 Past
Surface soil moisture from SSM/I Imagery TELSAT 4 Past
Cartography of microclimatic zones using a DEM made from ERS radar imagery TELSAT 4 Past
Change detection in satellite image sequences for Minefield Delineation TELSAT 4 Past
Investigation by satellite imagery of parameters determining the vulnerability of dykes in Vietnam TELSAT 4 Past
Potential integration of VEGETATION data in early warning systems used in the Sahel region TELSAT 4 Past
Forecasting of available forage in quantity and quality for the establishment of a feeding strategy at the farm and regional scale TELSAT 4 Past
Methodological contribution to the interpretation of VGT data for multifarious, rugged countrysides and operational implementation in Central-Eastern Africa. TELSAT 4 Past
Capacity building for sustainable development: establishment and application of a geographical information system to support sustainable coastal zone management in North Vietnam TELSAT 4 Past
Terrestrial tides and movement of the pole BILATERAL Past
SABRES Services to Agribusiness by Remote Sensing TELSAT 4 Past
ARIOS 2 Assisted Land Cover Recognition and Interpretation (phase 2) TELSAT 4 Past
Automatic spatial matching of multi sensor data TELSAT 4 Past
ECOSAR II Biophysical characterisation of tropical ecosystems by space borne SAR remote sensing TELSAT 4 Past
Catchment scale root zone soil moisture content from satellite radar observations (incl. A module on Geostatistical image processing for upscaling of SAR derived soil moisture patterns) TELSAT 4 Past
Derivation of land-cover change data and their assimilation in ecosystem models IA TELSAT 4 Past
Derivation of land-cover change data and their assimilation in ecosystem models IB TELSAT 4 Past
Derivation of land-cover change data and their assimilation in ecosystem models IIB TELSAT 4 Past
Imaging radar for mapping and monitoring of wetland ecosystems in the Chad Basin TELSAT 4 Past
InSAR Baseline Combination for Topographical Phase Reference Generation TELSAT 4 Past
Region-specific optical remote sensing for coastal zone applications TELSAT 4 Past
Adaptation of the European crop growth monitoring system to the Belgian conditions TELSAT 4 Past
Environmental risk mapping in the Wadi Mujib-canyon (Jordan), based on Russian stereoscope KFA-350 satellite imagery TELSAT 4 Past
Development of a forage production forecasting system (quantity and quality) in support of a foodstrategy on scale of the agriculture region TELSAT 4 Past
Management of forage resources and fires in extensive cattle breeding in natural savannahs TELSAT 4 Past
Contribution of remote sensing techniques to monitoring and supporting of a durable control of animal trypanosomosis in Togo TELSAT 4 Past
Development of a decision tool based upon the use of remote sensing and GIS for the site planning and the management of refugees camps taking into account the environment. TELSAT 4 Past
Use of remotely satellite data for the decennial updating of the statistical sector division of Belgium TELSAT 4 Past
Detection of soil moisture by remote sensing and prone karst collapse areas (Tournaisis) TELSAT 4 Past
Remote Sensing and soil moisture assessment for karst collapse prevention (tournaisis) TELSAT 4 Past
Use of satellite imagery to reduce the risks of flooding in the Ourthe river valley TELSAT 4 Past
Economical study considering the Belgian Remote Sensing Market development TELSAT 4 Past
Contribution of SAR (RADARSAT) and AVNIR (ADEOS) images to the study of bathymetry and wave field in the Bay of Hai Phong (Vietnam) TELSAT 4 Past
Use of very high resolution imagery for control and updating of legal land occupation maps in urban areas TELSAT 4 Past
Advanced contextual image processing of satellite imagery for land planning and management in cross border areas TELSAT 4 Past
Integrated modelling of the hydrological cycle in a view of climate change SPSD 1 Past
