
Title STEREO Event
AFRO-CARDS: African Forest RecOvery and CARbon Dynamics monitoring through remote Sensing Belgian Earth Observation Day 2024
BEAM: BElgian Ammonia assessed using innovative Multi-scale Measurements and Modelling Belgian Earth Observation Day 2024
CROPWAVES: Climate impacts on crop losses : Using satellite data to foster food security Belgian Earth Observation Day 2024
DestinE_Core: Destination Earth from the perspective of the Belgian National Met Service Belgian Earth Observation Day 2024
EDITOR: Environmental hazards associated with lining activities in the topics Belgian Earth Observation Day 2024
EO4PEAT: EO for Understanding and Monitoring Changing Conditions in Tropical Peatlands Belgian Earth Observation Day 2024
FLOWS: FLOod crisis management With Earth observation Solutions Belgian Earth Observation Day 2024
Towards a digital twin of the terrestrial water cycle Belgian Earth Observation Day 2024
WAVETRAX Belgian Earth Observation Day 2024
CLIMATE-SPACE: ESA’s new climate initiative Belgian Earth Observation Day 2023
DEEPVEEG: Deepfaking ecosystem response to climate extremes Belgian Earth Observation Day 2023
ESA EOP FuturEOprogramme -Block 4 Belgian Earth Observation Day 2023
HERMES: Hybrid Estimation and Remote sensing Monitoring of Evaporation & Soil moisture Belgian Earth Observation Day 2023
HYPERNETS: A network of autonomous hyperspectral radiometers measuring water and land surface reflectance for satellite validation ... and more ... Belgian Earth Observation Day 2023
LACTOSE: Slow-moving LAndslides in Changing TrOpical landscapes: dynamics and hillslope connectivity from SpacE Belgian Earth Observation Day 2023
NORTH-HEAT: High resolution Marine Heat Waves in the North Sea: history, impact, causes Belgian Earth Observation Day 2023
ONEKANA: Earth observation-based modelling for making thermal inequality visible in African cities Belgian Earth Observation Day 2023
RAdCor: Remote sensing Adjacency Correction Belgian Earth Observation Day 2023
SNOWTRANE: Snow mass retrieval by training machine learning algorithms with EO data Belgian Earth Observation Day 2023
SuaBe: Surface albedo and emissivity for Belgian cities Belgian Earth Observation Day 2023
SWIPE: SWIR and drones for early detection of oil spills in ports Belgian Earth Observation Day 2023
The STEREO III and IV programmes Belgian Earth Observation Day 2023
Welcome - Opening of the day Belgian Earth Observation Day 2023
3D-FOREST: Upscaling forest biomass and structure to larger areas by combining terrestrial and UAV liDAR data - A case study from a tropical Savannah site in Australia Virtual Border-crossing Earth Observation Day 2020
Earth observation research: collaboration as a strategy Virtual Border-crossing Earth Observation Day 2020
Earth observation within BELSPO Virtual Border-crossing Earth Observation Day 2020
GARMON: The Garden Monitor Virtual Border-crossing Earth Observation Day 2020
GEOMIX: Geometric methods for non-linear spectral unmixing Virtual Border-crossing Earth Observation Day 2020
MODUS: A multi-sensor approach to unravel natural and anthropogenic controls on landslides dynamics in the tropics Virtual Border-crossing Earth Observation Day 2020
RIREMO: Very High Resolution Remote Sensing as an operational tool for the management of riparian area in Wallonia Virtual Border-crossing Earth Observation Day 2020
SNOPOST: Estimating snow water resources from satellite observations, NASA SnowEx aircraft and ground observations, and land surface modelling Virtual Border-crossing Earth Observation Day 2020
The FAO WaPOR database: remote sensing for water productivity Virtual Border-crossing Earth Observation Day 2020
The STEREO III programme and IGARSS 2021: News Virtual Border-crossing Earth Observation Day 2020
Towards harmonization of multi-sensor time series: the BELHARMONY approach Virtual Border-crossing Earth Observation Day 2020
UAVSOIL: UAV borne spectrometers for high resolution soil and crop monitoring Virtual Border-crossing Earth Observation Day 2020
ALBERI - Assessing links between biogenic emissions and remote-sensed photosynthesis indicators Belgian Earth Observation Day 2019
AQUALOOKS - Information on aquatic particles from multi-look remote sensing Belgian Earth Observation Day 2019
BELSAR-Science - Exploitation of the first bistatic SAR time series for agriculture and hydrology applications Belgian Earth Observation Day 2019
C-SNOW - Mapping snow mass in the Northern Hemisphere mountain ranges with Sentinel-1 Belgian Earth Observation Day 2019
EO-REGIONS-Science - Research in support to building a digital platform for Earth observation services in Wallonia Belgian Earth Observation Day 2019
EODAHR - Improved early warnings through Earth observation data assimilation and hydrological retrospective forecasts Belgian Earth Observation Day 2019
ET-SENSE - Potential of the Sentinel data stream to retrieve evaporation and soil moisture Belgian Earth Observation Day 2019
GENLIB - Developing a generic framework for library-based multi-site mapping of urban areas Belgian Earth Observation Day 2019
HYDRAS+ - Multisource data assimilation into land surface models Belgian Earth Observation Day 2019
INPLANT - Plant optical traits to characterize herbaceous communities and understand invasion impacts Belgian Earth Observation Day 2019
MAMAFOREST: Monitoring system for mangrove forests using optical and radar data Belgian Earth Observation Day 2019
MAUPP - Modeling and predicting African Urban Population Patterns Belgian Earth Observation Day 2019
MUZUBI – Advanced phase unwrapping using split-band interferometry Belgian Earth Observation Day 2019
PALMWATCH - Detection of Red Palm Weevil in palm trees with Remote Sensing Belgian Earth Observation Day 2019
SARSAR - The potential of SAR and OPTICAL Sentinel images for the automatic monitoring of redevelopment sites Belgian Earth Observation Day 2019
SAT-EX - A data-driven perspective on global biosphere–climate interactions Belgian Earth Observation Day 2019
SLUMAP – Towards scalable and transferable slum mapping Belgian Earth Observation Day 2019
SMARTPOP – New monitoring and forecasting tools for the Walloon territorial development Belgian Earth Observation Day 2019
The STEREO III programme: News Belgian Earth Observation Day 2019
TIMBERS - 3D Turbidity assessment through integration of multibeam echo-sounding and optical remote sensing Belgian Earth Observation Day 2019
URBANEARS - Urban Ecosystem Analysis supported by Remote Sensing Belgian Earth Observation Day 2019
VERSUS - Studying and Monitoring Open-Vent Volcanoes from Space Belgian Earth Observation Day 2019
3D-FOREST - Terrestrial Laser Scanning Belgian Earth Observation 2018 2.0
Automated InSAR mass processing using CSL InSAR Suite software for Multidimensional Small Baseline Subset analysis Belgian Earth Observation 2018 2.0
BUMBA - Belgian Urban NO2 Monitoring based on APEX Remote Sensing Belgian Earth Observation 2018 2.0
DIARS - Mapping, modelling and impact assessment of invasive alien species with remote sensing Belgian Earth Observation 2018 2.0
DRONESED - Drone based water quality monitoring Belgian Earth Observation 2018 2.0
HiWET - High-resolution modelling and monitoring of water and energy transfers in wetland ecosystems Belgian Earth Observation 2018 2.0
HYPERTEMP - Multitemporal monitoring of fruit orchard vitality with multisensory BELAIR data Belgian Earth Observation 2018 2.0
HYPI - Assessment of isoprene emission by hyperspectral data Belgian Earth Observation 2018 2.0
