Remote Sensing Applications

Satellite and airborne images are being used in a whole range of applications.

Below you will find the projects that were carried out in the STEREO programme, organised by theme. For projects of previous programme phases you can find extracts from the final publication of each phase (STEREO II, STEREO I or TELSAT 4). For projects from the current phase (STEREO III) you can access our webstories. These are short, interesting articles highlighting projects that resonate with current events. Since most of our projects are multidisciplinary in scope, they might appear in several themes.

Water & Aquatic environment

Over 70% of our planet is covered in water. The coastal areas that border seas and inland waters host ecosystems that are especially rich, but subject to extreme anthropic pressure.
Remote sensing has become essential to better understand and safeguard precious aquatic and coastal resources.

Also consult our news items regarding Water or Seas and oceans


Seldom used in the domain of archaeology up until now, remote sensing is not only poised as an interesting technique to find out more about sites and therefore better preserve them, but also as a means to discover remains from the past undetected through more traditional methods.

Climate change

Climate issues are so extensive and complex that the international scientific community is increasingly being called upon to conduct research in a coordinated manner on various fronts in order to:

• to gain a better understanding of climate change;
• analyze and predict the effects of climate change;
• to propose measures to limit global warming and adapt to it.

One of the STEREO's objectives is to study the interaction between changes in land cover and climate change. Satellites are the perfect instruments for monitoring the interaction between oceans, continents and the atmosphere worldwide.
Other thematic projects address the impact of climate change in a wide range of areas: food safety, the marine environment, risk management, health problems, biodiversity, cultural heritage, etc.

Also consult our news items regarding Climate change

Global monitoring

Satellites are the ideal - indeed, often the only - instrument for studying world-wide processes, interactions between oceans, continents and the atmosphere, monitoring changes over vast regions, and acquiring new insights into how everything fits together. They are used to monitor vegetation, map land-use changes, measure ozone concentrations, monitor the temperature of the oceans, etc.
As such, they offer policymakers information necessary for making the right decisions for a sustainable development of our planet. 

Also consult our news items regarding Global monitoring