Validation of radar interferometry applied to JERS-1 and RADARSAT TELSAT 4 Past
Technico-economical feasibility of the commercialisation of an instrument (C-fix) for the calculation of the net carbon exchange with the atmosphere in the frame of the Framework Convention on Climate Change (FCCC) TELSAT 4 Past
The study of salt intrusion land use and rice yield in the coastal plain of the Mekong delta (Vietnam) based upon field work, remote sensing and GIS TELSAT 4 Past
Upscaling of field-measured biophysical variables to remote sensing time series using geostatistics TELSAT 3 Past
Adaptive model based change detection in temporal SAR satellite image sequences TELSAT 4 Past
ARIOS 1 Assisted Land Cover Recognition and Interpretation (phase 1) TELSAT 4 Past
Biogeochemical cycles of Forest Ecosystems Related to Global Change and Sustainable Development SPSD 1 Past
ECOSAR I Biophysical characterisation of tropical ecosystems by spaceborne synthetic aperture radar remote sensing TELSAT 4 Past
Development and launching at the national scale of a multi uses database combining aerial photographs and satellite imagery TELSAT 4 Past
Development of assimilation schemes for soil moisture profiles using remotely sensed data TELSAT 4 Past
Experimental studies of atmospheric changes SPSD 1 Past
Land-cover classification and estimation of land-cover proportions at a global scale TELSAT 4 Past
Recent ENSO and Paleo-ENSO of the last 1000 years in lake Tanganyika SPSD 1 Past
The carbon cycle and the future level of atmospheric CO2 SPSD 1 Past
The multicoloured North Sea TELSAT 4 Past
Land cover changes in Africa : Multitemporal change vector analysis at coarse scale and change processes categorisation with high spatial resolution data VPP Past
Implementation of a www site presenting Liège viewed from space using satellite imagery TELSAT 4 Past
Poster Across Africa TELSAT 4 Past
Poster Deserts of the world TELSAT 4 Past
Poster Silk Roads TELSAT 4 Past
Development of a soil moisture SAR inversion model TELSAT 3 Past
Remote sensing and hydrological modelling for land and water resources management in the Karst regions of Guizhou province BILATERAL Past
Application of RS and GIS to assess malaria incidence (Vietnam) TELSAT 3 Past
Contribution of remote sensing to the organisation of medical assistance TELSAT 3 Past
Contribution of satellite images to the detection and characterisation of frontsystems in the North Sea TELSAT 3 Past
Development of a basis information layer for the monitoring and cartography of a rural area in Flanders TELSAT 3 Past
A study on the spatial distribution of classification accuracy TELSAT 3 Past
Development of an electromagnetic inversion model for forests TELSAT 3 Past
Modelling of land degradation via artificial neural networks TELSAT 3 Past
Use of satellite images and GIS for project- and impactstudies of the NGO OXFAM TELSAT 3 Past
A database and network service for tropical vegetation in Central Africa TELSAT 3 Past
Determination and updating of conurbation boundaries TELSAT 3 Past
The use of SPOT imagery to monitor the plant Chromolena and to evaluate biodiversity in African forests with SPOT TELSAT 3 Past
Information extraction for the Tele Atlas "Street Network Database" using KOSMOS satellite images TELSAT 3 Past
Installation of a WWW server on Belnet for the vulgarisation of the use of SPOT images TELSAT 3 Past
TREES-program: "Tropical forest experiment for seasonality modelling of the tropical forest" TELSAT 3 Past
Study of the dispersion of fresh water (from the Scheldt and the Rhine/Meuse) by the interpretation of images from NOAA AVHRR, ERS-1/2 ATSR and ERS-1/2 SAR TELSAT 3 Past
Design and implementation of an urban geographical information system (Hangzhou) integrating remote sensing techniques BILATERAL Past
Determination of spatial characteristics of soil moisture in rural areas by means of ERS1/2 and JERS SAR data and hydrologic modelling TELSAT 3 Past