INTELLI-FRUIT - Simple and intuitive infrmation for fruit growers based on remote sensing and proximal sensing technologies Belgian Earth Observation 2018 2.0
iPot - Monitoring potatoes from space: from “iPot” to “WatchITgrow®” Belgian Earth Observation 2018 2.0
Lumos & UrbanEars Belgian Earth Observation 2018 2.0
Moulding a concept into a product: overcoming the pitfalls Belgian Earth Observation 2018 2.0
PONDER - Using metre scale optical satellite data for inland and coastal water applications Belgian Earth Observation 2018 2.0
PROBA4COAST - Coastal Turbidity Derived From The PROBA-V Global Vegetation Satellite Belgian Earth Observation 2018 2.0
PROSOIL - The evaluation of forthcoming satellites for mapping topsoil organic carbon in croplands Belgian Earth Observation 2018 2.0
RAPAS: Close Range Aerial Sensing of Soils for Improved Remote Sensing Products Belgian Earth Observation 2018 2.0
RESIST - Remote Sensing and In Situ Detection and Tracking of Geohazards: 4 years of landslides and volcanoes studies in the Kivu Basin Belgian Earth Observation 2018 2.0
SMARTPOP - Spatially plan the population growth in Wallonia and, in particular, in Liège for shaping the Smart Cities Belgian Earth Observation 2018 2.0
STR3S - Satellite sun-induced fluorescence to monitor transpiration: from ecosystem to global scales Belgian Earth Observation 2018 2.0
U-TURN: Understanding turning points in dryland ecosystem functioning Belgian Earth Observation 2018 2.0
3D-FOREST Novel in-situ 3D forest struture and biomass to validate air-spaceborne products Belgian Earth Observation Day 2018
BEETPHEN Sugar Beet Phenotyping in Breeding Trials Using UAV Belgian Earth Observation Day 2018
BELHARMONY: Harmonization of multi-mission highe resolution time series - Application to BELAIR Belgian Earth Observation Day 2018
ECOPROPHET Belgian Earth Observation Day 2018
EO_Regions_Science: Basic Research in support of EO_Regions! Belgian Earth Observation Day 2018
GARMON The Garde Monitor-mapping and characterizing gardens using remote sensing Belgian Earth Observation Day 2018
GEOMIX: Geometry in the mix - Geometric methods for non-linear spectral unmixing Belgian Earth Observation Day 2018
HYPERMAQ: Hyperspectral and multi-mission high resolution optical remote sensing of aquatic environments Belgian Earth Observation Day 2018
IFAD-WRMF: Remote sensing for index insurance in smallholder agriculture Belgian Earth Observation Day 2018
Luxembourg Earth observation and integrated applications day Belgian Earth Observation Day 2018
MIMO: Monitoring Melt Where Ice Meets Ocean Belgian Earth Observation Day 2018
MODUS: A Multi-sensOr approach to characterize ground Displacements in Urban Sprawling contexts Belgian Earth Observation Day 2018
MULTI-SYNC: Multi-scale synergy products for advanced coastal water quality monitoring Belgian Earth Observation Day 2018
REACT: Remote sensing for Epidemiology in Africa CiTies Belgian Earth Observation Day 2018
REFORCHA: Continuous satellite-based indicators for mapping subtropical forest degradation and its environmental impacts Belgian Earth Observation Day 2018
RiReMo: Operational monitoring of riparian zones in Wallonia Belgian Earth Observation Day 2018
RS4MODY: Remote Sensing Data For Investigating the Morphodynamics of the Belgian Multi-barred Macro-tidal Beach Belgian Earth Observation Day 2018
SMARTPOP: Earth Observation and Geospatial Modelling for Sustainable Urban Planning Belgian Earth Observation Day 2018
SNOPOST: Bayesian snow estimation under a vegetation gradient using SnowEx remote sensing data Belgian Earth Observation Day 2018
STEREO: THE 2018 CALLS FOR PROPOSALS Belgian Earth Observation Day 2018
Terrascope - Sentinel data on steroids! Belgian Earth Observation Day 2018
U-TURN: Understanding Turning Points in Dryland Ecosystem Functioning Belgian Earth Observation Day 2018
UAVSoil: UAV borne spectrometers for high resolution soil and crop monitoring Belgian Earth Observation Day 2018
BELAIR project introduction Belgian Earth Observation Day 2016
BELCAM : Belgian collaborative agriculture monitoring at parcel level for sustainable cropping systems Belgian Earth Observation Day 2016
BEODay 2016 - 00. Programme Belgian Earth Observation Day 2016
Big data analytics for Earth observation: what are the opportunities? Belgian Earth Observation Day 2016
BUMBA: Belgian Urban NO2 Monitoring Based on APEX hyperspectral data Belgian Earth Observation Day 2016
DIARS: Mapping, modelling and assessing the impact of invasive plant species on ecosystems through remote sensing Belgian Earth Observation Day 2016
DRONESED: Monitoring Water Quality in Coastal Systems with Drones Belgian Earth Observation Day 2016
HIWET: High-resolution modelling and monitoring of water and energy transfers in wetland ecosystems Belgian Earth Observation Day 2016
HYDRAS +: Assimilating multi-source remote sensing data into large-scale land surface models for improved drought monitoring Belgian Earth Observation Day 2016
HYPERCITY: Air quality biomonitoring in cities: a hyperspectral approach Belgian Earth Observation Day 2016
HYPERTEMP: Multitemporal monitoring of fruit orchard vitality with multisensor Belair data Belgian Earth Observation Day 2016
HYPI: Assessment of isoprene emission by hyperspectral data Belgian Earth Observation Day 2016
INPLANT: Plant optical types to predict ecosystem impacts of plant invasions Belgian Earth Observation Day 2016
IPOT: An innovative platform for the Belgian potato sector Belgian Earth Observation Day 2016
LUMOS: Unlocking STEREO’s algorithms with QGIS plugins Belgian Earth Observation Day 2016
MAMA-FOREST: Mapping mangrove forests with optical and radar environmental satellites Belgian Earth Observation Day 2016
MAUPP: Mapping and modelling urban patterns in sub-Saharan Africa through remote sensing and data fusion Belgian Earth Observation Day 2016
MUZUBI: Multi zone phase unwrapping using advanced split band interferometry Belgian Earth Observation Day 2016
PONDER: Exploiting very high resolution satellite imagery for coastal and inland water monitoring Belgian Earth Observation Day 2016
PROBA4COAST: Coastal turbidity monitoring with Proba-V Belgian Earth Observation Day 2016
PROSOIL: Soil organic carbon prediction in croplands by airborne APEX images using LUCAS topsoil database Belgian Earth Observation Day 2016
RAPAS: Close Range Aerial Sensing of Soils for Improved Remote Sensing Products Belgian Earth Observation Day 2016
SAT-EX: Sensing the impact of global climate and climate extremes on vegetation Belgian Earth Observation Day 2016
STR3S: Can satellite-observed fluorescence be used to map transpiration? Belgian Earth Observation Day 2016
The STEREO programme: the latest news Belgian Earth Observation Day 2016
URBANEARS: Urban ecosystem analysis supported by remote sensing Belgian Earth Observation Day 2016
Applications of Sentinel-2 and 3 in coastal waters and ocean colour Bright Side of Remote Sensing 2016
Big data to support European policy Bright Side of Remote Sensing 2016
BSRS Programme Bright Side of Remote Sensing 2016
Challenges for Monitoring the Continental Ecosystems in the Copernicus Global Land Service Bright Side of Remote Sensing 2016
Data Access to Sentinels and Contributing Missions Bright Side of Remote Sensing 2016
Integration of Sentinel-3 data in the Copericus Marine Environment Monitoring ServiceEMS Bright Side of Remote Sensing 2016
Integration of Sentinel-3 data in CMEMS Bright Side of Remote Sensing 2016
iPot- Sentinel-2 for Industrial Potato Monitoring Bright Side of Remote Sensing 2016
Sentinel-2 for Agriculture Bright Side of Remote Sensing 2016
Spatio-Temporal Monitoring of Deforestation Bright Side of Remote Sensing 2016
The Copernicus Programme and its full, free and open data and information policy Bright Side of Remote Sensing 2016
The Game Changer for Biodiversity Bright Side of Remote Sensing 2016
The Sentinel 2 Mission Status & Contributing Missions datasets relevant to Belgian users Bright Side of Remote Sensing 2016
The Sentinel 3 (A) Mission: Status and update on land and marine products Bright Side of Remote Sensing 2016
Use of Copernicus land monitoring service to support environmental policies in Europe Bright Side of Remote Sensing 2016
Advanced multidimensional high spationtemporal resolution DInSAR time series analysis applied to ground deformation… Dark Side of Remote Sensing 2015
AR-based monitoring of grasslands Dark Side of Remote Sensing 2015
Classical InSAR: example of application in various volcanic and tectonic contexts Dark Side of Remote Sensing 2015
Dark Side of remote Sensing Invitation Dark Side of Remote Sensing 2015
InSAR and Antarctic ice dynamics Dark Side of Remote Sensing 2015
InSAR Developments in Belgium Dark Side of Remote Sensing 2015
InSAR time series: the SBAS/PSI time series approach to study landslide movements Dark Side of Remote Sensing 2015
Keynote 1 - Copernicus: A New Generation of Data Sources Dark Side of Remote Sensing 2015
Keynote 2 - Satellite radar interferometry for operational geodesy: a SWOT analysis Dark Side of Remote Sensing 2015
Overview of the ground movements highlighted by the Persistent Scatterer Technique (PSI) in Belgium Dark Side of Remote Sensing 2015
Round Table Dark Side of Remote Sensing 2015
Welcome Address (BELSPO) Dark Side of Remote Sensing 2015
Welcome Address (D.Derauw) Dark Side of Remote Sensing 2015
Happy Bearthday - Introduction Happy BEarthday 2015: Belgium celebrates 30 years of Remote sensing research
Join the Open EO Science ®evolution? Happy BEarthday 2015: Belgium celebrates 30 years of Remote sensing research
Remote Sensing…in the beginning and later Happy BEarthday 2015: Belgium celebrates 30 years of Remote sensing research
Socializing the pixel: A short history Happy BEarthday 2015: Belgium celebrates 30 years of Remote sensing research
The Future of Remote Sensing Happy BEarthday 2015: Belgium celebrates 30 years of Remote sensing research
Unleashing the Power of Earth Observations Happy BEarthday 2015: Belgium celebrates 30 years of Remote sensing research
Agro-ecosystems mapping by low cost photogrammetry, based on UAVs Space4Food Workshop 2015
Challenges to feed the world: Role of satellite data for emergencies and early warnings Space4Food Workshop 2015
Global Mapping of Crop Area in support to Food Security Analysis using “Free and open” satellite imagery Space4Food Workshop 2015
iPot-Industrial Potato monitoring for the Belgian potato sector Space4Food Workshop 2015
Regional crop & irrigation monitoring: some examples of (new) opportunities Space4Food Workshop 2015
Remote monitoring of orchards: possibilities and limitations Space4Food Workshop 2015
Soil moisture mapping using ground-penetrating radar as a pillar to sustainable and optimal environmental and agricultural management Space4Food Workshop 2015
Space for Food Security Space4Food Workshop 2015
Space4Food Programme Space4Food Workshop 2015
The Use of Remote Sensing Data to Monitor the Impact of Agricultural Intensification at Global Scale Space4Food Workshop 2015
Today's Technology for Tomorrow's Farmer Space4Food Workshop 2015
Using remote sensing for detecting the global impact of climate extremes on vegetation and improving drought monitoring programs Space4Food Workshop 2015
Why tonight will change agriculture monitoring in the world? Space4Food Workshop 2015
Analysis and Ground Truthing of Hyperspectral and LiDAR images in Archaeology (ANAGHLIA) Belgian Earth Observation Day 2014
APLADYN STEREO II project: Urbanisation as a threat for heritage and archeology, the case of Cairo Belgian Earth Observation Day 2014
BESST: Using DINEOF in operational mode for correcting inter-sensor biases in sea surface temperature Belgian Earth Observation Day 2014
BIOHYPE: What can we learn from hyperspectral solar-induced chlorophyll fluorescence of urban tree leaves? Belgian Earth Observation Day 2014
Brussels Region (BRIC) "3D modeling of buildings in Brussels -Capital Region by combining stereoscopic images with LiDAR and vector data" Belgian Earth Observation Day 2014
ESSENSE: Assessing patterns in biodiversity and regulating ecosystem services using imaging spectroscopy Belgian Earth Observation Day 2014
European Space Sciences Committee : briefing Belgian Earth Observation Day 2014
Flemish Region (AGIV) "Image Archiving and Processing Chain GDI-Flanders, catalyzing innovation in operations" Belgian Earth Observation Day 2014
FLOODMOIST: Using SAR observations of floods in inundation modelling Belgian Earth Observation Day 2014
FOMO: Remote sensig of the FOrest transition and its ecosystem impacts in MOuntain environements Belgian Earth Observation Day 2014
GRAZEO: Grazing Suitability Indicators from Earth Observation to Improve Buffalo-Cattle Contact Risk Models Belgian Earth Observation Day 2014
HYPERFOREST: Combining LiDAR and hyperspectral data to support forest management Belgian Earth Observation Day 2014
RELEARN Belgian Earth Observation Day 2014
Remote Sensing Companies: Avia-GIS Belgian Earth Observation Day 2014
Remote Sensing Companies: Eurosense Belgian Earth Observation Day 2014
Remote Sensing Companies: GIM-Unlock value from imagery Belgian Earth Observation Day 2014
Remote Sensing Companies: Nazka Maps Belgian Earth Observation Day 2014
Remote Sensing Companies: Walphot Belgian Earth Observation Day 2014
Remote Sensing in Support of Public Service of Wallonia Activities Belgian Earth Observation Day 2014
SAOCOM-CS Belgian Earth Observation Day 2014
SATHELI: The potential of VHR remote sensing for fine-scale risk mapping of Fasciola hepatica Belgian Earth Observation Day 2014
SEASWIR: Remote sensing of extremely turbid waters: an evaluation of the SWIR spectral region Belgian Earth Observation Day 2014
SENSAR: Towards improvement of remote sensing data products for soil moisture using ground penetrating radar Belgian Earth Observation Day 2014
STEREO III Programme (adaptation) Belgian Earth Observation Day 2014
STEREO Toolbox (BEODay 2014) Belgian Earth Observation Day 2014
The evaluation of the STEREO II programme Belgian Earth Observation Day 2014
VALI-URB: Multi-scale methodology to map urban structures: classification of Pléiades images combined with existing geographic data Belgian Earth Observation Day 2014
VEGECLIM: Integrating 13-y series of daily SPOT-VEGETATION observation and land-surface modelling to forecast the terrestrial carbon dynamics of Congo Basin forests in a chnaging climate Belgian Earth Observation Day 2014
Vi-X: Study and Monitoring of Virunga volcanoes using TanDEM-X Belgian Earth Observation Day 2014
Workshop Programme Belgian Earth Observation Day 2014
An automated workflow targeting a pre-operational alert system in UNESCO WH sites (UNESCO-WATCH) Belgian Earth Observation Days 2013
Belgian Earth Observation Days 2013 - Programme Belgian Earth Observation Days 2013
Biodiversity Patterns Along a Climate Gradient in Panama (REMEDY) Belgian Earth Observation Days 2013