Development of an educational photogrammetric package for digital aerial photographs and satellite images BILATERAL Past
Potential use of ERS-SAR.PRI data to discriminate natural and degraded woody vegetation types in Central Africa TELSAT 3 Past
Research on the capabilities of ERS-SAR for monitoring of land use changes in the Neotropics TELSAT 3 Past
Interferometry radar: MNT and geodesy. Three complementary approaches for the neotectonic study an the evaluation of seismic risks TELSAT 3 Past
Multitemporal SAR data for crop monitoring – signal modelling and analysis of biophysical variables dynamic TELSAT 3 Past
Study of altimetric and scatterometric responses to non-fully developed seas TELSAT 3 Past
Study of the microwave signature of bare soils with regard to soil moisture TELSAT 3 Past
"Environmental accounting" of mangrove ecosystems TELSAT 3 Past
Classification of clouds by visible and IR Meteosat images TELSAT 3 Past
Soil salinity and waterlogging in agricultural lands TELSAT 3 Past
Use of satellite imagery for the monitoring of elements and structure of the landscape for regional planning TELSAT 3 Past
Use of Remote Sensing Technology for the search of copper deposits in Henan province BILATERAL Past
ERS 1 monitoring of forest resources TELSAT 3 Past
ERS1 SAR application potential to flood monitoring in the Walloon region TELSAT 3 Past
Natural risk evaluation by using RS : ERS data lineaments research in the Pastaza Basin Ecuador TELSAT 3 Past
Observation of the Equatorial forest with ERS-1 SAR TELSAT 3 Past
RS in an integrated system for agriculture management and control TELSAT 3 Past
Study of river plume fronts by Synthetic Aperture Radar (SARr) imagery with application to the Rhine – Meuse plume TELSAT 3 Past
Integrated information system for the hydrological management in the Walloon region: digital cartography, use of satellite imagery and modelling TELSAT 3 Past
Updating of a forest database BILATERAL Past
Updating of topographic maps by using KOSMOS and SPOT imagery BILATERAL Past
Project UN Map : speedy cartography of areas under Belgian responsibility TELSAT 3 Past
A new compositing method : MC-FUME VPP Past
Agricultural land inventory in Africa: comparison of 4 different survey methods TELSAT 2 Past
Agricultural production and plant pathology TELSAT 2 Past
Agrohydrology and remote sensing TELSAT 2 Past
Analysis of agro-pastoral systems in regions suffering from environmental degradation TELSAT 2 Past
Analysis of the interaction between radar retrodiffusion and the state-of-the-ground surface TELSAT 3 Past
Cartography of geological structures via RS (Walloon test sites) TELSAT 2 Past
Cartography of lowland valleys in Africa via remote sensing TELSAT 2 Past
Cities and urban regions in developing countries TELSAT 2 Past
Contribution of data from radar and IR sensors for the survey of oceanic coastal phenomena TELSAT 3 Past
Correlation between meteomarine data and beach sediments dynamics: contribution of the teledetection (ERS1) TELSAT 2 Past
Creation of a VEGETATION compatible NOAA-AVHRR archive VPP Past
Crop inventory and land use / microwave approach TELSAT 2 Past
Data processing in the field of coastal zone studies TELSAT 3 Past
Demographic estimates via remote sensing for a pollution impact study in Morocco TELSAT 2 Past
Demonstration of a standard Net Primair Productivity (NPP) product for the VEGETATION instrument VPP Past
Design and development of a module “spatial RS and urban management” (oriented towards developing countries) in an Arcview-GIS environment. TELSAT 3 Past
Detection of sea bottom topography on the Belgian continental platform TELSAT 3 Past
Development of a baseline information system as a supporting tool for forest management planning using RS en GIS techniques. Case study: Kayan Mentarang Reserve (Kalimantan) TELSAT 3 Past
Development of a modular professional educational programme for 'inventarisation and monitoring of natural resources by means of earth observation in general and VGT data in particular' VPP Past