Changing farming, bush encroachment, and tick-borne disease risk in southern Norway (BUSHTICK) Belgian Earth Observation Days 2013
Deriving water quality from APEX imagery (MICAS) Belgian Earth Observation Days 2013
Drone Image Processing to Detect Small Water Body Dynamics for Fasciola Risk Modelling Belgian Earth Observation Days 2013
Dynamics of river plumes from MERIS, MODIS and GOCI data (BEL-GOYA) Belgian Earth Observation Days 2013
EPIDEMOIST-Improving epidemiological modelling using satellite derived soil moisture proxies-VECMAP Belgian Earth Observation Days 2013
EVA-3M-Monitoring evapotranspiration at high resolution with MSG and moderate resolution satellites Belgian Earth Observation Days 2013
Evaluation of the STEREO II Programme Belgian Earth Observation Days 2013
High resolution merged satellite sea surface temperature fields (HiSea) Belgian Earth Observation Days 2013
HYPERMIX-Hyperspectral-hyperspatial fusion and unmixing techniques to tackle the spectral-spatial resolution trade-off Belgian Earth Observation Days 2013
MORECA- Small scale reforestation in eastern DRC: the role of remote sensing in the REDD+ mechanisms Belgian Earth Observation Days 2013
Operator performance in remote sensing image analysis: the impact of human and external factors (WAVARS) Belgian Earth Observation Days 2013
POPSATER-Improvements of population estimate using remote sensing techniques for urban and rural areas Belgian Earth Observation Days 2013
Preparation for Geostationary Ocean Colour (GEOCOLOUR) Belgian Earth Observation Days 2013
Recent advances in the developments of Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS) for environmental mapping and monitoring Belgian Earth Observation Days 2013
Risk modelling for an invasive tick in Benin (TICKRISK) Belgian Earth Observation Days 2013
SPRINT- Spaceborne Radar Interferometric Techniques for Humanitarian Demining Land Release Belgian Earth Observation Days 2013
The BELAIR 2013 Campaign Belgian Earth Observation Days 2013
The Belgian Unmanned Aircraft System association: an overview. Belgian Earth Observation Days 2013
The STEREO III Programme - 1st Call for Proposals Belgian Earth Observation Days 2013
The use of remote sensing and agrometeorological modelling for crop monitoring, damage and risk assessment in Belgium (ADASCIS) Belgian Earth Observation Days 2013
Three Dimensional Soil Organic Carbon Mapping Using VNIR Reflectance Spectrometry (SOC 3D) Belgian Earth Observation Days 2013
Trimble UX5 - demoflight Belgian Earth Observation Days 2013
UAV: Overview of systems, applications and processing Belgian Earth Observation Days 2013
Uncertainty analysis and data-assimilation of remote sensing data for the calibration of CA-based land-use models (ASIMUD) Belgian Earth Observation Days 2013
Using unmanned aerial systems for the monitoring of Belgium forests Belgian Earth Observation Days 2013
VEGEMIX-Remote Mapping of Invasive Tree Species in Hawaiian Rainforests: Demonstrating the Potential of Hyperspectral Time Series Belgian Earth Observation Days 2013
ANAGHLIA - Integrated processing and ground truthing of hyperspectral and LiDAR images in Archaeology Airborne Imaging Spectroscopy Workshop 2012
APEX and LiDAR remote sensing supporting fine-scale forest management Airborne Imaging Spectroscopy Workshop 2012
APEX for heathland and coastal vegetation monitoring applications: first results and ongoing activities Airborne Imaging Spectroscopy Workshop 2012
APEX Sensor and Data Calibration, Flight operations and Higher Level Processing Airborne Imaging Spectroscopy Workshop 2012
BIOHYPE - Chlorophyll fluorescence of urban vegetation in relation to traffic exposure: a novel biomonitoring approach Airborne Imaging Spectroscopy Workshop 2012
ESSENSE - Mapping regulating Ecosystem Services using remote SENSing imagEry Airborne Imaging Spectroscopy Workshop 2012
FLOODMOIST - Flood mapping and soil moisture retrieval for improved water management Airborne Imaging Spectroscopy Workshop 2012
HEATHRECOVER - Remote sensing support to assist ecological restoration management after heathland fires Airborne Imaging Spectroscopy Workshop 2012
HYPERFOREST - Advanced airborne hyperspectral remote sensing to support forest management Airborne Imaging Spectroscopy Workshop 2012
Improved target detection in urban area using combined LiDAR and APEX data Airborne Imaging Spectroscopy Workshop 2012
Introduction Airborne Imaging Spectroscopy Workshop 2012
Littoral bottom mapping and water constituent retrieval in lakes using APEX data, the bio-optical model BOMBER and submersed artificial surfaces Airborne Imaging Spectroscopy Workshop 2012
Mapping the spatial variability of optical properties in Mantua lakes with the APEX sensor Airborne Imaging Spectroscopy Workshop 2012
MICAS - Deriving inland water quality from APEX imagery: Challenges and opportunities Airborne Imaging Spectroscopy Workshop 2012
RE-LEARN - RE-using field reference data in space and time for vegetation mapping: the potential of semisupervised and active LEARNing techniques Airborne Imaging Spectroscopy Workshop 2012
SEASWIR - Remote sensing of turbid waters. A closer look at the SWIR Airborne Imaging Spectroscopy Workshop 2012
SOC3D - Three dimensional soil organic carbon monitoring using VNIR reflectance spectrometry Airborne Imaging Spectroscopy Workshop 2012
Belgian Earth Observation Day 2012 Belgian Earth Observation Day 2012
Call for support to Stereo III Belgian Earth Observation Day 2012
HYDRASENS - Optimizing a coupled hydrologic-hydraulic model using remotely sensed soil moisture and flood extents Belgian Earth Observation Day 2012
MAMUD - Measuring and modeling urban dynamics: impact on quality of life and hydrology Belgian Earth Observation Day 2012
SATHELI - Synergy of VHR satellite and multicopter UAV for the spatio‐temporal characterisation of small water body dynamics Belgian Earth Observation Day 2012
The World Wide Watch project experience Belgian Earth Observation Day 2012
APEX – Airborne Prism Experiment Belgian Earth Observation Day 2011
ASIMUD: Remote sensing data assimilation in modelling of urban dynamics Belgian Earth Observation Day 2011
BELCOLOUR-2 - Optical Remote Sensing of marine and inland waters Belgian Earth Observation Day 2011
EPISTIS – Developing space-time information systems for Epidemiology: FMD contact risk maps. Belgian Earth Observation Day 2011
Global monitoring of Terrestrial ecosystem: challenges and opportunities Belgian Earth Observation Day 2011
GLOBAM - Outcome to bridge the gap between agriculture monitoring and crop modeling at regional scale Belgian Earth Observation Day 2011
HABISTAT - From hyperspectral images to NATURA 2000 habitat patch and quality indicator maps:results Belgian Earth Observation Day 2011
MAMUD: Measuring and modelling urban dynamics Belgian Earth Observation Day 2011
MORECA: MOnitoring of large scale small holder REforestation projects for CArbon finance mechanisms Belgian Earth Observation Day 2011
PROCESS: Processing workflows for thermal and fluorescence sensors Belgian Earth Observation Day 2011
Remote sensing based services to monitor vegetation dynamics in Kenya: the ENDELEO tool Belgian Earth Observation Day 2011
TICKRISK: Assessing ecological suitability for the spread of Rhipicephalus (Boophilus) microplus in West Africa Belgian Earth Observation Day 2011
UNESCO-WATCH: Taking the pulse of UNESCO World Heritage Sites including tropical forest Belgian Earth Observation Day 2011
VEGEMIX: Multi-temporal unmixing of mixed vegetation systems Belgian Earth Observation Day 2011
ADASCIS - Earth Observation to support Agricultural Damage Assessment in Crop Insurance Schemes Belgian Earth Observation Day 2010
ALGASED -- Remote Sensing for Characterization of Intertidal Sediments and Microphytobenthic Algae Belgian Earth Observation Day 2010
APEX status: Instrument Performance, Operation and Product Generation Belgian Earth Observation Day 2010
APLADYN - Anthropogenic and physical landscape dynamics in large fluvial systems Belgian Earth Observation Day 2010
BE-REDDi - Development of Belgian REDD Information Systems Belgian Earth Observation Day 2010
BIOHYPE - Biomonitoring of urban habitat quality with airborne hyperspectral observations Belgian Earth Observation Day 2010
EPIDEMOIST - Improving epidemiological modelling using satellite derived soil moisture proxies Belgian Earth Observation Day 2010
FOMO - Remote sensing of the forest transition and its ecosystem impacts in mountain environments Belgian Earth Observation Day 2010
GORISK - Monitoring of volcanic activity in the Virunga Province (N-Kivu, DRC) Belgian Earth Observation Day 2010
HYPERFOREST - Advanced LiDAR & airborne hyperspectral remote sensing to support forest management Belgian Earth Observation Day 2010
INSHORE - Integration of optical and acoustic remote sensing data over the backshore-foreshore-nearshore continuum, a case study in Oostende Belgian Earth Observation Day 2010
MICAS - Monitoring Inland and Coastal waters with the APEX Sensor: A wavelet Approach Belgian Earth Observation Day 2010
Monitoring of tropical forests using EO data: The TREES project of the JRC and Perspective of the REDD+ item of the UNFCCC Belgian Earth Observation Day 2010
POPSATER - New improvements in population estimate Belgian Earth Observation Day 2010
PROBA-V mission overview Belgian Earth Observation Day 2010
VEGECLIM - Tropical Forests Carbon Dynamics using 10-y SPOT- VEGETATION Time Series and Land-Surface Modelling Belgian Earth Observation Day 2010
WAVARS - The human factor in Remote Sensing: first results Belgian Earth Observation Day 2010
WWW - Earth Observation Products for FAO operational locust habitat monitoring and GIEWS agriculture monitoring Belgian Earth Observation Day 2010
ASSIMIV - GIS-driven analysis of very high resolution satellite images ORFEO Workshop 2010
Belgian Participation in "ORFEO" Programme ORFEO Workshop 2010
CHADE - Change detection for update of vector database through multi-level region- based classification of VHR data ORFEO Workshop 2010
EMSOR-GEMITOR - A Proof of Concept of Iterative DSM Improvement Through SAR Scene Simulation ORFEO Workshop 2010
ORFEO Workshop - Programme ORFEO Workshop 2010
Overview of Research on PLEIADES at MATIS laboratory ORFEO Workshop 2010
Pléiades HR for cartography of Risks in Real Time ORFEO Workshop 2010
Preparation of the Thematic Use of PLEIADES Imagery ORFEO Workshop 2010
SYNOPRA - Synergy of very high resolution optical and radar data for tree/forest mapping and inventory ORFEO Workshop 2010
The ORFEO Toolbox and Monteverdi ORFEO Workshop 2010
The Pléiades System ORFEO Workshop 2010
ADASCIS-The use of remote sensing and agrometeorological modelling for crop damage & risk assessment in support of the Belgian Calamity Fund Belgian Earth Observation Day 2009
CALAKMUL - Development and use of a 4D Geographic Information System to support the conservation of the Calakmul site (Mexico) Belgian Earth Observation Day 2009
DYNMAP - Mapping malaria vectors in South East Asia: combining remote sensing and ecological niche model analysis Belgian Earth Observation Day 2009
ENDELEO - Development of a remote sensing based tool to monitor natural ecosystems in Kenya Belgian Earth Observation Day 2009
EPI STIS - Integrating remote sensing data in an agent-based model applied to spatial epidemiology Belgian Earth Observation Day 2009
EPIDEMOIST - Improving epidemiological modelling using satellite derived soil moisture proxies Belgian Earth Observation Day 2009
EUFAR: Education and Training opportunities - Call for Transnational Access proposals Belgian Earth Observation Day 2009
GLOBAM - Agriculture monitoring by multi-sensors observations and crop growth modeling in Europe, China and Ethiopia. Belgian Earth Observation Day 2009
HYDRASENS - Monitoring top soil moisture through remote sensing to aid hydrologic modelling Belgian Earth Observation Day 2009
Imaging and Imagining the spatio-temporal variations of photosynthesis Belgian Earth Observation Day 2009
INSHORE - Integration of optical and acoustic remote sensing data over the backshore-foreshore-nearshore continuum, a case study in Oostende Belgian Earth Observation Day 2009
MICAS - Monitoring Inland and Coastal waters with the APEX Sensor Belgian Earth Observation Day 2009
MUSAR - An Innovation Project on Multistatic Opportunistic SAR Belgian Earth Observation Day 2009
POPSATER - Potential use of remote sensing for population estimate Belgian Earth Observation Day 2009
RAGALIRS - The Raganello catchment: airborne imaging spectroscopy and laser scanning as an aid for archaeological research and site reconstruction Belgian Earth Observation Day 2009
RESORT - REmote sensing for Seasonal and Overseas Retrieval of TSM Belgian Earth Observation Day 2009
WAVARS - Web-based assessment of operator performance and variability in remote sensing image analysis Belgian Earth Observation Day 2009
ALGASED - Remote sensing for characterization of intertidal sediments and microphytobenthic algae Belgian Earth Observation Day 2008
ASSIMIV - Artefact detection using image to map comparison Belgian Earth Observation Day 2008
BELCOLOUR-2 - Optical remote sensing of marine, coastal and inland waters Belgian Earth Observation Day 2008
CHADE - Détection de changements pour la mise à jour de bases de données vectorielles par classification Belgian Earth Observation Day 2008
DYNMAP - Dynamic predictive mapping using multi-sensor data fusion - demonstration for malaria vector habitat Belgian Earth Observation Day 2008
ECOSEG - Spatio-temporal segmentation based on subsequences of satellite image time serie Belgian Earth Observation Day 2008
ENDELEO - Development of a remote sensing derived tool to assess the impact of conversation policy measures and drought on East African ecosystems Belgian Earth Observation Day 2008
EPI STIS - Remote Sensing tools to study the EPIdemiology and Space/TIme DynamicS of diseases Belgian Earth Observation Day 2008
Fusion of SAR and optical data for landcover classification Belgian Earth Observation Day 2008
GEMITOR - Multimodal Georeferencing of 3D VHR Optical and X-band SAR Imagery Belgian Earth Observation Day 2008
GLOBAM - a Globally Distributed Agricultural Monitoring Experiment based on EO Belgian Earth Observation Day 2008
GORISK - A multi-approach tool for the volcanic risk management of the Goma region (North Kivu) Belgian Earth Observation Day 2008
HABISTAT - A classification framework for habitat status reporting with remote sensing methods Belgian Earth Observation Day 2008
HYDRASENS - Integrating radar remote sensing, hydrologic and hydraulic modeling for surface water management Belgian Earth Observation Day 2008
MOCA - MOnitoring soil organic CArbon in croplands using Imaging Spectroscopy Belgian Earth Observation Day 2008
New Methodological Developments CNES ORFEO Program Belgian Earth Observation Day 2008
RE-COLOUR - Reconstruction of colour scenes Belgian Earth Observation Day 2008
RESORT - REmote sensing for Seasonal and Overseas Retrieval of Total suspended Matter Belgian Earth Observation Day 2008