Development of a spectrometer TELSAT 2 Past
ERS 1 demonstration and evaluation of radar interferometry TELSAT 3 Past
ERS1 & SPOT contribution to morphologic and bathymetric study of the North Sea and the Scheldt estuary TELSAT 3 Past
Evaluation of the potential contribution of SAR imagery to forestry applications and of its complementarity with optical satellite imagery in Costa Rica TELSAT 2 Past
Forest classification, weed biomass production and phytosanitary conditions of forests TELSAT 2 Past
Fundamental GIS research: error modelling in GIS TELSAT 3 Past
Geocoding SPOT XS image coverage of Belgium: evaluation and optimisation of rectification procedures TELSAT 3 Past
Identification of flooded areas with ERS-1 SAR imagery (Walloon Region) TELSAT 2 Past
Land degradation in the dry tropics TELSAT 3 Past
Landscape ecological mapping based on Landsat and SPOT imagery TELSAT 3 Past
Landscape typology TELSAT 2 Past
Lithologic and mineral identification TELSAT 2 Past
Main ecological and agricultural networks TELSAT 3 Past
Methodological development of cartographic applications TELSAT 2 Past
Microwaves and soil moisture TELSAT 2 Past
Modelling of satellite information for regional management planning TELSAT 3 Past
Monitoring disturbance patches and post-disturbance succession of natural vegetation in southern Africa VPP Past
Monitoring of the actual evapo-transpiration, estimated by satellite imagery TELSAT 2 Past
Monitoring the wintering biotopes of birds in the Flemish Polders TELSAT 2 Past
Multispectral satellite observations and mechanistic vegetation models connected to the global carbon cycle TELSAT 3 Past
Operational assessment of actual evapotranspiration from METEOSAT data TELSAT 3 Past
Operational exploitation of the SPOT-VEGETATION image processing centre VPP Past
Paleogeographic map of Malian Sahara on basis of NOAA satellite imagery TELSAT 2 Past
Processes of desertification : soil dynamics and geomorphology TELSAT 2 Past
Processes of desertification : types of vegetation and their evolution TELSAT 2 Past
WHP Remote Sensing and GIS in Support of World Heritage Conservation WHP Past
Remote sensing and land information systems TELSAT 2 Past
SAR image rectification using an interferometric DEM TELSAT 3 Past
STEM-VGT Satellite measurements and terrestrial ecosystem modelling using VEGETATION instrument VPP Past
Scientific and economic evaluation of Spot VEGETATION use VPP Past
Sea bottom topography mapping of the Belgian continental shelf TELSAT 2 Past
Sediment transport and dynamics of the coastline (Vietnam) TELSAT 3 Past
Sensitivity analysis of compositing strategies : modelling and experimental investigations VPP Past
Software development for image-processing TELSAT 2 Past
Spatial analysis and modelling of deforestation processes in Southern Cameroon TELSAT 3 Past
Study of cloud-dependent bi-directional reflection functions and directional emission functions by collocation of Meteosat and ScaRaB pixels TELSAT 3 Past
Study of Wilderness areas in and around national parks of north Botswana TELSAT 2 Past
The agricultural inventory of Belgium in 1992 TELSAT 2 Past
TREES-program: 'Relation between the architecture of tropical forest and its spectral signature at different spatial resolutions' TELSAT 3 Past
Tropical forest monitoring and management TELSAT 3 Past
Updating of road maps TELSAT 3 Past
Urban growth TELSAT 2 Past
Use of optical and SAR satellite imagery for archaeological research TELSAT 3 Past
Validation and improvement of the quality of the operational wave prediction model mu-wave by the use of ERS-1 satellite data TELSAT 3 Past
VEGETATION contribution to the desert locust monitoring VPP Past
VEGETATION data for monitoring woody vegetation in European landscape frameworks VPP Past
Volcanic hazard mapping in the Bulusan volcano area, Sorsogon Province BILATERAL Past