RIMS - Reliable Image Management Systems in support of urban and disaster management Belgian Earth Observation Day 2008
SYNOPRA - Synergy of very high resolution optical and radar data in forest mapping and inventory Belgian Earth Observation Day 2008
URMO3D - Integration of raster and vector data for 3D city modelling Belgian Earth Observation Day 2008
BELAIR - Litora: Coast and Biodiversity BELAIR Workshop 2006
BELAIR - Sonia Site BELAIR Workshop 2006
BELAIR 2015 project BELAIR Workshop 2006
BELAIR Hesbania 2015 BELAIR Workshop 2006
BelSAR : an Airborne Campaign for L-Band Full-Polarimetric and Interferometric Bistatic SAR Measurements over Belgium BELAIR Workshop 2006
DEMMIN BELAIR Workshop 2006
Programme BELAIR Workshop 2016 BELAIR Workshop 2006
Sentinel-2 Products Data Quality BELAIR Workshop 2006
Airborne Hyperspectral Imaging do's and don'ts Airborne Imaging Spectroscopy Workshop 2006
Airborne Imaging Spectroscopy Campaigns Questionnaire Airborne Imaging Spectroscopy Workshop 2006
Airborne Imaging Spectroscopy Workshop 2006 Airborne Imaging Spectroscopy Workshop 2006
Airborne Imaging Spectroscopy Workshop Roundtable Airborne Imaging Spectroscopy Workshop 2006
BRADEX: Bottom Reflectance and ADjacency EXperiment Airborne Imaging Spectroscopy Workshop 2006
BRADEX: Bottom Reflectance and Adjacency Experiment for Belgian coastal and inland waters - Abstract Airborne Imaging Spectroscopy Workshop 2006
Calibration of hyperspectral data for soil organic carbon determination Airborne Imaging Spectroscopy Workshop 2006
CARBIS -Using Spectral Sensors to Determine Soil Organic Carbon for Monitoring Airborne Imaging Spectroscopy Workshop 2006
Chlorophyll concentration of leaves and canopies estimated from spectroscopic measurements using the radiative transfer models Airborne Imaging Spectroscopy Workshop 2006
Classification of intertidal sediments based on biophysical characteristics obtained by imaging spectroscopy Airborne Imaging Spectroscopy Workshop 2006
GA-based segmentation and feature selection for the classification of AHS hyperspectral data recorded over salt marshes in Schiermonnikoog, The Netherlands - Abstract Airborne Imaging Spectroscopy Workshop 2006
HISMAC - Genetic algorithms for the segmentation and classification of hyperspectral imagery of Schiermonnikoog (NL) Airborne Imaging Spectroscopy Workshop 2006
Hydro-ecological modelling supported by imaging spectroscopy - Abstract Airborne Imaging Spectroscopy Workshop 2006
HYECO - Hydro-ecological modelling supported by Imaging Spectroscopy Airborne Imaging Spectroscopy Workshop 2006
HYPERPEACH - Modeling biochemical processes in orchards at leaf- and canopy-level using hyperspectral data Airborne Imaging Spectroscopy Workshop 2006
HYPERPEACH - Modeling biochemical processes in orchards at leaf-and canopy-level using hyperspectral data - Proceedings Airborne Imaging Spectroscopy Workshop 2006
HYRESSA - Towards an improved access to hyperspectral data in Europe - Poster presentation Airborne Imaging Spectroscopy Workshop 2006
KABAR - The Kabar project: Mapping of coral reefs using hyperspectral data: focus on bathymetric mapping; a case study: Fordata, Tanimbar, Indonesia - Poster presentation Airborne Imaging Spectroscopy Workshop 2006
KABAR : Mapping of coral reefs using hyperspectral CASI data; A case study: Fordata, Tanimbar, Indonesia Airborne Imaging Spectroscopy Workshop 2006
MINPACT - Remote Sensing of the environmental impact of industrial and mining activities - Abstract Airborne Imaging Spectroscopy Workshop 2006
MINPACT: Environmental Impact Assessment of Mining and Industrial Activities - Poster presentation Airborne Imaging Spectroscopy Workshop 2006
ORMES - Operational Remote sensing Mapping of Estuarine suspended Sediment concentrations - Abstract Airborne Imaging Spectroscopy Workshop 2006
ORMES - Operational remote sensing mapping of Estuarine suspended sediment concentrations - Poster presentation Airborne Imaging Spectroscopy Workshop 2006
SEDOPTICS - Classification of intertidal sediments based on biophysical characteristics obtained by imaging spectroscopy Airborne Imaging Spectroscopy Workshop 2006
Soil shadow assessment and its impact on soil reflectance Airborne Imaging Spectroscopy Workshop 2006
Study of the pulau nukaha reef system (Indonesia) using hyperspectral casi data: focus on bathymetric mapping - Abstract Airborne Imaging Spectroscopy Workshop 2006
TIRIS - Measuring chemical pollutant gases in the port of Antwerp using imaging spectroscopy Airborne Imaging Spectroscopy Workshop 2006
TIRIS - Measuring chemical pollutant gases in the port of Antwerp using imaging spectroscopy - Abstract Airborne Imaging Spectroscopy Workshop 2006
Towards an improved access to hyperspectral data across Europe (HYRESSA) - Abstract Airborne Imaging Spectroscopy Workshop 2006
Fonds National de la Recherche Luxembourg STEREO II presentation event Brussels 2006
Presentation of the new national remote sensing research programme STEREO II STEREO II presentation event Brussels 2006
Radiation Physics Group Research Activities STEREO II presentation event Brussels 2006
SAMAAV - Study And Monitoring of Active African Volcanoes STEREO II presentation event Brussels 2006
Cartographie des surfaces imperméables RS in Urban Regions workshop 2005
Constructie en gebruik van 3D-data RS in Urban Regions workshop 2005
Construction et utilisation des données 3D RS in Urban Regions workshop 2005
Détection des changements en milieu urbain RS in Urban Regions workshop 2005
SPIDER - Doelstellingen van het SPIDER-project + Resultaten van de gebruikersenquête RS in Urban Regions workshop 2005
SPIDER - Gebruik van satellietbeelden in verstedelijkte gebieden RS in Urban Regions workshop 2005
SPIDER - Geo-informatieprodukten ter ondersteuning van het stedelijke groenbeheer RS in Urban Regions workshop 2005
SPIDER - Invloed van bodemgebruiksgegevens op de neerslag-afvoervoorspelling in stedelijk gebied RS in Urban Regions workshop 2005
SPIDER - Kartering van ondoorlaatbare oppervlakken RS in Urban Regions workshop 2005
SPIDER - L'intérêt des images satellites dans nos administrations communales RS in Urban Regions workshop 2005
SPIDER - Objectifs du projet SPIDER + Résultats de l’enquête auprès des utilisateurs RS in Urban Regions workshop 2005
SPIDER - Utilisation d’images satellitaires pour des applications urbanisées RS in Urban Regions workshop 2005
SPIDER - Veranderingsdetectie in stedelijke gebieden RS in Urban Regions workshop 2005
SUGRES - Produits de géo-information pour la gestion des espaces verts en milieu urbain RS in Urban Regions workshop 2005
An operational method for vegetation mapping based on airborne imaging spectroscopy, applied to the Belgian dunes. Airborne Imaging Spectroscopy Workshop 2005
Analysis of the crop productivity - soil erosion relationship using hyperspectral data - Abstract Airborne Imaging Spectroscopy Workshop 2005
Aspects of Vegetation Monitoring in active hard coal mining areas using Imaging Spectroscopy Airborne Imaging Spectroscopy Workshop 2005
Aspects of Vegetation Monitoring in active hard coal mining areas using Imaging Spectroscopy - Poster abstract Airborne Imaging Spectroscopy Workshop 2005
Belgian Airborne Imaging Spectroscopy campaigns: an overview - Poster presentation Airborne Imaging Spectroscopy Workshop 2005
Belgian Imaging Spectroscopy campaigns: an overview Airborne Imaging Spectroscopy Workshop 2005
ECOMALT - Application of Machine Learning Techniques for Ecotope Classification based on Hyperspectral Images Airborne Imaging Spectroscopy Workshop 2005
ECOMALT - Application of Machine Learning Techniques for Ecotope Classification Based on Hyperspectral Images - Abstract Airborne Imaging Spectroscopy Workshop 2005
EROCROP - Analysis of the Soil Erosion - Crop Productivity relationship using hyperspectral data Airborne Imaging Spectroscopy Workshop 2005
Estimating peat (high-organic soil) moisture content using simulated HyMap reflectance Airborne Imaging Spectroscopy Workshop 2005
Estimating peat moisture content using simulated HyMap reflectance - Poster abstract Airborne Imaging Spectroscopy Workshop 2005
HYECO4 - Assessing a river floodplain status using airborne imaging spectrometer data and ground validation Airborne Imaging Spectroscopy Workshop 2005
HYECO4 - Assessing a River Floodplain Status Using Airborne Imaging Spectrometer Data and Ground Validation - Abstract Airborne Imaging Spectroscopy Workshop 2005
HYNIM - Hyperspectral derived nitrogen indicators for maize crop Airborne Imaging Spectroscopy Workshop 2005
HYNIM - Hyperspectral derived nitrogen indicators for maize crop - Abstract Airborne Imaging Spectroscopy Workshop 2005
HYPERKART - Imaging spectroscopy and Integrated Coastal Zone Management, a promising marriage Airborne Imaging Spectroscopy Workshop 2005
HYPERKART-Imaging spectroscopy and Integrated Coastal Zone Management, a promising marriage - Poster abstract Airborne Imaging Spectroscopy Workshop 2005
Hyperspectral retrieval of biophysical variables through inversion of radiative transfer models Airborne Imaging Spectroscopy Workshop 2005
Hyperspectral retrieval of biophysical variables through inversion of radiative transfer models. Solving the ill-posed inverse problem - Abstract Airborne Imaging Spectroscopy Workshop 2005
Hyperspectral Sensing Technology for Best Practice Mine Environmental Management - Dream or Reality? Airborne Imaging Spectroscopy Workshop 2005
Hyperspectral Technology for Best Practices MineEnvironmental Management – Dream or Reality? - Abstract Airborne Imaging Spectroscopy Workshop 2005
HYSAR - Man-made object classification using fused polarimetric SAR and hyperspectral imagery data - Abstract Airborne Imaging Spectroscopy Workshop 2005
HYSAR : Man-made Object Classification using Fused Polarimetric SAR and Hyperspectral Imagery Data Airborne Imaging Spectroscopy Workshop 2005
Introduction to AIS Workshop 2005 Airborne Imaging Spectroscopy Workshop 2005
IS-HS - Vegetative System Modelling Airborne Imaging Spectroscopy Workshop 2005
IS-HS Project: Integration of in-situ data and hyperspectral remote sensing for plant production modeling - Abstract Airborne Imaging Spectroscopy Workshop 2005
Mapping Mine Waste within the Rheidol Valley - Abstract Airborne Imaging Spectroscopy Workshop 2005
Mapping Mine Waste within the Rheidol Valley, Mid Wales Airborne Imaging Spectroscopy Workshop 2005
Mapping of aquatic systems using hyperspectral airborne data and a physically based process chain - Poster abstract Airborne Imaging Spectroscopy Workshop 2005
Monitoring of vegetation stress and water quality of the Sonian Forest Airborne Imaging Spectroscopy Workshop 2005
Monitoring of vegetation stress and water quality of the Sonian Forest - Abstract Airborne Imaging Spectroscopy Workshop 2005
TIDESED - Intertidal Sediment Characterization using HyMAP Imagery - Abstract Airborne Imaging Spectroscopy Workshop 2005
TIDESED - Time-dependent changes in the optical properties of sediments detected with remote sensing Airborne Imaging Spectroscopy Workshop 2005
Vegetation Scenarios in Support of Climate Change Applications Airborne Imaging Spectroscopy Workshop 2005
Water Stress and Chlorosis Detection in Crop Canopies with AHS Thermal Imagery and CASI and ROSIS Hyperspectral Sensors: Implications on Yield - Poster abstract Airborne Imaging Spectroscopy Workshop 2005
Water Stress and Fluorescence Detection in Crop Canopies with AHS Thermal Imagery Airborne Imaging Spectroscopy Workshop 2005
Wetlands delineation and characterization from CASI hyperspectral data Airborne Imaging Spectroscopy Workshop 2005
Wetlands delineation and characterization from CASI hyperspectral data - Abstract Airborne Imaging Spectroscopy Workshop 2005
Acreage Estimation using SAR Data Agriculture & Vegetation workshop 2005
Acreage Estimation using SAR Data - Abstract Agriculture & Vegetation workshop 2005
Agriculture and Vegetation at a local scale Agriculture & Vegetation workshop 2005
Crop type mapping and growth monitoring thanks to a synergistic use of SAR and optical remote sensing - Abstract Agriculture & Vegetation workshop 2005
Early detection of biotic stress in fruit orchards using statistically based hyperspectral analysis - Abstract Agriculture & Vegetation workshop 2005
ESA Earth Observation Exploitation Programmes Agriculture & Vegetation workshop 2005
European Agriculture and Remote Sensing: Changes and Perspectives - Abstract Agriculture & Vegetation workshop 2005
FORECAST - Use of VHR satellite data for forest cartography Agriculture & Vegetation workshop 2005
FORECAST - Use of VHR satellite data for forest cartography - Abstract Agriculture & Vegetation workshop 2005
HYPERCRUNCH - Early detection of biotic stress in fruit orchards using statistically-based hyperspectral analysis Agriculture & Vegetation workshop 2005
Integration of traceability and geographical information for the development of farm advisory systems Agriculture & Vegetation workshop 2005
Integration of traceability and geographical information for the development of farm advisory systems and the control of agro-environmental measures - Abstract Agriculture & Vegetation workshop 2005
Land cover, land use and landscape agri-environmental indicators developed during the IRENA Operation Agriculture & Vegetation workshop 2005
Land cover, land use and landscape agri-environmental indicators developed during the IRENA Operation - Abstract Agriculture & Vegetation workshop 2005
Monitoring of the Walloon agricultural state with remote sensing: project management and benefits for the department of agriculture - Abstract Agriculture & Vegetation workshop 2005
SAGRIWATEL - Monitoring of the Walloon Agricultural State with Remote Sensing Agriculture & Vegetation workshop 2005
SAGRIWATEL - Monitoring of the Walloon agricultural state with remote sensing Agriculture & Vegetation workshop 2005
SAGRIWATEL - Monitoring of the Walloon Agriculture State with Remote Sensing-Abstract Agriculture & Vegetation workshop 2005
SAR Image Processing for Crop Monitoring Agriculture & Vegetation workshop 2005
SAR image processing for crop monitoring-Abstract Agriculture & Vegetation workshop 2005
STEREOCROP - Crop type mapping and growth monitoring thanks to a synergistic use of SAR and optical remote sensing Agriculture & Vegetation workshop 2005
SUGRES - Services for Urban Green Monitoring using Remote Sensing Agriculture & Vegetation workshop 2005
SUGRES - Services for Urban Green Monitoring using Remote Sensing - Abstract Agriculture & Vegetation workshop 2005
A hyperspectral view of the North Sea - Proceedings Airborne Imaging Spectroscopy Workshop 2004
Airborne Hyperspectral Measurements and Superficial Soil Organic Matter Airborne Imaging Spectroscopy Workshop 2004
Airborne Hyperspectral Measurements and Superficial Soil Organic Matter - Proceedings Airborne Imaging Spectroscopy Workshop 2004
Airborne Imaging Spectroscopy Workshop 2004 Airborne Imaging Spectroscopy Workshop 2004
Can hyperspectral techniques improve estimates of carbon stocks in agricultural soils - Proceedings Airborne Imaging Spectroscopy Workshop 2004
CARBIS - Can hyperspectral techniques improve estimates of carbon stocks in agricultural soils? Airborne Imaging Spectroscopy Workshop 2004
CHRIS - The future of hyperspectral satellite sensors Airborne Imaging Spectroscopy Workshop 2004
Environmental Case Studies as Monitored by Imaging Spectroscopy Technology in Israel Airborne Imaging Spectroscopy Workshop 2004
Environmental case studies as monitored by Imaging Spectroscopy technology in Israel - Proceedings Airborne Imaging Spectroscopy Workshop 2004
Hyperspectral-based characterization of grassland for the control of agri-environmental measures Airborne Imaging Spectroscopy Workshop 2004
Hyperspectral-based characterization of grassland for the control of agri-environmental measures - Proceedings Airborne Imaging Spectroscopy Workshop 2004
Imaging Spectroscopy in The United States with the Airborne Visible and Infrared Imaging Spectrometer Airborne Imaging Spectroscopy Workshop 2004
Imaging Spectroscopy in The United States with the Airborne Visible and Infrared Imaging Spectrometer - Abstract Airborne Imaging Spectroscopy Workshop 2004
Mapping active fault-induced changes in soil and vegetation Airborne Imaging Spectroscopy Workshop 2004
Mapping active fault-induced changes in soil and vegetation - Roer Graben (Belgium) - Proceedings Airborne Imaging Spectroscopy Workshop 2004
Mapping mine waste using hyperspectral imaging spectrometry data Airborne Imaging Spectroscopy Workshop 2004
Mapping mine waste using hyperspectral imaging spectrometry data - Proceedings Airborne Imaging Spectroscopy Workshop 2004
Sediment characterization in ‘De IJzermonding’ using an empirical orthogonal function: application to CASI Airborne Imaging Spectroscopy Workshop 2004
Sediment characterization in ‘De IJzermonding’ using an empirical orthogonal function: application to CASI - Proceedings Airborne Imaging Spectroscopy Workshop 2004
Stress Detection in Crops with Hyperspectral Remote Sensing and Physical Simulation Models Airborne Imaging Spectroscopy Workshop 2004
Stress Detection in Crops with Hyperspectral Remote Sensing and Physical Simulation Models - Proceedings Airborne Imaging Spectroscopy Workshop 2004
The Compact High Resolution Imaging Spectrometer (CHRIS): the future of hyperspectral satellite sensors - Proceedings Airborne Imaging Spectroscopy Workshop 2004
The estimation of humification of exposed upland peat from HyMap and ASD spectra Airborne Imaging Spectroscopy Workshop 2004
The estimation of humification of exposed upland peat from HyMap and ASD spectra - Proceedings Airborne Imaging Spectroscopy Workshop 2004
Upscaling of spectroradiometer data for stress detection in orchards with remote sensing Airborne Imaging Spectroscopy Workshop 2004
Upscaling of spectroradiometer data for stress detection in orchards with remote sensing - Proceedings Airborne Imaging Spectroscopy Workshop 2004
Use of Hyperspectral Data for Supporting the Classification of Agricultural Land and Semi-Natural Vegetation Airborne Imaging Spectroscopy Workshop 2004
Use of hyperspectral data for supporting the classification of agricultural land and semi-natural vegetation - Proceedings Airborne Imaging Spectroscopy Workshop 2004
Water and Energy Fluxes in a Riparian Wetland Airborne Imaging Spectroscopy Workshop 2004
Water and Energy Fluxes in a Riparian Wetland - Proceedings Airborne Imaging Spectroscopy Workshop 2004
BELCOLOUR - A hyperspectral view of the North Sea 3d STEREO & VEGETATION meeting 2004
BIOPRESS - Linking pan-European land cover change to pressures on biodiversity 3d STEREO & VEGETATION meeting 2004
Evaluation of the MERIS Terrestrial Chlorophyll Index 3d STEREO & VEGETATION meeting 2004
Evaluation of the MERIS Terrestrial Chlorophyll Index - Abstract 3d STEREO & VEGETATION meeting 2004
FLOODMAP - Automatic detection of Flooded areas on ASAR images using OOC and ACA 3d STEREO & VEGETATION meeting 2004
Global Monitoring for Food Security (GMFS) 3d STEREO & VEGETATION meeting 2004
HYPERKART - Airborne hyperspectral remote sensing of the dynamic dunes along the Belgian coast 3d STEREO & VEGETATION meeting 2004
HYPERWAVE - Generic classification technique for Hyperspectral Data 3d STEREO & VEGETATION meeting 2004
Land-use/Land-cover Change Detection and Ecosystem impacts 3d STEREO & VEGETATION meeting 2004
MAMASU - Detecting man-made structures in urban areas using multi-spectral and geometric classification methods 3d STEREO & VEGETATION meeting 2004
POLINSAR - Polarimetric SAR Interferometry 3d STEREO & VEGETATION meeting 2004
Use of Remote Use of Remote Sensing Imagery for GeoTraceability in Agriculture 3d STEREO & VEGETATION meeting 2004
CASI Processing at the NERC Airborne Remote Sensing Facility CASI-SWIR Workshop 2003
CASI-SWIR Workshop CASI-SWIR Workshop 2003
CONTAM - Detection of contaminants in solid matrices and plants CASI-SWIR Workshop 2003
Estimation of Soil Organic Matter by means of Hyperspectral Data Analysis CASI-SWIR Workshop 2003
Evaluation of the potential of applying CASI/SWIR for characterising and discriminating semi-natural vegetation in upland Wales CASI-SWIR Workshop 2003
GRASS - Characterisation of grassland canopy using CASI-SASI hyperspectral imagery CASI-SWIR Workshop 2003
HYPERCRUNCH - Optimizing hyperspectral indicators for stress detection in orchards CASI-SWIR Workshop 2003
Hyperspectral remote sensing of the Western Schelde estuary - a summary of past and present UK-Netherlands operations CASI-SWIR Workshop 2003
Hyperspectral textural parameters and LAI from remote sensing images CASI-SWIR Workshop 2003
MOISGRAD - Hyperspectral mapping of riparian wetness gradients CASI-SWIR Workshop 2003
SCHELDT - Biogeochemistry of the Scheldt Estuary and Plume CASI-SWIR Workshop 2003
The Airborne Imaging Spectrometer APEX (Airborne Prism EXperiment) CASI-SWIR Workshop 2003
The use of rapid repeat-pass airborne data for the determination of water velocities in near coastal environments CASI-SWIR Workshop 2003
URBAN - Spatial information extraction for urban areas based on hyperspectral data CASI-SWIR Workshop 2003
2002-2003 Belgian activities in Earth Observation 2nd STEREO and VEGETATION meeting 2003
ASARTECH - Advanced SAR Remote Sensing Techniques 2nd STEREO and VEGETATION meeting 2003
ETATS - An updating rate assessment system of topo-geographical data using remote sensing 2nd STEREO and VEGETATION meeting 2003
FLOODMAP - An operational system to support Flanders flood prevention policy 2nd STEREO and VEGETATION meeting 2003
GEOSUCCESS - Global Earth Observation in SUpport of Climate Change and Environmental Security studies 2nd STEREO and VEGETATION meeting 2003
HYPERCRUNCH - Improve information extraction from hyperspectral datacubes 2nd STEREO and VEGETATION meeting 2003
SAGRIWATEL - Monitoring the status of the Walloon agriculture with Remote Sensing 2nd STEREO and VEGETATION meeting 2003
SPIDER - Improving spatial information extraction for local and regional decision makers using VHR remotely sensed data 2nd STEREO and VEGETATION meeting 2003
A MUltibeam Opportunistic SAR System
Belgian approach related to remotely piloted aircraft systems (RPAS) and their insertion into non-segregated airspace
Destination Earth from the perspective of the Belgian National Met Service
EDITOR: Environmental hazards associated with mining activities in the tropics